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I want a gundam...

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    I want a gundam...

    So who wants to loan me $750m?

    "...about 125,000,000 copies of Peggle."

    I want a Gundam, too! And, then again, after watching Gundam anime / reading Gundam manga...I kinda don't want anyone to have one.

    There was a link floating around not too long ago of a very basic robot that could walk (albeit, slowly) and fire Nerf bullets.


      Ill dig into mah piggy bank and see what I can find hold on................................................ ......

      Damn all I got was some Star Wars Collectible figurines


        I think we would end up building it for a whole heck of alot more than 750 million. That would be a downright bargain for the first working military mech. I'm thinking of upwards of 2 billion for the first one if we tried to build it now--don't forget all the stuff DARPA and others have already done that would inform the tech.

        It'll probably be a lot more. We need to improve weapons tech, come up with some sort of portable fusion generator to make it go as nicely as we'll want, and figure out how to hook it up to a human to make it move without a hundred levers and buttons inside the thing.


        P.S. The LOLcat of "pew pew pew" is epic. That's the best thing on the link.

        Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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          Whats a gundam


            Originally posted by unorignal
            Whats a gundam
            think a battlefield 2142 walker, with arms


              Originally posted by Rand{CLR}
              I think we would end up building it for a whole heck of alot more than 750 million. That would be a downright bargain for the first working military mech. I'm thinking of upwards of 2 billion for the first one if we tried to build it now--don't forget all the stuff DARPA and others have already done that would inform the tech.

              It'll probably be a lot more. We need to improve weapons tech, come up with some sort of portable fusion generator to make it go as nicely as we'll want, and figure out how to hook it up to a human to make it move without a hundred levers and buttons inside the thing.


              P.S. The LOLcat of "pew pew pew" is epic. That's the best thing on the link.
              I think a walker would be a remote control type of thing. at least the first ones. they would be much more compact without seating, controls, etc for the human driver.


                If a Gundam would only cost 750m the US military would be using them.
                Old school or the new, doesn't mean a thing if your heart's not true...


                  You keep your gundam, ill take an Alpha Fighter with a Beta Attached.


                    Originally posted by Devilguns
                    If a Gundam would only cost 750m the US military would be using them.
                    Yeah no kidding! now if only we could get our hands on some protoculture...


                      You guys can have your gundam, all I want is one of those awesome rail guns. Ill teach the neighbors to keep it down some at night.


                        How about a battalion of android soldiers?


                          i want an army of androids >.>


                            I'd be happy with my own Sailor Moon and Dragonball Army



                              Like you'd be using the Sailor Moon girls for your army...


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                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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