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College Isn't Going Great....

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    College Isn't Going Great....

    Just wanted to update everyone about me being in college. I realized that you can be the smartest person in the world. Have enough intelligence to keep up with anything and learn quick. The only problem is the lack of focus. At the moment I'm looking at an A in English, B in math and a B in computers. Basically I have the intelligence to do all the work, but the problem lies with my lack of focus.

    I know for a fact that I can do better, but I get lazy at some points. My brain becomes tired and therefore even harder for me to pay attention to what's in front of me. The funny thing is, I can learn anything and I mean anything no matter the complexity. I may not pick it up at first glance, but I also don't say, "Oh this shit is complicated, I'm not going to learn this."

    At this point, I'm just ranting and talking about random things haha. I was wondering if you guys had the same problem through college. And don't say because of drinking and parties or sex. I'm talking about truely being distracted inside the head where it becomes so difficult to focus on what's in front of you. If you have, was there anything you did to fix it?

    I was thinking about getting Focus Factor rofl! Seems like a waste of money though.

    Originally posted by Nilesjones View Post
    At the moment I'm looking at an A in English, B in math and a B in computers...
    Ummm its your first year at college and those are your examples of bad grades? I really think you are doing fine...


      Not when I know my potential lol


        I know what you're talking about man! I can sit at the computer screen staring at the code and it's just not gelling. I mean it's like it won't come together and make sense to me, then I walk in the next day and I look at the exact same code and I see it right off the bat and it's makes such perfect sense and is clear as a bell to understand.

        I don't have any recommendations, I can tell you that classical music has been a life saver for me on many occasions. There is something about Tchaikovsky that makes my brain comprehend so much more and organize my thoughts better.
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          You know what your problem is and that's a good start.

          Maybe it's not challenging enough so you're getting lazy. Take it as a personal challenge to do better, not just skim along.


            I'd like to say that the kids that can focus will get better jobs once they get out of college, so its important to hone that skill, but in reality whatever jobs are available once you get out of college and whether you get hired is basically just dumb luck.

            I have seen people with less skills and experience get passed over for a job just because they weren't good schmoozers (butt kissers). I know because I was one, but eventually I lucked into the job I have, not because I was better than other applicants, but because there wasn't any pressure on me to get the job, since I wasn't expecting to get the job.
            Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


              The ability to focus is a learned ability, that can also be affected by other environmental factors including tiredness and boredom. Make sure you get plenty of restful sleep. Although you can not do anything about boring teachers.
              As DB says sometimes just walking away from a problem and coming back latter will make a world of difference.

              Where do you put the Bayonet?
              Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
              I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
              Frank Lloyd Wright


                Thanks for the advice guys and the encouragement. Unfortunately I can't take a break from a test and come back to it haha. That would be awesome though. But I do agree that being tired and bored is affecting me in a huge way.

                I definitely here you about classical music! That's what I normally do when I'm doing homework. Although my idea of classical music is turning on the Metal Gear Solid soundtrack and listening to it.

                Also, about the personal challenge of doing better and not just skimming by is an excellent idea! If I can look at it as that type of challenge, then I'll definitely try to focus more. For example, I have a test coming up in math. I'm going to study really hard to get 100% Then my grade will be boosted to a 91.. I hope anyway haha


                  my first year in college i partied too hard and lost my scholarship, so yeah i think you are doing just fine lol.

                  I think you are way over thinking it. And to be honest, depending on your degree, not alot of jobs really care about what your grade is going to be in the end. As long as you have that piece of paper saying "i have this worthless degree" then you should be fine.

                  I have a degree in "Arts in Communications". I studied film, theatre, and speech in college. Wanna know what my job is? I am a Marine Electrical Salesman lol. Believe me, over 50% of people who grad college have a job that has nothing to do with their degree.


                    You can't focus when there are so many things to do online!


                      adderall was my friend for finals week studying. Not saying its the correct way to do it (hint: it isn't) but it worked.
                      Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


                        Originally posted by Jeffro View Post
                        my first year in college i partied too hard and lost my scholarship, so yeah i think you are doing just fine lol.
                        At least 2 guys on my floor in my dorm days lost full rides (EVERYTHING paid) by doing this. Well, actually one of them just seemed to like the dorm a bit too much, and ended up shifting his sleep pattern from about 6am to about 8pm and missed all his classes.

                        This "genius" was go smart that they actually gave him two semesters until they took his full ride, straight Fs in both.


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                          In my faimly everyone I mean everyone has worse grades the first year. People with all A's in highschool went to B's ect.
                          If by next year you are having problems not getting your A's, then maybe cut down on the work load a little.

                          Also alot of the starter classes are actually way to broad and when you get into specifics you might do better.

                          Then again I went to the CIA(culinary institute of america) and sell cars now.


                            Originally posted by goldenfooler View Post
                            In my faimly everyone I mean everyone has worse grades the first year. People with all A's in highschool went to B's ect.
                            If by next year you are having problems not getting your A's, then maybe cut down on the work load a little.

                            Also alot of the starter classes are actually way to broad and when you get into specifics you might do better.

                            Then again I went to the CIA(culinary institute of america) and sell cars now.
                            Bachelor's in ancient history - currently an IT systems admin...


                              Wow guys... Wow. After seeing this, I might not worry too much about it. Although my goal has always been perfection which is why I worry about getting A's in school.

                              That's crazy that you don't get a job doing what you went to school for. At the moment I'm going to college to become an IT, but we'll see how that goes. I've still got a couple more years before I can say what I'm going to specialize in. There is so much that I want to do. I definitely don't want some random 9-5 job doing the same thing over and over again.

                              I need a job that will challenge me and make me learn new things everyday. Once I learn it all at one job I end up leaving. I haven't left fast food yet because I haven't learned everything there. Drive thru, grill operator, cashier... Those are just a few that I've learned. The only thing left really is learning to make sandwiches fast, but I don't think I want to do that quite yet lol


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