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Games you grew up with.

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    Games you grew up with.

    I've just been thinking about what games i used to play 10-15 years ago and one suddenly hit me that i hadn't thought about since probably the last time i played it (when i sold my SNES..... so long ago )

    Killer Instinct! Did anybody play this? Took forever to master that 48 hit combo. For those who don't know of this game.

    What old skool game brings back your best memories?

    The first game I ever did well at and could beat was Dragons Lair. I dropped a lot of quarters in that machine but whenever I played I would have a crowd around watching me.

    The first PC game I can remember was a game called The Mist. I think Stephen King had something to do with it also. It was one of those games the you type "W" to go west and then you read the description and continued from there.

    The next one I remember was Wasteland not only was there a description but some graphics as well.

    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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      Thats old school 4 me I loved my Nintendo.


        I remember The Mist. Great game. If anybody else played KI let me know. I want to know of your highest combos.


          I played Killer Instinct my best combo was only 34. With that 1 chick with the sticks that turned into that cat.


            Murphy, you're using the wrong screen shot from Super Mario Brothers. That's not old school. :P

            First console for me was Intellivision, and probably the first game on it? Baseball. My first arcade machines were late 70s/early 80s mainstays: pac-man, space invaders, asteroids, missile command, dig dug, etc.


            Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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              Final Fantasy 2

              Cecil is to FF2 as Cloud was to FF7, (they were both cool...)


                KI,Mortal Combat,etc.I dont remember how many hits it was but my attacks lasted till u were dead almost every time.Nobody could even get a hit on me i remember it ussed to make everyone REALLY mad.



                  I still have the console and the games!
                  K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

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                    Remember, I'm Ancient... PONG came out at the arcades.
                    Pacman.. Mario Bros. MIST, Oh Yeah...
                    Asteroids, spent ROLLS of quarters on. Ahhhh, the days....

                    First Computer, Pentium 90. I was SMOKIN. First Star wars game. Actually had to buffer it down to play some of the games, as they weren't made for that kind of Raw Awesome speed... lololol

                    MechWarrior, first GOOD armor game I ever played IMO.

                    Now my computer has 7 fans to keep it cool enough to play, and it's outdated.
                    ??Click me to donate??


                      Tossing out random games here that held my attention:

                      Dig Dug, Elevator Action, Street Fighter II, Streets of Rage II on the console side.

                      SWOTL, Lakers vs. Celtics, Mist, BoB:Their Finest Hour on the PC. All on a 486/50 with 8mb RAM and a 2x CD drive !! Those were the days ....
                      Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                        For me it was Double Dragon,Donkey Kong,Breakout,Pacman


                          Originally posted by Duke{CLR}
                          The first game I ever did well at and could beat was Dragons Lair.
                          I loved that game but never beat it. I have a PC version that runs off CD.



                            Been gaming since I was 5, so thats 27+ years of being a hardcore gamer! People hated me in the arcade, I could sit on a quarter for ages. Zaxxon, operation wolf, zenophobe, defender, tron, mortal kombat 1-3, streetfighter 2, rise of the triad, doom 1&2, virtua cop, golden axe, king of fighters, duke nukem, 720, skate or die, virtua fighter, asteriods, galaga, centipede, star wars, and of course who could forget that 3-d arcade game battlezone!!


                              I didn't really do much with Video games, but I loved the good old Starfox (I was a nintendo freak).

                              When I got a lil older and more mature I started playing the nintendo 64 Zelda games, and LOVED THEM. I still love them today, I'm excited for the new one to come out, I finally beat Twilight Princess... and left me confused... (SPOILER BELOW)

                              "Link.... I....I.... see you later..."

                              "breaks mirror of twilight"

                              I hope there is more to do with the Twilight Princess. As annoying as that lil creature Imp was, it was hard to resist liking her personality... and I sound like a fruit cake right now


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