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Cruel Prank against a walmart lady.

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    Cruel Prank against a walmart lady.

    I feel bad for this lady.

    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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    WOW thats so mean
    but i'll need you to cut all of them, yes all three wires


      I do feel bad.

      But that was funny.


        Actually, no offense to the Wal mart worker, but common sense would tell me that cutting ANY wire (esp the power cable) to anything electrical, may it be a computer, a TV Set, a blender a toaster.....would cut the power.

        You don't have to be computer ILLITERATE to figure that one out.


          That is pretty funny but Im interested in what will happen to her and the guy


            ok i guess ill say it... its her fault for being dumb. thats some funny stuff

            ok now everybody yell at me for being a prick


              jeeese that's just plain wrong....



                I really don't know who is more stupid. The lady is obviously clueless about technology but the guy calling should also have know that someone could have gotten hurt cutting live wires with a pair of scissors.

                Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
                Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                  I think the "prankster" was pretty inconsiderate. The lady sounded older, and there are some (*some* don't some of you guys come rioting here! ) older people who are still quite fearful of technology and really don't care for it. This guy was suggesting some pretty dangerous "upgrades"...that seems like a stupid way to get some giggles.

                  On a side note, cutting your wires = wireless keyboard? C'mon...

                  Nobody really verified he was from corporate, so that's their fault, but he should have realized that some people could have gotten hurt from this "prank call."


                    I hope that guys feel good.

                    a) He shouldn't be calling it social engineering to make it seem like legitimate.
                    b) The "she should've known better" notion is absurd. Every person has individual skill sets. It would be like me telling a non-musically inclined person to play the guitar wrong. And then laughing at them because they didn't know any better. I'm sure there is an area of knowledge in which the wal-mart worker is far superior than that ass who pranked her.


                      Originally posted by Rovey Wade
                      I hope that guys feel good.

                      a) He shouldn't be calling it social engineering to make it seem like legitimate.
                      b) The "she should've known better" notion is absurd. Every person has individual skill sets. It would be like me telling a non-musically inclined person to play the guitar wrong. And then laughing at them because they didn't know any better. I'm sure there is an area of knowledge in which the wal-mart worker is far superior than that ass who pranked her.
                      Well.. in a world that's pretty much all technology, not knowing if you should cut a wire or not to make a keyboard wireless is... well dumb really. Like... nowadays technology is a central part of life... it's like not knowing that pressing 3-0-0 on an oven where it says temperature will set it to 300 degrees... yes bad comparison but hey


                        Originally posted by {CLR} Naillik
                        Well.. in a world that's pretty much all technology, not knowing if you should cut a wire or not to make a keyboard wireless is... well dumb really.
                        That's the point I was making in my argument. It seems really dumb to you because you do know technology. To someone who isn't technology savvy, it wouldn't be unreasonable. The root of this whole thing is some "mandate" that she should know this kind of thing.

                        Originally posted by {CLR} Naillik
                        Like... nowadays technology is a central part of life...
                        It is a central part of your life. I bet any Amish person could out farm all of us. They aren't claiming that we should know when to plant peas. Why? Because that's strictly a central part of their life.

                        Do you see what I'm getting at?


                          Originally posted by Rovey Wade
                          Originally posted by {CLR} Naillik
                          Well.. in a world that's pretty much all technology, not knowing if you should cut a wire or not to make a keyboard wireless is... well dumb really.
                          That's the point I was making in my argument. It seems really dumb to you because you do know technology. To someone who isn't technology savvy, it wouldn't be unreasonable. The root of this whole thing is some "mandate" that she should know this kind of thing.

                          Originally posted by {CLR} Naillik
                          Like... nowadays technology is a central part of life...
                          It is a central part of your life. I bet any Amish person could out farm all of us. They aren't claiming that we should know when to plant peas. Why? Because that's strictly a central part of their life.

                          Do you see what I'm getting at?

                          I do agree with you, though. Like Tails said, there are just some older folks who just despise technology and do not care to use it. I think it's a shame that someone would taken advantage of something like that, especially to this degree.

                          Technology seems like a central pillar to us because most of us grew up using it constantly. If we hadn't of grow up around it, we probably wouldn't be as comfortable with it.


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