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The teeth of knowledge

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    The teeth of knowledge

    I just had those A holes pulled out yesterday. I am kind of glad I got it done in the civilian world and not the USMC, I hear that they dont give you anesthesia, and I know for sure they dont give you painkillers afterwards.
    But, I guess I had a fairly smooth operation. No swelling, and little pain, but I think that is from me chewing up those hydrocodones.
    But, I can hardly remember a single thing from yesterday after the operation, that anesthesia made me high as hell.
    If you have had this op done before, how did it go for you, mine seems to be going fine so far.

    i have a freaking hook at the end of them, i have one one out and took the doctor 2 hrs to get it out, was a painfull process...

    But what the heck i have to take all of them out!


      I had mine removed when I was 15, they were impacted and had to be hammered into bits and then the pieces removed. When it was time to do it, the dentist said "Look at the wall while we insert this IV into your arm". I explained that I had gotten over my hatred of needles and it didn't bother me. He said, "Just humor me and look at the wall." I looked at the wall, felt the needle go in, then he tapped me on the shoulder and said, "We're finished." I replied with "Hmmphhhhh" because suddenly my mouth was full of blood and cotton. I don't know what they put in that IV, but it was potent. The recovery was another matter, the Tylenol 3 (codeine) they gave me only relieved pain for about an hour at a time, and I could only take it twice a day. I was in hell for a week.


        Still got mine... The only problem I have ever had with them was when they were coming in... god did that hurt but after they went through my gums they have never been a problem. I didn't get them until I was about 16-17.


          Originally posted by Thrashdragon
          I had mine removed when I was 15, they were impacted and had to be hammered into bits and then the pieces removed. When it was time to do it, the dentist said "Look at the wall while we insert this IV into your arm". I explained that I had gotten over my hatred of needles and it didn't bother me. He said, "Just humor me and look at the wall." I looked at the wall, felt the needle go in, then he tapped me on the shoulder and said, "We're finished." I replied with "Hmmphhhhh" because suddenly my mouth was full of blood and cotton. I don't know what they put in that IV, but it was potent. The recovery was another matter, the Tylenol 3 (codeine) they gave me only relieved pain for about an hour at a time, and I could only take it twice a day. I was in hell for a week.
          When they were getting the entry port for the IV ready she told me not to look, but I love looking at that stuff, so I looked anyways and started talking to the two nurses who were doing it. One of them was cute and I guess you could say I was flirting with here while she was poking me in the arm. Imagine some kid laying there with an oxygen mask over his nose and you are sticking a needle in his arm and he is hitting on you. LOL
          But, that anesthesia, or whatever it was, omg. That is one hell of a drug.
          I remember the actual oral surgeon walking in and he was asking me about bootcamp. The last thing I remember was me saying " It was really fun" and then me, him and the nurses laughed. Then I remember being in a store getting my pain meds afterwards. Pretty weird.


            Mine were impacted too. Went really smooth. doctor tricked me though. Already had an iv in, he said "were going to give you some nitrous to calm you down" the nurse to your right will give it to you. I look to the right, have about 5 seconds of nitrous and black out. Dr. had pushed some anestheia into my IV line.
            Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


              I had them impacted and had to be broken up to be taken out. I had all 4 taken out at the same time.

              I didn?t have any side effects of the drugs though. I lay down, he put the IV in, I turned on my walk-man and then next thing I knew I woke up with a bunch of stuff in my mouth.

              Recovery wasn?t too bad though, I was lucky. I went home, took a nap, woke up, and was pretty much OK. Had some painkillers but only remember taking them the first day.

              I kept the teeth too. A few years later, in my freaky adolescence, I drilled a hole through the tooth bits (2 were broken in half, the other 2 were broken in 3-4 pieces) and made a necklace out of them. Was kinda fun to see people? reaction when asking about my odd looking necklace.
              [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
              So all you get is this crappy text]


                Little off topic but, has anyone else ever heard of novacaine being used as a "recreational" drug?
                A friend of mine got out of jail, and he was telling me how some guys were snorting it. I find this VERY weird, and have a hard time understanding how something like that would be done. Maybe a power form was obtained?
                But, isnt that insane? INSANE!!!


                  Both lidocaine and novacaine are drugs that were derived from cocaine. Prior to either being made, cocaine was the anaesthesia of choice. So I figure that if one can be in a powder form, the others can as well. We typically see the pharmaceutical version of the drugs, which are used by doctors, in a liquid form as having your patients snort a line a novacaine before an operation would just look really weird.

