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The Ideal FPS Game

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    The Ideal FPS Game

    Everyone has their own idea of what the perfect first person shooter would be like. What are some things that would make the perfect shooter for you?

    I like big maps with lots of options. There also need to be some kind of in game VOIP system that would be a step up from the one in BF2. Good VOIP coordination always makes a game better. BF3 dropped the ball on this and is why I hope the leaders of EA have contracted a non life threatening but extremely uncomfortable STD.

    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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      Yea VOIP is definitely a necessity for me as well. I also like big maps with lots of cover and camo. My favorite thing is to crawl through tall grass with a silenced weapon and pick people off. I also prefer slow paced round based gameplay like Socom.


        In-game voip, 6-man squads, open maps with multiple approaches, tanks/armor, and things to shoot at with said armor to employ challenging shots.

        As little snow as possible. I'm tired of snowy maps.


        Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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          BF 2142 I think did very well. So anything to that effect. CS is fun though I miss trying to run someone over in a jeep or with a jet.


            I like snow maps but I want full on blizzards! I really like night time maps as well. I think every map should have a night and day time version. I've never been a fan of vehicles because I dislike respawning game modes. When you dead, I like you dead for ever lol


              BF2 but with the ability to customize your weapons like BF3. As has been said, BF3 failed on the VOIP. The BF2 system was perfect IMO. Not sure why they couldn't keep that system.

              Another cool VOIP idea would be to broadcast your voice in the game in real-time. People near you would hear you clearly, while the further away, the lower the volume.


                Perma-death is good for fast game rounds like Global Offensive.
                Ticket count-down with respawning is made for long games on big maps.


                  Originally posted by Dead...Again View Post

                  Another cool VOIP idea would be to broadcast your voice in the game in real-time. People near you would hear you clearly, while the further away, the lower the volume.
                  That would be cool


                    Originally posted by goldenfooler View Post
                    BF 2142 I think did very well. So anything to that effect. CS is fun though I miss trying to run someone over in a jeep or with a jet.
                    +1. I liked the setting, the unique vehicles, titan mode and the commander. I don't need 50 different guns with slightly different sights/flashlights. Unfortunately it looks like BF4 is up next (another modern era shooter), then probably another Bad Company and then maybe something like 2143. Or maybe a 2143 expansion like BF Vietnam.


                      Originally posted by JohnyRico View Post
                      I don't need 50 different guns with slightly different sights/flashlights.
                      +1 Each gun should have advantages and disadvantages. It seems like now they want to just make them all roughly the same. God forbid someone who unlocks a new gun gets a little advantage over someone else...


                        In 2142 there were no weapons that killed better then the other always. It seemed like a good mix. Though the pilum was so much fun to hunt armor with. That and the soccer mines.

                        By myself I held several roads. It was great.


                          Originally posted by JohnyRico View Post
                          ... I don't need 50 different guns with slightly different sights/flashlights. ....
                          Significantly different weapons would un-balance game play. Those 50 different guns are just another type of "achievements". The weapons & features awarded aren't supposed to give an advantage; they are intended to feel like an award. The COD & BF game designs reward good behavior like a Skinner Box for behavior modification (frequent rewards initially, and then fewer later).

                          Humans are designed to enjoy this type of conditioning. Corporations are trying to adopt the same strategy for employee management. I wish I was kidding.


                            Originally posted by Dead...Again View Post
                            Another cool VOIP idea would be to broadcast your voice in the game in real-time. People near you would hear you clearly, while the further away, the lower the volume.
                            With so many idiots playing games these days?


                              Originally posted by Slaughter View Post
                              With so many idiots playing games these days?

                              Socom did this pretty effectively, The Socom community was pretty hardcore though and always focused on winning. This wouldn't work out well for games like CS or CoD


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                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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