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Obamacare Fines

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    Originally posted by Qicmee View Post
    This is a lecture. Feel free to skip it. I don't mind.

    The core problem problem with socialism (often known as Marxism) is that it's an intellectual theory that ignores real human drivers. Normal people aren't motivated in the way that socialism requires. That's why pure Marxist societies degrade into a type of party-ruled dictatorship.

    Capitalism thrives because it rewards the natural, selfish incentives built into humanity. This motivation is extremely powerful, and it's a primary cause of USA's historic success. So, people who hate capitalism also despise USA's history.

    It's easy to say, "Rich folks should give me their money. It's more fair." However, when the incentives of capitalism are removed, it's not capitalism. Without rewards for economic ambition, the economic engine slows. "Equal" for all eventually means "less" for all.
    This forums need a "like" button.


      Originally posted by Qicmee View Post
      This is a lecture. Feel free to skip it. I don't mind.

      The core problem problem with socialism (often known as Marxism) is that it's an intellectual theory that ignores real human drivers. Normal people aren't motivated in the way that socialism requires. That's why pure Marxist societies degrade into a type of party-ruled dictatorship.

      Capitalism thrives because it rewards the natural, selfish incentives built into humanity. This motivation is extremely powerful, and it's a primary cause of USA's historic success. So, people who hate capitalism also despise USA's history.

      It's easy to say, "Rich folks should give me their money. It's more fair." However, when the incentives of capitalism are removed, it's not capitalism. Without rewards for economic ambition, the economic engine slows. "Equal" for all eventually means "less" for all.
      Socialism as a whole doesn't work. But I believe select parts can be put to use in specific areas. Like healthcare. I'm honestly glad that the NHS' main goal isn't to make money. It is to serve the people of this country, not shareholders.

      Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
      This forums need a "like" button.
      Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o.


        Pure capitalism is a cruel thing. I don't know anybody who favors it.

        Our practical problem is that an economy is like a race car. Capitalism optimizes everything for peak efficiency. Any "extra" tweaks & adjustments made for the good of humanity (rather than for efficiency) will degrade performance, like lowering tire pressure for a softer ride. Economies can take decades to react to changes. Nobody knows how things will turn out, including economists.

        Benefit of alcohol & cannabis? Provides relaxation while politicians make rushed decisions about our economy.
        List of qualifications required for a successful political career? Re-election.


          Explains a lot of things.

          A friend of mine showed me an email he'd gotten this morning. Had to go looking for it online so I could share it here.

          (Receptionist) Hello, Welcome to ObamaGolf. My name is Trina. How can I help you?

          (Customer) Hello, I received an email from Golfsmith stating that my Pro V1 order has been canceled and I should go to your exchange to reorder it. I tried your web site, but it seems like it is not working. So I am calling the 800 number.

          (Receptionist) Yes, I am sorry about the web site. It should be fixed by the end of 2014. But I can help you.

          (Customer) Thanks, I ordered some Pro V1 balls.

          (Receptionist) Sir, Pro V1's do not meet our minimum standards, I will be happy to provide you with a choice of Pinnacle, TopFlite , or Callaway Blue.

          (Customer) But I have played Pro V1 for years.

          (Receptionist) The government has determined that Pro V1s are no longer acceptable, so we have instructed Titleist to stop making them. TopFlites are better, sir, I am sure you will love them.

          (Customer) But I like the Pro V1. Why are TopFlites better?

          (Receptionist) That is all spelled out in the 2700 page "Affordable Golf Ball Act" passed by Congress.

          (Customer) Well, how much are these TopFlites?

          (Receptionist) It depends sir, do you want our Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum package?

          (Customer) What's the difference?

          (Receptionist) 12, 24, 36 or 48 balls.

          (Customer) The Silver package may be okay; how much is it?

          (Receptionist) It depends, sir; what is your monthly income?

          (Customer) What does that have to do with anything?

          (Receptionist) I need that to determine your government Golf Ball subsidy; then I can determine how much your out-of-pocket cost will be. But if your income is below the poverty level, you might qualify for a subsidy. In that case, I can refer you to our BallAid department.

          (Customer) BallAid?

          (Receptionist) Yes, golf balls are a right, everyone has a right to golf balls. So, if you can't afford them, then the government will supply them free of charge.

          (Customer) Who said they were a right?

          (Receptionist) Congress passed it, the President signed it and the Supreme Court found it Constitutional.

          (Customer) Whoa.....I don't remember seeing anything in the Constitution regarding golf balls as a right.

          (Receptionist) There's no explicit mention of golf balls in the Constitution, but President Obama is a former constitutional scholar and he believes it would have been included if the Constitution had not been drafted by a bunch of slave-owning white men. The Democrats in the Congress and the Supreme Court agree with the President that golf balls are now a right guaranteed by the Constitution.

