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mmporgs or however you spell it

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    WOW is really fun and you meet some nice people sometimes it takes up too much of your life. Always wanting to lvl up keeps you going for hours nonstop but if you can control yourself then $15 is a respectable price for a month.
    X...Noob Slasher...X


      The main reason I play FPS's is because they are more different each time you play then MMORPG's can be. I used to play Silk Road which is a free MMORPG that is pretty good except that around level 28 you would be getting quests where you need to kill 600 of the same monster, and only get about a half of a level from the exp from killing the monsters and the quest. After that I started playing Rappelz from which is a really good MMORPG imo that is also free. The only reason I stopped is because I dont have time and my friend that I played with a lot uninstalled it because we never found time to play together anymore.

      For free MMORPG's I would recommend checking out since they have like 4-5 different MMO games they have made, not just RPG's either. If you want to try out WoW for free look into a free server. Granted they can be kinda buggy and very low populations compared to a payed server but you can atleast try out some of the game play.


        Moderation in everything mate.

        Just as if you get a new SP game, and just HAVE to complete that level
        or quest... Engrossing...

        I got bored with Guild Wars. Graphics are just so-so. Everything is just
        so-so in the game to me.

        WOW can make the time fly. Some GREAT people, some excellent
        chats. Joining a guild gets you additional resources, friends, and
        .. of course... chatter.

        Do quests with friends or guildies, run instances, farm for needed
        materials or to just sell them. You don't HAVE to spend mega hours
        online at a time unless you WANT to.

        The bigger guilds, back when I played alot, went to Molten Core on a
        regular basis. Set times to be there, and the runs could last for 4-6 hours.
        BUT, you don't HAVE to stay the entire time of the run, as there is always
        people that are willing to join the run.

        Now, there are TONS of instances to run, and always a PUG available if
        you want to run with people you don't know well.

        Bottom line, you can solo in WOW for funzies. You can do ALOT of fun
        stuff without joining a guild. In fact, I'm IN a guild, but I rarely run any
        instances with them. I may quest with 1 or 2 friends there, but I'm not
        spending hours and hours doing it. I get a kick out of helping a lower
        level friend complete a quest or lower instance. Nothing more fun than
        taking a level 70 Uber Lock into a level 45 instance for a friend, and
        owning EVERYTHING.

        My guild does runs Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights starting at
        around 7pm ish PST. This usually isn't a good time for me, so I don't
        run those major 20-25 man instances with them. But THAT'S OK.
        ??Click me to donate??


          People at work were talking about a new add-on for wow (user developped program that "helps" you do things in WoW...some have become staples of the game) that is called, I think, Quest Helper.

          It shows you all the quests you currently have, sets waypoints on your map, along with how to do the quest, calculates the time it takes to get there, and will recalc (like a GPS) if you move off the projected path.

          So you are essentially following the lines on a screen to get the quest done. No need to read or know really what to do, you will be prompted. So the game has been dumbed down to simply following a line and killing something. No thinking involved.
          [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
          So all you get is this crappy text]


            Those are Mods... You can REALLY go nuts with those.

            People can do just about anything with WOW except cheat.
            (Although Bots aren't booted with enough regularity IMO)

            I am a minimulist. 4 mods that make life easier.
            Cosmos for coordinates, KTM Threat meter, Auctioneer, and gatherer.

            Anything else is just window dressing programs, or those "HELP"
            mods you just mentioned. Noone needs them.
            ??Click me to donate??


              Originally posted by Dead_And_Gone
              Those are Mods... You can REALLY go nuts with those.

              People can do just about anything with WOW except cheat.
              (Although Bots aren't booted with enough regularity IMO)

              I am a minimulist. 4 mods that make life easier.
              Cosmos for coordinates, KTM Threat meter, Auctioneer, and gatherer.

              Anything else is just window dressing programs, or those "HELP"
              mods you just mentioned. Noone needs them.
              Yeah, about what i run.

              KTM, CT,DoTimer (a warlock must for raiding), auctioneer, Gatherer.

              On a side note the flippin instance servers crashed. Killed our Black Temple run. I was about to get some lewtz
              Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


                For quite a few years (this was about 5 years ago, though...) I played Runescape a lot. Once it got to that point where you aren't leveling up at a decent pace anymore, though, the grind reallllyyy set in on me.

                +1. I'll admit i played that game, it may look kiddy and "gay", but it's fun and is really good graphics for a Java based game. But as you progress, you aren't doing anything. It takes 6 million experience to get about halfway to a fully maxed out skill, but at that point, you're only 8 lvls away from a fully maxed out skill.

                Not to mention most of it's repetative. The fishing skill never changes at all, you only watch your character catch a new type of fish.

                It's still enjoyable. I had a ton of fun killing cows to become a mighty warrior


                  Re: mmporgs or however you spell it

                  Originally posted by Jeffro
                  ok i dunno how to spell that crap lol. but anyways... i think i would really like wow or ever or something of that nature... but i can't justify paying a subscription fee monthly. screw that lol. but anyways... are there any free games that would be fun like that?
                  Go here download the FREE trial and play on our Private server....



                    yes sir


                      Re: mmporgs or however you spell it

                      Originally posted by Cain
                      Originally posted by Jeffro
                      ok i dunno how to spell that crap lol. but anyways... i think i would really like wow or ever or something of that nature... but i can't justify paying a subscription fee monthly. screw that lol. but anyways... are there any free games that would be fun like that?
                      Go here download the FREE trial and play on our Private server....

                      Hmmm. I'll have to try that.

                      I refuse to pay a monthly subscription to play a game for one reason: I don't generally have a lot of time on any given day to play video games. Usually I get on ~11PM and play until it is time for me to go to bed (~12:30-1AM weekdays, 2-3AM weekends). It is hard for me to justify paying $15/mo when I get so little time to game. It would also limit my FPS playing time.


                        Originally posted by Br@nFl@Kes{CLR}
                        Theres is runescape
                        My girlfriend plays that and she finds it horribly addictive. She calls it Loonscape.

                        Anarchy Online is free to play and free to DL. Nice sci-fi theme too so its not all orcses...



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                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Sirex
                          All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                          Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                          7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Pidgeot_Girl
                          Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                          2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Apache Warrior
                          Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                        • Reply to hey yall!
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                          Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Sirex
                          :O hey Pidgeot!

                          Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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