                  And it?s the same for heroine. Heroine is a drug that is derived from the sap of the poppy plant (yep, same one you eat on your bagel). The poppy?s sap also contains opiates morphine and codeine. The pharmaceutical opiates that are used in hospitals are synthetic ? ie not the same ones found in the plant.

                  Illegal drugs and pharmaceutical drugs have similar roots. Same reason why many doctors are looking at prescription marijuana and its medicinal effects.
                  [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                  So all you get is this crappy text]


                    Originally posted by BigTwinky
                    Same reason why many doctors are looking at prescription marijuana and its medicinal effects.
                    Marijuana should be legalized. Treat it like beer. You get stopped and you are high then you get a DUI. Besides... how many people get injured every year by a pothead compared to a drunk. I don't do drugs but I don't feel it has truly harmed anyone, and it has some medical purposes on top of that.


                      Originally posted by (DSP)-Bar
                      Originally posted by BigTwinky
                      Same reason why many doctors are looking at prescription marijuana and its medicinal effects.
                      Marijuana should be legalized. Treat it like beer. You get stopped and you are high then you get a DUI. Besides... how many people get injured every year by a pothead compared to a drunk. I don't do drugs but I don't feel it has truly harmed anyone, and it has some medical purposes on top of that.
                      To be fair, there are more drunks that kill people while driving that stoners mainly because alcohol is legal, pot is not.

                      But I do agree with legalizing it, but having the sale of it regulated by the government and via pharmacies only.

                      It reminds me alot of the old prohibition time with the booze and the gangsters. How many hits were made on rival gangs, how many people killed over the alcohol being illegal. It was a huge trade, with lots of corruption. Then they made it legal and most of that went away. And the criminals turned to sex and drugs. Granted, these are different times, and just because it happened in the past doesn?t mean it will go down the same way, but I don?t see why it wouldn?t.

                      It would also be another cash cow for governments.

                      Then they can turn their heads to prostitution. My wife is currently working on a huge campaign here in Montreal for violence against women, tied to the Vagina Monologue plays. One of the beneficiaries of their profits is a place called Stella?s house, a safe house for street sex workers. The lives of these women, which are mostly in there not by choice, is just plain horrible.

                      Ok, waaaaaay off topic. Sorry. There are just too many things going on in society that people are too quick to label as bad and turn away from.

                      So?uh?yeah? I like teeth!
                      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                      So all you get is this crappy text]


                        Originally posted by BigTwinky
                        Illegal drugs and pharmaceutical drugs have similar roots. Same reason why many doctors are looking at prescription marijuana and its medicinal effects.
                        As long as they don't let dentists start using it in place on the anesthetic they use now. It would be a very bad thing if the patient started giggling uncontrollably while a drill was in their mouth.


                          Originally posted by Thrashdragon
                          Originally posted by BigTwinky
                          Illegal drugs and pharmaceutical drugs have similar roots. Same reason why many doctors are looking at prescription marijuana and its medicinal effects.
                          As long as they don't let dentists start using it in place on the anesthetic they use now. It would be a very bad thing if the patient started giggling uncontrollably while a drill was in their mouth.
                          ROFL! Or get a sudden burst of the munchies and start eating all that weird floride stuff they clean your teeth with
                          [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                          So all you get is this crappy text]


                            Originally posted by BigTwinky
                            Originally posted by Thrashdragon
                            Originally posted by BigTwinky
                            Illegal drugs and pharmaceutical drugs have similar roots. Same reason why many doctors are looking at prescription marijuana and its medicinal effects.
                            As long as they don't let dentists start using it in place on the anesthetic they use now. It would be a very bad thing if the patient started giggling uncontrollably while a drill was in their mouth.
                            ROFL! Or get a sudden burst of the munchies and start eating all that weird floride stuff they clean your teeth with
                            The stuff they use to get a mold, you know that colored thick gel type crap? I find it feels really good, and doesnt taste to bad. I went in to the dentist sicc once, and I kept moving my teeth around on the mold and biting on it a bunch, and it totally ruined the mold. The dentist came back in and I told him I couldnt help it, so he started a new one and left. I was laughing so hard when he left the room. It was hilarious.


                              As this board is an american board, and due to the Patriot Act, all information posted can be seen or read by the FBI, I refuse to comment any further on this topic.
                              [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                              So all you get is this crappy text]


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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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