          (Customer) I don't believe this.

          (Receptionist) It's the law of the land sir. Now, we anticipated most people would go for the Silver Package, so what is your monthly income sir?

          (Customer) Forget it, I think I will forgo the balls this year.

          (Receptionist) In that case, sir, I will still need your monthly income.

          (Customer) Why?

          (Receptionist) To determine what your 'non-participation' cost would be.

          (Customer) WHAT? You can't charge me for NOT buying golf balls.

          (Receptionist) It's the law of the land, sir, approved by the Supreme Court. It's $49.50 or 1% of your monthly income.

          (Customer)(interrupting) This is ridiculous, I'll pay the $49.50.

          (Receptionist) Sir, it is the $49.50 or 1% of your monthly income, whichever is greater.

          (Customer) ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What a rip-off!!

          (Receptionist) Actually sir, it is a good deal. Next year it will be 2%.

          (Customer) Look, I'm going to call my Congressman to find out what's going on here. This is ridiculous. I'm not going to pay it.

          (Receptionist) Sorry to hear that sir, that's why I had the NSA track this call and obtain the make and model of the cell phone you are using.

          (Customer) Why does the NSA need to know what kind of CELL PHONE I AM USING?

          (Receptionist) So they get your GPS coordinates, sir.

          (Door Bell rings followed immediately by a loud knock on the door)

          (Receptionist) That would be the IRS, sir. Thanks for calling ObamaGolf , have a nice day... and God Bless the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.



            Obamacare is just legalized theft. To punish someone for not getting something that our dear govt said you have to pay for is pretty socialistic if you look at it correctly. To wit, anytime the govt forces you to do something thats unconstitutional its tyranny veiled in many guises. Nothing less. Taxes are illegal, in all forms. Specially the property tax. If you look at property taxes correctly they are stating that you are a renter of everything you own. Because if you owe tax on it, and dont pay it, then the govt can seize everything you have and rent it to someone else. Thats illegal and the highest form of tyranny you can get.

            Obama is a socialist, and he doesnt even try to hide it anymore which is arrogant at the least. He believes like all true socialists that he knows whats best for you and that you need to share your hard earned money with those that dont work. Trouble with socialism is that it failed in Russia, and it will fail here. As will democracy as it is today. Because democracy itself is doomed because of the very fact that todays people have elected for themselves those that would let them get their hands in the treasury. Which is what we have today. Nothing more nothing less.

            I wish our forefathers could have seen a littel bit farther than what they attepted to see and been able to place more in the constitution that they did to thwart individuals that we have in office today. Term limits would be a good way to start.
            [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


              The problem isn't Obamacare, it's our new America. It started before Obama even became president, so stop blaming the wrong person. By the way I'm not blaming G. W., this problem has been coming on for a lot longer than him and not one president has had the guts to do something about it, democrat or republican....

              Companies are less and less likely to offer you the benefits our parents and grandparents enjoyed like health care, retirement benefits, etc. . Along with that Americans are working more hours to make up for paying for these out of pocket expensenses while getting less payed time off for vacations and most likely making less hourly wage than their parents when you factor in cost of living. It's no wonder people are upset but most people should realize what they are really upset about before they complain about it for the wrong reason.
              The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination. - Garek (Deep Space 9)


                You're right Road_Ratt, but Hussein has been the loudest and most transparent proponent of stuff unconstitutional in a while. Google Deep State. Do a little research on that then get back with me.
                But I agree, it's just not him.He's just a pawn.
                [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                  Sorry Cobalt. Everything that I googled on Deep State was an extremely long read which is a problem for me. I have generalized anxiety disorder and take meds for it which makes concentration a problem. I can read the long read but will forget most of it by the time I finish reading it therefore, any opinion I made would be useless. I like a good debate or conversation on a topic but am unable to make any valid opinion on the topic you suggested.
                  The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination. - Garek (Deep Space 9)


                    If you need care via the NHS you do not get hit by a big invoice at the end. We pay 6% of our salary towards the health service and state pension, no opt in or out, 6%. I am fortunate to have private healthcare also which I opt for mostly as I am in and out of the country so I need to be seen quick but it is reassuring to be able to dial 999 (911) and get top class help. Worth every penny.



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                    • Reply to hey yall!
                      by Sirex
                      All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                      Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                      7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                    • Reply to hey yall!
                      by Pidgeot_Girl
                      Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                      2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                    • Reply to hey yall!
                      by Apache Warrior
                      Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                      by Pidgeot_Girl
                      Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                    • Reply to hey yall!
                      by Sirex
                      :O hey Pidgeot!

                      Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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