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Father kills daughter after breaking Xbox

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    Father kills daughter after breaking Xbox

    The only words I can think of to describe this human debris aren't allowed here.

    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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    proof that M$ is evil. All joking asides this piece of human debris needs to find a nice warm chair if you know what I mean......


      If things like this make the news, imagine all the other disgusting crimes that don't?

      As much as I try and focus on the good in the world, on what people do to help others, things like this are always a dark reminder of just how horrible our world can be.

      Reading about the suffering around the world, genocide in Africa, the wars, the famines.... how the amount of money we waste on the production and sale of bottled water could be used to ensure the entire world has drinkable water.

      People who kill over an accident such as this... man, what a society we live in. So materialistic, so sadistic
      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
      So all you get is this crappy text]


        He should have to sit there in prison for the full 47 years. There is no excuse in what he did. What makes it even worse is he tried to say the little girl fell out of her bed.

        When you love something material more than your own family, (especially such a young child!) it's high time you spent some time behind bars. In my opinion, getting a death sentence would be the easy way out for this guy. He deserves to sit in jail for 47 years...taking the life of a child over an innocent accident invovling a video game. That's sickening.


          I'm wondering how the media and anti-video game people will use this to leverage their "video games will be the cause of the next apocalypse".

          The fact he lied about it shows that is he sane. If he were to be calm and fess up right away, that would show some sort of disturing thought trend. Were I to commit something like this, I think my first instinct would be to lie about it. I think its a normal thing to do for a normal person.

          So I hope they don't go with a temporary insanity thing.
          [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
          So all you get is this crappy text]


            That is bad.

            Another PoS that needs to find an accident is that mother who is on trial for killing her baby in the microwave. When i hard that i truly was about to be sick.

            Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


              Its people like this that make me really appreciate all the good I have in my life, especially my awesome parents. Personally I think this guy should get more then 47 years, he killed his daughter OVER A GAME! Even if she did it on purpose doesnt mean he should have hit her that hard. That is some serious force to crack her skull open. Im all for physical punishment, namely spanking, but nothing like that.



                That is sub-human. I hope they don't give him a death sentence; instead, give him life in a Max-Security prison and then spread the word around of what he did. Hopefully he'll get the appropriate "justice" every single night.


                  What's worse than that?

                  The child was 17 months old.
                  A Philadelphia jury yesterday found Tyrone Spellman guilty of third-degree murder and endangering the welfare of a child in the 2006 beating death of his 17-month-old daughter, Alayiah.
                  SEVENTEEN MONTHS OLD?????

                  I'D go to prison for the rest of MY Life if I could have five minutes alone with this asshat.

                  Spellman, also known as Anwar Salahuddin, of the 1500 block of North 29th Street, was arrested in September 2006 after an autopsy indicated that the toddler's skull had been shattered by blows to the head.
                  AND THEY LET HIM DO IT AGAIN!
                  The neighbors had reported them to be abusive but when investigated there were no signs of abuse so it was disregarded.

                  In his closing argument Monday, Berardinelli urged the jurors to conclude that the series of blows inflicted on the child's head were done "with a wickedness of disposition . . . a hardness of heart and extreme indifference" to the impact that such a battering would have on the girl's 17-pound body.

                  "That little baby's head cracked like a walnut," he said, urging the jury to return a verdict of first-degree murder because Spellman acted with reckless disregard for the consequences of his actions.

                  In a brief post-verdict conversation that he had with the jury forewoman, Berardinelli said, she told him that the panel came to the conclusion that Spellman acted "in a rage" but without intending to kill the child.
                  That MF won't make it the full prison sentence. I just about guarantee it.

                  Yet this is third degree murder...

                  First-degree murder is a malicious assault committed with the "specific intent" to kill the victim; third-degree murder is the death that occurs as the unintended consequence of that assault, the judge said.
                  Read the full details here:



                    This is horrible.

                    and so is this...

                    come on media u think you could do a little better...


                      I dont know why...but a huge wave of anger just went through me....Like REALLY BAD. People like this deserve to burn in the deepest levels of hell...


                        At least he will have PLENTY of JOY-STICKS to play with in prison.

                        ohh... did I just say that out loud



                          LMAO@ 'JOY-STICKS'.

                          In the end, I have an eerie feeling there won't be much "Joy" involved.

                          ..pun intended

                          The thought of what he has coming to him just makes me chuckle.


                            47 years of what prison is gonna do to him... God, I wish it would be twice that.

                            almost makes me think the death penalty isn't needed.


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                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Sirex
                              All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                              Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                              7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Pidgeot_Girl
                              Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                              2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                              Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                              :O hey Pidgeot!

                              Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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