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"The worst things in history have been done with the best of intentions." -Dr. Grant, Jurassic Park 3
"Ignorance is bliss; don't concern yourself with the secrets of scary people." -Falconi, Batman Begins
"You can't say civilization doesn't advance. For in every war, they kill you in a new way." -Will Rogers
"Be careful Ryan. Some things in here don't react well to bullets." -The Russian captain played by Sean Connery in The Hunt for the Red October
"Cake or Death?" -Eddie Gizzard (I am sure I spelled his name wrong) on the subject of British Imperialism
"Life will find a way." -Dr. Hammond Jurassic Park 1, 2
"Never tell me the odds!"
"Situation, uh, normal. We're all fine up here thank you. How are you?" "Who is this? What's your id number?" "Uhhh" *BANG* "Not a very interesting conversation anyway. Luke! We're gonna have company!" -Han Solo Star Wars A New Hope
"I almost forgot my Charlemagne. 'Let my armies be the rocks and trees, and the birds in the sky.'"
"You shot them! You shot them! I can't believe what you did!" "C'mon Dad!" -Dr. Jones Sr. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
"Bond, James Bond." -Bond, James Bond
"Oh my God! Who touched Sasha? WHO TOUCHED MY GUN!?"
"Some people think they can outsmart me. Hm, maybe, maybe. I have yet to find someone who can outsmart bullet." -Heavy Team Fortress 2
"I'm a black Scottish cyclops! They've got more *bleeeeeep* than they've got of the likes of me. *sniff* So, you think you're all dandy prancin' abut with your head full of eyeballs!" -Demoman Team Fortress 2
"A friendship can't be measured in inches or miles. A friendship can't really be measure at all. The only people that know the distance, are the two that are sharing it" -N.S.Legere
"Things don't always happen the way you expect them to. Life doesn't always go according to plan. You'll make your mistakes, and have your falls. But in the end, it's your friends that stayed there through it all, and thats what matters the most." -N.S.Legere
"As we get older, we change who we are and what we're like. Relationships are bound to end up in peril. I mean you can't avoid the flaws forever. You have to find a near perfect match to make it work and even then you'll have your differences" -N.S.Legere
"It's a two way road. If you encounter a roadblock, you must turn around or drive right through. If you push you're way past the roadblock then you're bound to hit bumpy trails. If you turn around you'll never know what lay beyond." -N.S.Legere
"If you can't join them, beat them' -N.S.Legere (I'm probably not the first that's said this"
"When live gives you lemons, give them back and ask for apples" -N.S.Legere
and an analogy I made up: If freind's is to forever, then I am to you
Abe Lincoln may have freed all men, and Sam Colt made them equal, But Jack Daniels Made them invincible.
Religion is the opium of the masses. Karl Marx
If you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, then go home and burn all your records, all your tapes, and all your CDs because every one of those artists who have made brilliant music and enhanced your lives? RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEAL -edit- high on drugs. The Beatles were so -edit- high they let Ringo sing a few songs. Bill Hicks
I heard the following one a few days ago
"You cannot shake hands with a fist"
I have more, but need to dig.
Uhh, I missed the part where he said we need to use it. I like the qoute, and I've seen it a lot online via MMORPG's, COD4, even here on Cain's Lair, and much other places.
my favorite probably that could have some meaning would be here on COD4.
Pretty much everything Doc says is pure gold. This is one of the best movies out there for quotes.
I agree completely. That movie is so amazing. Surprisingly, my favorite quote from that movie isn't a Doc Holiday quote. It is the quote at the beginning from the bible that Johnny Ringo translates...
In My opinion, Val Kilmer played the best "Doc Holiday" of all. In fact, I think Val Kilmer is the best actor at every role he plays. I liked him in batman too. He is an excellent actor.
Val Kilmer is good in Willow, Real Genius, Top Secret, Top Gun, and the Prince of Egypt. He's superb in Heat and The Doors. He's sublime, nearly perfect, in Tombstone.
Nothing he ever does will be as good as Doc Holliday. He should have been nominated for Best Supporting Actor, but that was a strong year: Tommy Lee Jones for the Fugitive, John Malkovich for In the Line of Fire, and Ralph Fiennes for Schindler's List were up that year. Since Tombstone didn't truly take off until it hit video, he wouldn't have had a chance even if he were nominated.
As far as Batman goes, he's slightly better than Keaton, but he's nowhere near as good as Christian Bale.
Uhh, I missed the part where he said we need to use it. I like the qoute, and I've seen it a lot online via MMORPG's, COD4, even here on Cain's Lair, and much other places.
I was just curious to know when you would use this!
As in, if you can find a place and time in real life to use that quote, that would be awesome.
"Excuse me, did you know that jay-walking is illegal"
[this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
So all you get is this crappy text]
As for Val Kilmer, in looking through his IMDB, I see that they are making a new Heat, and are in negociates with Pacino, DeNiro and Kilmer. Interesting.
I also see that he will be the voice of KITT, with Hasslehof playing Michael Knight again. I hope they only use Hasslehof for the cheeze factor, showing that he is older and now passing the flame to someone else.
I also saw an add on TV for a new Knight Rider TV Series? WTF is up with the KR revivals?
[this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
So all you get is this crappy text]
Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...