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Just received a late Christmas Gift.

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    Just received a late Christmas Gift.

    Yay i now have Psoriasis! Disease #4 and counting.................

    Probably not what you expected from the title huh? Really feeling the need to rage/vent/break something.

    When it rains, it pours. Just keep fighting. I'll listen if you want to talk. But I don't have a webcam so I can't do a strip show anymore.


      Thats a skin one right? That one is atleast very manageable. A few of my family members have it and its doesnt effect them much at all. Sorry though
      Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.




          Originally posted by baconoclock View Post
          Thats a skin one right? That one is atleast very manageable. A few of my family members have it and its doesnt effect them much at all. Sorry though
          Mind picking them for info? Mine appears to be going after my face the most (so damned typical), and apparently it's quite rare for that to happen.


            Disease #4? I'd heard we were all supposed to wait until a proper age to have more than 2 at once. You're always a trend setter!

            I hope Bacon has some advice. Meanwhile, I'll wish for a reduction to maybe 3.


              Originally posted by juneau View Post
              Mind picking them for info? Mine appears to be going after my face the most (so damned typical), and apparently it's quite rare for that to happen.
              Sent my father an email asking him for info. He has lived with it for 40 + years at this point.
              Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


                Originally posted by Qicmee View Post
                Disease #4? I'd heard we were all supposed to wait until a proper age to have more than 2 at once. You're always a trend setter!

                I hope Bacon has some advice. Meanwhile, I'll wish for a reduction to maybe 3.
                Unless there is some new wonder cures out there, I'm stuck with 4.


                  Originally posted by baconoclock View Post
                  Sent my father an email asking him for info. He has lived with it for 40 + years at this point.
                  Thank you!


                    I have been diagnosed with Psoarisis for 10 years now. Let me know if you have any questions, it's mostly on my legs and arms.

                    Use Pine Tar soap, it really helps.


                      There are several commercials in the USA about it. I can try to find the drug names if you want. I thought that there was some study about nutrition and eating habits linking it. I most likely am wrong though.

                      Have you been allergy checked?


                        Sucks. But it's manageable. I've had it my whole life.

                        If you have questions, don't hesitate.

                        I have it on my eyelids (pretty much the worst), ears, back of the ears, back of my head, arm pits, groin, and feet. I did have it pretty badly on my hands after a chemical reaction to a cleaning product which I didn't wear gloves before using. But after a few weeks of applying cream and wearing cotton gloves... it's finally gone and my hands are normal now. I have what's called 'inverse psoriasis', where my auto-immune system overreacts due to excessive moisture near my skin. It is pretty frustrating at times and all I do is put cream when things get bad, red/itchy/flaky/scabs etc.

                        There's a few options, most are generally creams and ointments. Ointment is good for places that are visible, while cream is better for non-visible area's. You'll appear oily but that's better than some white film. Depending on how you react to certain remedies, I would suggest the following: sleeping more (rest helps), avoid stress (hard to do), and maintain a good diet, especially vitamin D. If you can get supplements, do it. Try it out for a bit, if they appear to be helping, ie: things are not getting worse, then continue doing so. If not, don't bother.

                        Cream & Oinment wise.

                        1) Elocom (ointment)
                        I use Elocom (it's gentle clear ointment for my eyelids(I have to be careful since the corticosteroid will seep through into my eyes... apparently my eyes are like Ahhhhrnold :P), it also works elsewhere. Note, ointments are much more oily etc... meanwhile creams will be absorbed slowly but also leave a film.

                        2) Nerosone (cream, feet)
                        3) Dovobet (cream/ointment, strong stuff and $$$)


                        1) Dairy Milk (vitamin D, calcium (aids the absorption of vitamin D)
                        2) Multi-vitamin
                        3) Vitamin D supplement (try to find one that has calcium)
                        4) Sunlight is good for you. Sleep is good for you. Sea salt, try a sea salt bath. I haven't tried it yet, but all I'd need to do
                        is ask my girlfriend, and she'd set me up.

                        I'm a big fan of sunlight helping, as it'll induce your body to develop vitamin D. Same with sea water, both of those have fantastic benefits to your skin, since both are very beneficial in terms of producing vitamin D and also being a natural expholiant. I have no idea how to spell that, my gf tells me to do it more often.... expholiate, expholiate etc whatever.

                        It's manageable. It's an auto-immune disease without a cure, but it is treatable. Depending on your severity, note that it will get worse over time if you don't treat it. I've progressively gotten worse and worse outbreaks over the years, it isn't exactly easy to present yourself when your eyelids look like you have leprosy.

                        Best of luck, hope that helps.


                          Great information wigz!!!!


                            Thanks for all the advice guys. Will take a read through it when I have a little more time to spare.

                            I have been dealing with it for a while (2010) but have only recently been diagnosed as the severity increased ten fold for no apparent reason. I have changed nothing, and look after my skin well, yet I'm getting a new area drying up and going red/brown roughly every 2-3 days. It used to be confined to 2-3 half inch size areas at a time on my back. I'd apply a cream known as Eumovate and after 2-3 weeks it would clear up and go away, then maybe a few months later a new area would appear. Now this cream appears to be doing nothing (sometimes the area will fade and go almost invisible yet come back when I cease application) and the psoriasis is now on my legs, chest, back, face, scalp, ears (inside and out).

                            I'm using this for moisturising.
                            And just added this.
                            and this into the mix.

                            Got a feeling this is linked to my new found insomnia. But I can't exactly make that go away unless I stop my chemo.

                            Something is seriously screwed with my immune system. No doubt I'll have yet another issue with it soon enough.

                            @Fooler. Apart from grass pollen I'm allergy free I think.


                              For a Brit to get more sunlight he will have to move to another country.

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                              Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                              I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
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