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If a nuclear missle hit...

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    If a nuclear missle hit...

    I'm quite interested in Nukes.... I had a dream last night, it was actually kind of scary. Everything was exactly how it should be, my house was my house, my bedroom looked like it does, with everything exactly where it is, and same with my kitchen, my staircase... everything.

    So here I am, at my old friends house, looking out to the city on his balcony. all of a sudden I see a big flash, and then a Mushroom cloud appears. It was silent for about 10 seconds, then a huge boom sound comes, it was like a lightning strike hit my ear. Then I saw it, a big shockwave filled with dust and debris. It was like a movie, all of a sudden I ran out of his house and it was like I teleported to his older house that I met him at which was next to mine. As in the front of his house was his old one, and the back of his house was his old one.

    So I ran out of his house and to mine, ran into my basement and tried to cover myself from the shockwave that was about to hit my house... then it happened...

    I woke up.

    Wierd dream hmmm?

    Anyways, it made me realize. There's a lot of crap going on in the middle east with Iran wanting to destroy Israel, threatening us with sleeper cells. It made me realize I know nothing about what to do to protect myself from a nuke. I'm not going to buy a bomb shelter, because anyone that nukes us... Oregon would be the last place.

    But I'm pretty sure some of you New Yorkers would like to know...

    Also, what do you think would happen if a Nuke hit the US. How would we retaliate?

    In my day to day life, I don't fear nuclear strikes; probably because I don't buy into the fear mongering done by the current adminstration.

    I do however, have the occasional nuclear holocaust dream and I wake up in a sweat. I don't like them.


      All I know, is that where I live, I doubt that someone would throw a nuke at us. The thing I have to worry about occasionally is floods (rarely), tsunamis (never), earthquakes (Never felt one as long as I lived here), and school (everyday)...LOL. So not much for me to worry about let alone a nuke.
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        Well I have no clue where Carlsbad is in California, but San Andreas fault I heard is one of the worst places to live. Although from what I've learned from my friend that teachers Geology, LA would go to San Fransisco, but California wouldn't break off


          Originally posted by Rovey Wade
          In my day to day life, I don't fear nuclear strikes; probably because I don't buy into the fear mongering done by the current adminstration.
          I lived through all of Reagen's fear-mongering, and when you are 8 years-old and see movies on TV like, "The Day After", it really stresses you. I guess now I'm immune to it now. Until I see a mushroom cloud, I'll keep buying green bananas.


            Lucky me, right next door to New York


              Some of us are old enough to remember The Cuban Missile Crisis. This was the closest the world has gotten to nuclear far.

              Where do you put the Bayonet?
              Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
              I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
              Frank Lloyd Wright


                Can't say i've ever had a dream like that. And i'm glad.


                  If you want to get into a discussion on fears, let me toss something back at you. Oregon actually isn't the last place to be hit. You're one of only about 3 states (continental U.S.) in range of North Korea's arsenal right now, and China has enough ICBMs to spread the love. Aside from direct hits to places like Portland, you would likely be affected by hits on Bremerton and Boeing, and California. Enjoy.

                  In response to another post, if you think you're safe because of where you live, you're probably neglecting something. The Soviets still have enough to hit just about anything they want in the absolute worst case scenario, and you'd probably be surprised at what they would go after. Got a municipal or county level airport with a longish runway? Got a technology company that has anything whatsoever to do with anything military or scientific in nature? Got something like in my town of Bowie, Maryland, where we happen to have the Census' super computing facility? Seemingly innoculous stuff like that are all targets. My dad's house is less than a mile from a MD National Guard airfield and Lockheed Martin facility, so I'm used to living by targets. You can't think about it too much, or you go insane.

                  To answer the question, regardless of who is president (and what you want to believe about democrats vs. republicans; let's leave that aside--IF a president decided not to respond if we KNEW who was responsible, that's probably more likely than anything else I can think of to lead to a coup in the U.S.), if and when we find out who did it, we rip them apart if it's a smaller power. If it's the Soviets or the Chinese, we respond in kind after a warning, taking out a target of similar characteristics. If it's a terror attack, we branch--one part of the effort is finding out where the material came from and figuring out how to respond to that nation-state. The other is a rededication to wipe the organization off the face of the Earth.

