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Heath Ledger continuance...

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    Heath Ledger continuance...

    ...I read some of what you gentleman said in the Heath Ledger post.

    Yeah we have these celebrities we mourn for that probably died to a life of booze and drugs...and we don't feel sorry for them.

    But I want yalls opinion in ANOTHER Forum I posted in.

    Basically I just posted a link to the news article...and a friend of mine said, "Yeah, that sucks, he had a couple of good flicks, Bat man was coming out, now there's this wonder about the movie."

    Well, someone went onto this spiel..."Well, I could care less about Heath Ledgers and other celebs dying, when we have soldiers in Iraq dying for our country."

    And I was like "WTH?" Actually, my friend was more like "WTH? I just made a post about giving Nirvana as an example.

    Basically, my friend told me "I should have posted, "Celebrity made good music....celebrity it sucks he doesn't make music anymore"

    Like me, with Phil Hartman....when he died I was kind of upset.

    But people seem to have a tendency to 'get off track' with the topic, in with the "Message Board" environment, KNOWING OTHER people will be's REALLY all about the attempt to make them "look cool" in front of a bunch of people....

    "Grandstanding" as I would like to call it.

    And then it stops being about the newstory about Heath Ledger

    Sure, he was a doper, and I don't feel sorry for him.

    Oh, and they make off like there are no news about soldiers dying in Iraq, that there's more EMPHASIS placed on celebrities dying...but I thought I always saw, "5 soldiers die in Iraq"

    Or a specific soldier even?

    ANyways, I think it's all about making themselves look better by playing to the audiences emotions. Thus winning acceptance among their peers.

    My friend just deleted his posts, because he thought they were all missing the point.

    Crap, did I just make a SERIOUS Post on Cain's lair?
    Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 26 Oct 2008, 02:43 PM. Reason: Language--Rand

    Evil Tony wrote

    Sure, he was a doper, and I don't feel sorry for him.

    He said he was at one time but you have no clue as to if he was now. Not very nice to say that.

    Celebrities are human beings to. All the problems we go through, they go through them too. Only difference, is the whole world knows the celebrities pains, we can keep ours to ourself.

    Just because some celebrities never touched each individual, they did influence others.
    So go on, go on be your own, go on be your own star!
    A superstar in my eyes!


      Originally posted by lady-MGS
      Evil Tony wrote

      Sure, he was a doper, and I don't feel sorry for him.

      He said he was at one time but you have no clue as to if he was now. Not very nice to say that.

      Celebrities are human beings to. All the problems we go through, they go through them too. Only difference, is the whole world knows the celebrities pains, we can keep ours to ourself.

      Just because some celebrities never touched each individual, they did influence others.
      Hi Lady MGS

      Well, I was just making an example. But we do know that Chris Farley has his bout with booze and drugs....Even David Spade gave him fair warning if he kept it up, his days would be numbered.

      Here is a response from a Clinician:

      I agree with most of what everyone has said here and have very strong feelings about putting your life and other's lives in peril because you do not have the sense to realize when you have a problem.

      I know, as a clinician that not everyone has the insight, especially if they are at the height of their dysfunction to reach out for help...somewhere...even if all you can do is pray (and I do not mean to discount prayer at all...I am not...we all pray somehow, someway...some just do not know they do). That being said, sometimes you just have to leave your own pity party and pull up your bootstraps...leave your mistress for a moment(your drug of choice), and run to the nearest facility that can "exorcise" it from you....probably the hardest break-up you will ever have.

      When you are selfish (and that is really what it boils down to) to be reckless with the people that care about you, at any it friends, a significant other, or really...on top of the list-your children...then you will end up either dead or alone...and with regards to your children....they will likely follow in your footsteps. Some rise above it-most can not...they were not taught any would they know. That is probably the single reason why I can sit with a reckless, angry kid/teen....and put my heart and soul into trying to help that child see there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Most of them are just counting the days they reach 18, and can escape from their dysfunctional parent/parents.

      Who wants to leave behind THAT legacy?

      You have been given one chance to make a difference in this is difficult for everyone at times....that is why bonding with others helps us thrive...the hugs, energy, pets (ahem....all the good things folks write about on the board here. They extend our lives, and add quality to them.

      A final note on this topic...otherwise I will go on for the entire day; if you do have a problem with coping skills (and they are difficult for even the healthiest to develop)....and you turn to mind altering substances that simply numb your own madness for the moment....realize that the drama that you bring to other people's lives, eventually, you will indeed, end up alone...and much deeper in your abyss, or dead....with that legacy you have left behind for your loved ones....carnage.

      Let me be clear with regards to who I am talking about....I do not know this "Heath Ledger"...but he, and the the bill...and if you are living with this type of chaos....RUN....because you cannot change what this person does....and you are not fulfilling your own destiny. You will always come second to that "mistress".

      Whew!!!!....sorry for the dissertation.

      The losses we have during war, law enforcement, the people that put their lives at risk for others, and the general tragedies as Tracey spoke of....those, I cry for in my heart....because, as a mere mortal...I don't see the fairness of it all...even with my analytical approach...I still feel a grip on my heart when I see or hear of these. I suppose in the end, if we all do get to a pearly gate...and the door will make some sense...but until then, I can only run with the "why are some people so f'd up?"...and try to walk away when I have reached my "help them" threshold.


        Regardless of what a celebrity (or anyone for that matter) dies from, I believe that whether or not you grieve for that persons death, you can bet for sure that SOMEONE is grieving and mourning the loss of a family member, son, brother, sister, whatever.
        EVERYONE, including you, deserves the respect for themselves and their families for the loss of their family members, friends..etc. It is pure ignorance to disrespect someone after their death no matter how they died or how they chose to live their life. While not insinuating anything here, but if your mom died while having sex with someone she was having an affair with, you wouldn't feel the same way, I'm sure. That was only an example, but you understand where I am coming from.


