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Lousy Paternts

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    Lousy Paternts

    I know in the big scheme of things there are worse things that happens but this just seems so unnecessary.

    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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    F#$%^&& A-holes, not kewl.


      Originally posted by unorignal
      A-holes, not kewl.

      That's just plain mean-spirited and evil.


        I guess the story does have a happy ending in that the site managers are going to get him an xbox...and they even received a message from Microsoft offering up some stuff too.

        I'm all for pranks. I do them and have had them played on me. But things like this were you give false expectations are just mean, specially to a kid.
        [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
        So all you get is this crappy text]


          they showd this on xplay the other day

          the actual story was that the kid was caught snooping around his presents so they took the xbox out and gave it to him later that day

          still pretty mean though


            In reading the article, the kids brother said something similar, that he took the xbox out and gave it to him later. He was to video tape the real present opening and post it up, but that never happened.

            The website managers said they called the kid's parents and they confirmed that no xbox was ever to be had.
            [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
            So all you get is this crappy text]


              Originally posted by minfootball
              they showd this on xplay the other day

              the actual story was that the kid was caught snooping around his presents so they took the xbox out and gave it to him later that day

              still pretty mean though


                Originally posted by BigTwinky
                I guess the story does have a happy ending in that the site managers are going to get him an xbox...and they even received a message from Microsoft offering up some stuff too.
                I thought that was rather generous of them. I can understand that his family couldn't afford the thing, but don't sit there and tell the kid that you can't afford it and then wrap some clothes in a X360 box. That's just sick, especially when it's done to a child.

                I can't believe some people there had the nerve to actually laugh. Much less film it and host it on the internet.


                  In my mind, the only appropriate thing for this kid to do is wait. Wait until he's landed a pretty solid job and his parents retire. Then, he takes them out to dinner to celebrate something at a restaurant that's in/near a big mall parking lot. He gives them a small present to unwrap - Ohh! Keys to a car just slightly better than anything he could afford! He tells them it's in the parking lot, and follows them with a camera as they run excitedly up and down the lot looking for a car that is, of course, not there.

                  Of course, maybe, just MAYBE it's all an evil, elaborate scheme. They do honestly trick the kid, but make the video just so people will get pissed and send him a free xbox. Though in the end, the emotional trauma of being betrayed and humiliated by your family is probably worse than actually getting an xbox... EVEN if they had an xbox right around the corner that they gave him, it's still a little too harsh.


                    That's actually not unique. I did it to my nephews something like 20 years ago.

                    The Super Ninetendo was new and they really wanted one for Christmas. One of my nephews was about 8 and the other about 6. So his parents bought one and I came up with an evil idea: take out the SN and stuff the box with socks and underwear. My brother thought this was a FABULOUS idea, so that's exactly what he did.

                    I wasn't there to witness their reactions on Christmas morning, but I understand there was some momentary grief. However, my nephews knew that none of us were evil enough to really pull this off and the SN was somewhere. They got it a few minutes after opening the box stuffed with underwear.

                    I think families need to have fun together, and pranks like this can actually be good bonding experiences. But they need to be harmless pranks, and not truly evil actions.


                      I agree, but in this case, it was more of an evil act than a prank.
                      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                      So all you get is this crappy text]


                        Thats completly horrible


                          It is repugnant. You can play tricks, you can do pranks and have fun, but don't ever forget the innocence and illusion of a child. I think it is an evil thing to do, let alone recording it. It is not my child and I felt awful, I don't understand how his family can do that, make a child cry just for the fun of it.
                          K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

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                            Evil, pure evil. I hope the parents die in a drive by.


                              At one point the brother says something like "go ahead and cry for the camera".

                              read: We're humiliating you to catch it on video.


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