                  You thought 9/11 brought the country together for a time? Pearl Harbor? That would be nothing compared to this. There is just about a zero percent chance we wouldn't follow the above set of options depending on who is responsible.

                  Again, it's best just not to think about it. There's a very good chance we're going to be attacked by a nuclear bomb (most likely terrorist; a European target is at least as likely--easier to get there) in the next 10-15 years as technical know-how and materials spread, but if you think about it much, you'll just need to be put on valium just to make it through the days.


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                    I had a dream like that once a long time ago but the Funny thing is it will always be in back of your mind thinking about it, If it ever happened you would be dead in secounds mate.

                    This is the world we live in these days so my advise is take one day at a time.




                        nuke war

                        THERE is no Place to hide,no place to run.IF it comes,Hope you are right next to it,Then you wont feel anything,your GONE.THERE is nothing worst than dieing of RADaison POSION,IT TAKES 2 weeks to die,There will be sores all over your body you will lose all your hair,EYesight,and you WILL PUCK your GUTS out and thats part of it,and it a very very PAINFULL DEATH..............NUKE WAR there is only losers on all sides.No winners,IF you live throuh it YOU Cant EAT FOOD in the stores or Drink bottle water its posion,THE food in your house is the same.......OUR GOVERMENTS KEEP Building BIGGER BOMBS and for what our safety,THIS world needs to learn to live with each no matter what or there is no FUTURE!but I learn this in my 56years of LIFE............THANKYOU MOE.........


                          The MIM-104 Patriot says hello, and to stop being sissies, `cause it's got yo' back.


                            well if your looking for FEAR in nukes, then consider this. DOOMSDAY DEVICE! Dont think we dont have 1.

                            so if we reflect on 911 then we see
                            1) if we got hit with 1 nuke it would cripple the economy (look at katrina).
                            2) those any where near the blast area that survive will probably end up with fatal diseases like cancer.
                            3) chaos would pursue as order breaks down.
                            4) we would strike back meaning more people will die.
                            thats just a few of the things that would happen from just 1 terrorists bomb.

                            Now lets look at a worse scenario. not terrorist but a actual contry launches more than 1 missile with more than 1 target. Then we look at worse case scenario. We would strike back regardless and who knows if that would cause other countries to attack us. In a sence its world war 3.
                            Now if we lost or lost or top leaders thats when doomsday device comes into play. Rumored to be buried under ground in Nevada is a machine that can launch all our nukes encase we lost the cold war. No we are looking at total extinction, nuclear fallout, global issues with food and water and radiation poisoning. That just incase any one actually survived. Back in the cold war days with USSR they had enough nukes to blow up the world 7 times, we had enough nukes to blow up the world 3 times.

                            So you see there is a reason why they dont try and nuke us nor do they wanna even hint to that. But if there ever was a nukeliar war you would probably wanna be killed by a nuke instead of whats to follow. Before the US will fall, i think it would launch and if the US launches all its missiles it wont matter anyways.

                            But your more likely to get killed by a american at night robbing a store than be killed by a nuke. Your dreams sound like you have been watching to much terminator before you go to bed.

                            But if you want worse than a nuke... about 20 years ago they forcasted a asteriod would hit the earth. Now thats global extinction! Of course the next day the retracted that statement and said it would miss the earth. But
                            if a roid hit the earth we wouldn't have to worry about it as governments wouldn't tell us its coming anyways until it was to late.

                            I live life not afraid of death and it works out. I dont worry about stuff i cant control or change.

                            Ever wonder why since ww2 no one attacks our navy basically? We can send our navy anywhere any no one seems to do any real attacks. Thats because if those ships have nukes the last thing you wanna do is blow 1 up right off your coast or in striking range.

                            In any case we survived the cold war and that was a time when people worried about nukes. Now times have changed and we are more likely to get hit with a biological weapon then a nuke.

                            If you really are worried about this kinda stuff you should probably seek help. Either medical or religious. Everyone dies, it just becomes a matter of why and what happened. If its your time, its your time.


                              Eh, ya gotta go sometime. There is no real safe place.

                              I'm going to worry and try to limit the risks with the things that are most likely to kill me: Heart disease, cancer, and accidents.
                              Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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