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Armed customer prevents armed robbery

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    Armed customer prevents armed robbery

    Gosh, it really does work!

    Originally posted by Skud View Post
    While I admire him for taking an action. I can also worry that he might have hit someone else depending on his skill with a gun.


      Originally posted by goldenfooler View Post
      While I admire him for taking an action. I can also worry that he might have hit someone else depending on his skill with a gun.
      I admire him too, and thankfully there was more to worry about the guy who tries to use his gun to break the law and do harm than the one who was likely trained to use the gun and protect himself and others. I assume it was a concealed weapon which requires a class, which conceal is new to Wisconsin.


        Originally posted by Quamin View Post
        I admire him too, and thankfully there was more to worry about the guy who tries to use his gun to break the law and do harm than the one who was likely trained to use the gun and protect himself and others. I assume it was a concealed weapon which requires a class, which conceal is new to Wisconsin.
        My worry is more being able to shoot under stress . Cops who train for it miss alot of the shots and unload a full gun, reload and can't even remember doing it.

        Good story about that in a book called Blink.


          Originally posted by goldenfooler View Post
          My worry is more being able to shoot under stress . Cops who train for it miss alot of the shots and unload a full gun, reload and can't even remember doing it.

          Good story about that in a book called Blink.
          The good thing about the concealed carry is the robber has no idea who could be carrying (whereas if a cop walked into the store the situation could instantly escalate, becoming as dangerous or more-depending on the situation). The element of surprise will certainly take the edge off the stress. Someone with just a bit of training should know not to go head to head with a shotty when armed with a pistol. They should also know the basics of paying attention to what lies beyond the target: do not shoot if your not sure. So if the robber has Their attention elsewhere....

          It is a calculated risk to draw your weapon. If the odds of death or injury are increased, don't do it. But in cases like this I am glad the guy had the option. It'll sure lessen the caseload of detectives when they just have to check hospitals for folks with gunshot wounds...and if the clown is taken out it'll lighten the load in the courts and penal institutions. If he is not he might have had a good enough scare that he tries other ways of making a living. In any case, it is good to see the criminal paying the price for a change.


            Originally posted by Skud View Post
            The good thing about the concealed carry is the robber has no idea who could be carrying (whereas if a cop walked into the store the situation could instantly escalate, becoming as dangerous or more-depending on the situation). The element of surprise will certainly take the edge off the stress. Someone with just a bit of training should know not to go head to head with a shotty when armed with a pistol. They should also know the basics of paying attention to what lies beyond the target: do not shoot if your not sure. So if the robber has Their attention elsewhere....

            It is a calculated risk to draw your weapon. If the odds of death or injury are increased, don't do it. But in cases like this I am glad the guy had the option. It'll sure lessen the caseload of detectives when they just have to check hospitals for folks with gunshot wounds...and if the clown is taken out it'll lighten the load in the courts and penal institutions. If he is not he might have had a good enough scare that he tries other ways of making a living. In any case, it is good to see the criminal paying the price for a change.
            I agree. I guess I just don't trust anyone else holding a gun or drawing it without constant practice(and having the frame of mind when to do things) I am also around NYC which can get a cop to your door in 5 mins or less. 2 people this week tried to rob an off duty cop and one was killed. I don't know about your area but every cop here must carry their gun with them at all times.

            The detective still has to go through all procdures even if the guy was killed.

            60 mins did a simulation about a gunman walking into a class room setting. The people who said they knew how to fire and draw a gun all failed (I think one came close) to getting his gun out, all others where killed.


              Originally posted by goldenfooler View Post
              I agree. I guess I just don't trust anyone else holding a gun or drawing it without constant practice(and having the frame of mind when to do things) I am also around NYC which can get a cop to your door in 5 mins or less. 2 people this week tried to rob an off duty cop and one was killed. I don't know about your area but every cop here must carry their gun with them at all times.

              The detective still has to go through all procdures even if the guy was killed.

