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So I went to LA for training on new XC90

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    So I went to LA for training on new XC90

    As the title states. New car coming out in a few months and was out for 2 days in Hollywood. Day one was just a little sight seeing and some food (ramen and tacos).
    Though some here (phatom) doesn't like Volvo's. Here is a little sneak peak of some of the design. We got to look at the car before some of the Volvo vice presidents and they are very close to the final product. The cost of one car is about 1 million since it is all hand made. They will be at the auto shows for the next couple of months... though you won't be able to get in one.

    The HMI(human machine interface) is very interesting and I have some videos I will try to attach to webpage later.
    These are the Hybrid and higher end models. Typical model will be about $52,000, MPG about 25-27 highway, 4 cly 316 hp, towing 5200, I totally forget the torque in it.

    I had tons of jet lag and my red eye flight was delayed 2 hours because some idiot spilled 20 gallons of fuel behind the jet.

    Attached Files





        Cool looking car! I'd need lots of coupons to cover the cost.

        Every company is working on a new, feature-rich HMI (human machine interface). That's good! It keeps the engineers busy.

        I'll be more interested in HMIs when the car drives (or flies) itself. Until then, I just want to power my tablet (GPS map updates are free) and connect my phone to the car's audio system (without sharing my contact list).


          I didn't say I don't like Volvos. Everyone has a taste and I'm sure a lot of people like "boring" as a car. Personally, I can't afford to buy an interesting car, but if I had the 40-60k to blow, I'd definitely be buying a car with character, and stripes.


            all volvos have navigation standard with map updates that are free now(wireless updates). There will be apple play and the google version within a couple months of the launch.

            The headlights are one the awesome with led lights that shade the high beams around the cars so nobody gets blinded.


              Originally posted by goldenfooler View Post
              all volvos have navigation standard with map updates that are free now(wireless updates). ...
              GM's subscriptions for OnStar with navigation are costing about $300 per year. What's the post-introductory charge for Volvo's wireless features? Free would be very nice.


                wireless updates are free now not sure what will happen in the future. Volvo is using HERE navigation which is the same I use on my Windows phone(Microsoft owns HERE navigation, bought from Nokia). So I think it will be free just like for my phone.
                The OnStar feature called Volvo on call is not free. It is about $275 for 3 years (dealer cost when put into a lease). I think you can be around 450 for a 5 year plan. This currently adds in the Volvo on call app(remote start, finding car like a lojack for insurance reduction, heat and cool).


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