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Do you react negitively to a shaved head?

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    Do you react negitively to a shaved head?

    I'm thinking about shaving my head. I'm not talking bicing it. Just using the electric shaver without attachments. You see it's a long standing issue between my wife and I. Currently I use the #3 attachment on the razor. which leaves me about 12mm of hair. My wife likes me to have hair however. In the summer I like to shave my head. Atcualy I like to shave my head all of the time for a couple of reasons

    1. It's cool in the summer
    2. I have an annoyingly huge cowlick (so bad I had to have the photoghrapher crop it out of wedding pics)
    3. I'm lazy, no brushing, conditioning or shampooing needed. I can just wake up and go!
    4. Because I ride motorcycles all of the time...My hair molds it shape to the inside of my motorcycle helmet. Great I get a dorsal fin all day long.

    My wife thinks it looks bad. She thought it would look bad for interviews So I compromised with her and said until I got a job I wouldn't shave my head. Welll now I got a job. Although I havn't started yet. So do you think it would be bad form to shave my head before my first day at work?
    Yes they must be racists or nazi's
    No they just don't want to deal with hair

    I use the #1 guard for my razor. Gives a slightly soft stubble feeling.


      Shaving yer head 15-20 years ago would have been looked at a little differently than it is today. I shave my head once every 2 weeks because I am vain as hell and starting losing my hair when I turned 18 . I am a pretty big redneck, and in Law Enforcement so I sometimes catch slack from all sides for it. I say do what you want, if people don't like it, they'll get over it


        so i guess all military look racist or nazi...
        change the poll if ya could, thats just a unnecessary way of opinion about a shaved head..

        theres nothing wrong with it (not that im sayin if u had a problem with it)
        i find it easier to wear head gear, less time combing or cost on hair products.
        like ur example sayin "for the hot summers" that is very true. ur head feels much lighter and more cooler (temperature)
        i shave my head once in a while to grow and fix a new set of spiky hair.
        and people will barely notice if u decide to grow ur hair again.


          I used to shave my head every day. I liked not having to mess with the hair. I even wore out the guard on my razor once.
          I say, if you like it do it.

          Where do you put the Bayonet?
          Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
          I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
          Frank Lloyd Wright


            Originally posted by killa_zn
            so i guess all military look racist or nazi...
            change the poll if ya could, thats just a unnecessary way of opinion about a shaved head..

            The poll was to show a theoetical negitive emotional attitude towards shaved heads. In no way is it meant to be actually indicitive.


              I'd say also it depends on what you look like and your body type.

              Thin and Wirey - Cancer Victim
              Thin and Muscular - Military or Nazi (depending on Tattoo content )
              Heavy - Biker or Football player (maybe Cop).

              Nothing wrong with a shiney dome
              Still looks better than a comb over or Patrick Stewart hair (unless you're Patrick Stewart that is )


                I think its more based on perception. Like what cloths you wear add to it.
                There is the stone cold or cruce willis look that i dont think people think are nazi`s. But clothing i think makes people pressume more than hair styles usually.


                  Well done and done

                  Head is now shaved.....feels damn good! Yeah I supposed the clothing kinda does that to. I do get wierd looks when I get off my sport bike in full racing leathers.


                    maybe hit the tanning booth.... get the head 1 color all the way around


                      My hair has been falling out for years so I have just mowing the grass real short.


                        Hey now.. Some of the best looking men have shaved heads. Chris Daughtry, Bill Goldberg, Steve Austin, Vin Diesel, Billy Zane. Those are all I can think of atm. Yea, the tan would be nice too so that you don't glow in the dark.. LOL
                        So go on, go on be your own, go on be your own star!
                        A superstar in my eyes!


                          Shave that head and bic it. Put some lotion on it afterwards and i will be damn it will shine. (um i do it so i thought it would be a good opinion)


                            I normally let my hair grow to hell. I don't comb it much and it looks like a mess. In my opinion I look bad with any hair type. Recently I cut it, looks okay in my opinion, nice and short. But I think it just might get shorter this summer

                            I say go for it.


                              i used to have longish hair but i keep it real short now days. i find it gets in the way.


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