              60 mins did a simulation about a gunman walking into a class room setting. The people who said they knew how to fire and draw a gun all failed (I think one came close) to getting his gun out, all others where killed.
              First of all, all the cops don't train to the point you mention. Not all military train to that point. As far as worrying about the guy hitting someone, That's part of the responsibility of concealed carry.

              I would rather have a heavily arm society that a crippled and vulnerable society with a well armed police force.

              Besides I don't know about your area, but some LE departments have taken the "Protect and Serve" off their vehicles. Colorado Springs has!
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                I wish more people would carry. I actually don't myself (not yet muwahah!) but a lot of other countries where people carry have less armed robbery/murders etc...


                  According to: Waffle House customer shoots, kills armed robbery suspect - CBS 5 - KPHO
                  ...He said Williams died as a result of gunshots to the head and chest.
                  Sounds like this CC holder spent quite a bit of time at the range and knew exactly where his rounds were going.


                    Originally posted by S-Man View Post
                    According to: Waffle House customer shoots, kills armed robbery suspect - CBS 5 - KPHO

                    Sounds like this CC holder spent quite a bit of time at the range and knew exactly where his rounds were going.
                    Chance of recidivism: 0


                      The lack of intelligence in the general populace makes me wary of saying "I wish more people would carry."

                      Lets expand that statement:
                      "I wish more competent people would carry."
                      "You cannot have 'slaughter' without having 'laughter'"
                      "If I had wanted to show off, I would have been a porn star."
                      "I have a 9in. tongue and I can breathe through my ears."


                        reading the article the guy seemed very good. He didn't just fire asked both to stop and give up. Very professional sounding.


                          Originally posted by Schultzy View Post
                          The lack of intelligence in the general populace makes me wary of saying "I wish more people would carry."

                          Lets expand that statement:
                          "I wish more competent people would carry."
                          Schultzy, that's exactly why anytime I hear someone say they are going to get a hand gun and CCW permit, if I know them to be someone that's not an experienced gun user I strongly advise them to ensure its what they want and express how it's not just a over night decision and how it is really a life changing event that requires strong vigilance on their part.
                          I express to them how yeah it sounds fun and it's their 2nd Amendment right, but I have grown up with guns and hunting and to get into it at an older age takes a tremendous amount of dedication and preparedness.
                          I don't try to talk them out of it, I just want them to realize it's the most important decision they'll ever make in their life which takes a lot of responsibility.
                          It's a shame how the majority of the population has changed from teaching their children about guns safety to what it is now. I'm hoping it'll come full circle and become an everyday thing a parent does for their child.
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                            Originally posted by DougBob View Post
                            Schultzy, that's exactly why anytime I hear someone say they are going to get a hand gun and CCW permit, if I know them to be someone that's not an experienced gun user I strongly advise them to ensure its what they want and express how it's not just a over night decision and how it is really a life changing event that requires strong vigilance on their part.
                            I express to them how yeah it sounds fun and it's their 2nd Amendment right, but I have grown up with guns and hunting and to get into it at an older age takes a tremendous amount of dedication and preparedness.
                            I don't try to talk them out of it, I just want them to realize it's the most important decision they'll ever make in their life which takes a lot of responsibility.
                            It's a shame how the majority of the population has changed from teaching their children about guns safety to what it is now. I'm hoping it'll come full circle and become an everyday thing a parent does for their child.
                            To true. I grew up with guns in our house, and I never even thought about getting one out, much less loading it. Teaching your children gun safety is extremely important, especially if you keep guns in your house. Plus, if they learn at an early age it will be more ingrained than if they learn it later.


                              The only way to keep your children safe around guns is to train them in gun safety. Otherwise all they know about guns is what they see on TV. And we know how realistic that is.

                              Where do you put the Bayonet?
                              Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                              I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                              Frank Lloyd Wright


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                                by Apache Warrior
                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

                                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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