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Mega Companys

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    Mega Companys

    An interesting schematic....

    It is what makes this country, and breaks it. 10 companies controlling 100% of people lives.


      I hope your life does not revolve around those products.


        Some people see evil. I see jobs. The people who make those products for a living don't see them as evil. Seeing success and imediately assuming something is wrong is a perception that's being placed in our heads by those who support socialist's views. I suspect whoever made this schematic was one of those people. Notice how the arrows flow only one direction. The $$$ goes both ways.


          Cool chart.

          Seems like there would be the same number of jobs (or more) if these huge international corporations hadn't bought the smaller companies. Corporations are driven to add profit, not jobs.

          Still, right now, I'd rather see 5 guys hired by Pepsico than 10 guys hired by the Feds to enforce another new regulation.


            The "or more" jobs would probably belong to executives who provide no income for the company. A fact I like to through in the face of micro-managing higher-ups when they start to get in my way.
            Our "Big Boss" is a pretty smart guy who takes an incredibly dim view of middle managers who won't facilitate the needs of us on the working, producing, i.e. $$$MONEY MAKING$$$ (in our case, Billions of dollars) workfloor.
            One benefit of belonging to a larger organization is job security. If there is a slow-down in one group, you can transfer to another group (like I have, several times). Beats the unemployment line all to hell.


              You wanna see mega companies? Try Blackstone and Bain Capitol. They co-own my company.


                Originally posted by MR_MADHATTER View Post
                The "or more" jobs would probably belong to executives who provide no income for the company.
                Yes, when I think of little consumer product companies being merged into bigger companies, I see lots of executives squeezed out. But because the purchase price creates a debt, there's a heavy push to cut costs. Due to efficiency of scale, this restructuring includes some cuts to all common support services (IT, HR, accounting, legal, sales, customer support, etc.). The end result is a more powerful, more efficient corporation.

                "Blackstone and Bain Capitol" - As private companies, I don't know exactly how big they are. But they always seem to be able to get as much funding as they need.


                  Originally posted by Qicmee View Post
                  Yes, when I think of little consumer product companies being merged into bigger companies, I see lots of executives squeezed out. But because the purchase price creates a debt, there's a heavy push to cut costs. Due to efficiency of scale, this restructuring includes some cuts to all common support services (IT, HR, accounting, legal, sales, customer support, etc.). The end result is a more powerful, more efficient corporation.

                  "Blackstone and Bain Capitol" - As private companies, I don't know exactly how big they are. But they always seem to be able to get as much funding as they need.
                  Not too many top level executives get squeezed out. They get bought out or they have healthy clauses in their contracts that give them a nice cushy landing in case of mergers. Mid levels types and the support facilities take the beating.


                    Very very interesting chart! Thanks MH!
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                        The funniest buyout I know of is when Ben & Jerry sold out to Unilever. Two anti capitalists scored big time.

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                          Originally posted by Duke{CLR} View Post
                          The funniest buyout I know of is when Ben & Jerry sold out to Unilever. Two anti capitalists scored big time.
                          try the magnum bars... freaking awesome.


                            As long as there's still competition, we're okay.


                              I mentioned earlier that my company was partly owned by Bain Capitol. Since the buyout the company has made alot of moves to limit the number of employees who get benefits, moved our IT to India and basically squeezed the bleep out of the associates at store level in order increase bottom line profits and bonus potential for executives. Of course we all have the option to to quit anytime we want so I'm not complaining about that part. Yesterday I finally noticed that a current major shareholder and former (1999) board member is Mitt Romney.


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