          Originally posted by -IRC-MIKE
          Regardless of what a celebrity (or anyone for that matter) dies from, I believe that whether or not you grieve for that persons death, you can bet for sure that SOMEONE is grieving and mourning the loss of a family member, son, brother, sister, whatever.
          EVERYONE, including you, deserves the respect for themselves and their families for the loss of their family members, friends..etc. It is pure ignorance to disrespect someone after their death no matter how they died or how they chose to live their life. While not insinuating anything here, but if your mom died while having sex with someone she was having an affair with, you wouldn't feel the same way, I'm sure. That was only an example, but you understand where I am coming from.
          IRC Mike...I know where you are coming from.

          Perhaps I should respond.

          "Okay, (when you die, whoever the poster was), we'll just say, big deal, we don't care about your death, toss your body into the business end of a wood chipper and continue partying/drinking."

          LOL (Sorry, just making a point, though gruesome as it sounds).


            ET, I am the person who made the very exact argument about soldiers in Iraq in the other Heath Ledger thread here.

            To suggest that I did it to prop myself up is nonsensical and quite ignorant.

            The argument came out of disgust of the nation's huge interest in celebrity life in general. What makes these people so much better than me that I should pay attention to their every move?

            My point was that it was a sad statement about what the news channels broadcast as priority because they know the story will sell because people are more interested in celebrities than actual real news.


              Originally posted by Rovey Wade
              ET, I am the person who made the very exact argument about soldiers in Iraq in the other Heath Ledger thread here.

              To suggest that I did it to prop myself up is nonsensical and quite ignorant.

              The argument came out of disgust of the nation's huge interest in celebrity life in general. What makes these people so much better than me that I should pay attention to their every move?

              My point was that it was a sad statement about what the news channels broadcast as priority because they know the story will sell because people are more interested in celebrities than actual real news.
              But does not the news ALSO broadcast death of soldiers as well?

              When someone responds to a a thread that says, "<Inser celebrity's name here> and I respond, "Well, our soldiers are dying in Iraq"

              I say, "Well, I know that too...I'm just merely making a news post about Heath Ledger, no big deal...he made movies, I liked his acting (that's an opnion of course...and it sucks he won't be making movies any more) <shrug>

              That's how I see it.

              I even questioned, "So what celebrities were you bummed about when they died?"

              You might as well be de-railing a topic. I'm thinking, "Okay.....tell me something I don't know."


                I qualified my other post by writing how I didn't look forward to the 3+ weeks of coverage the story would get. I didn't just flat out say, well there are soldiers dieing in Iraq. My post was in the context of media coverage.

                And I disagree it's derailing the post. What better place to discuss the excessive coverage these kind of stories get.

                But does not the news ALSO broadcast death of soldiers as well?

                Not nearly the same way. The soldiers are just numbers when they make it to the major news network. They get nowhere the face time the "important" dead people get.


                  Re: Heath Ledger continuance...

                  Originally posted by Evil Tony

                  But people seem to have a tendency to 'get off track' with the topic, in with the "Message Board" environment, KNOWING OTHER people will be's REALLY all about the attempt to make them "look cool" in front of a bunch of people....

                  "Grandstanding" as I would like to call it.

                  And then it stops being about the newstory about Heath Ledger
                  I know what you mean. I don't think it's really grandstanding though. Some people just have to always voice their opinions and views.

                  It can be frustrating too, here you want to have a discussion on the death of Heath Ledger and someone pulls out the dead GI card on you. How can you compete with that? If that happened on the board I admin his comment would be off topic enough to get deleted.

                  Personally I feel the same as that guy, and I'm sure there's millions of others who do. But if I see people who want to talk about Mr. Heath in a post obviously it means something to them and who am I to force my opinion.
                  Old school or the new, doesn't mean a thing if your heart's not true...


                    Re: Heath Ledger continuance...

                    Originally posted by Devilguns
                    I know what you mean. I don't think it's really grandstanding though. Some people just have to always voice their opinions and views.

                    If by always, you mean taking part in a thread every 3-4 days, then I guess I'm guilty.

                    edit: fixed quote


                      Originally posted by Evil Tony
                      IRC Mike...I know where you are coming from.

                      Perhaps I should respond.

                      "Okay, (when you die, whoever the poster was), we'll just say, big deal, we don't care about your death, toss your body into the business end of a wood chipper and continue partying/drinking."

                      LOL (Sorry, just making a point, though gruesome as it sounds).
                      I apologize, but I seem to have missed your point. Perhaps I should respond back. But I won't since I don't know what the hell you're talking about! LMAO!

                      But a wood chipper is fine with me! Feed me to the fish.. tigers.. or use my dead body as some sort of fertilizer. Is your mom single?


                        Celebrities are people, Poparatzi (sp) aren't.


                          Originally posted by thedeadlyassassin
                          Celebrities are people, Poparatzi (sp) aren't.
                          +1 Paparazzi are scum!


                            I always thought his name was "Kieth". Never heard Heath as a name... what national background is that? Or is it some random name like Blanket


                              Re: Heath Ledger continuance...

                              Originally posted by Rovey Wade
                              Originally posted by Devilguns
                              I know what you mean. I don't think it's really grandstanding though. Some people just have to always voice their opinions and views.

                              If by always, you mean taking part in a thread every 3-4 days, then I guess I'm guilty.
                              There's a difference in participating in a thread and derailing it. Tony started a post to have a discussion about the death of Heath Ledger and someone had to come along and become the moral compass to remind everyone where their priorities should be. At least thats what I interpret from what Tony posted.
                              Old school or the new, doesn't mean a thing if your heart's not true...


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                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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