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Video games are cool, but Comic books/Sci-Fi are for geeks?

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    Video games are cool, but Comic books/Sci-Fi are for geeks?

    I remember, this was a while back, I posted some pics with me, and some people dressed in Star Wars attire and such. Got into an arguement with a former clan member. And we were always buttin heads for some reason (others dudes chimed in)

    And some said how much of an "F-ing" nerd I was for posting that...and I retorted, nicely, "Yeah, but you play video games/computer games"

    And some were like "Um, yeah so?"

    This got me thinking.

    Well, video games weren't considered "cool" until the last generation of consoles (PS2 and XBox), and even then you were only "cool" if you played Halo, Gran Turismo and Madden. God forbid you played Final Fantasy. Cosplaying...personally I think it's completely ridiculous but why should my opinion matter? I don't think less of people that have different hobbies than I do, no matter how silly they are. I like to run around neon colored inflatable bunkers shooting paint at people...I'm sure plenty of people think that's corny...including some of my close friends. Doesn't affect our relationship other than some good-natured ribbing.

    Do whatever makes you happy and the hell what other people think. People worth knowing won't judge you solely based on your hobbies. If you do care what random internet people think, don't put pictures of yourself out there and you won't have to hear it.



      well if that statement is true then just call me geek lol i like my comics and graphic novels but i also like my games so does that make me a cool geek but to unbalence it again i also play miniature games like warhammer 40K hehe.

      cosplay aint my thing but i quite like some of the costumes people manage to make or get, it is all a matter of personal opinion and its kind of nasty for people to say things that are obviously ment in a bad way.

      thrash got it right it doesnt matter what others think aslong as you like what you do never take what others say to heart i dont .


        Originally posted by Kriotek
        thrash got it right it doesnt matter what others think aslong as you like what you do never take what others say to heart i dont .

        When I was in elementary school, I was pretty much convinced video games made you "uncool" so I tended to stray away from the crowd. As I got older, I just got to the point where I had the thought process of, "You may not like it, but I do." Come to find out, there were plenty of other people who liked video games, manga/graphic novels, anime, etc. in my school, they just didn't want to look "uncool."

        Nowadays, being "cool" to 50% or more of America consists of watching reality shows. I'm an avid gamer, anime addict, and a cosplaying freak....and I don't mind it a bit! I don't go around proclaiming it to strangers, but I'm not afraid to tell people about my hobbies and interests when asked. Sure, I get some strange looks on the way to an anime convention when I'm cosplaying, but I find it enjoyable. As Thrashdragon already said, at one point or another, someone will find your hobbies "weird" or "uncool" so just do what you like.

        Living your life to impress everyone will only make you miserable.


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