Many of you newer CS:GO guys don't know my son Mini Duke but if you join us for BF4 he will most likely get your tags due to the fine instruction that K Phantom gave him. He and a friend were jumping on a trampoline and he landed on his arm. It broke in a horrific way, he ran into the house holding his arm up with the other one and his forearm was bent from the middle about ten degrees or so. It was so bad one of the rookie EMTs said "Oh s#!t". Fortunately it was on a Monday and the A team was on duty, the medical director himself stayed for the procedure and the reset his arm. I had recently unplugged him from gaming but now must reconsider seeing as %90 of our activities are cancelled. No wake boarding, rock climbing, swimming, ect...
I'll post up some pics of the X rays if I can get a hold of them.