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Bad soldiers in Iraq.

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    Bad soldiers in Iraq.

    some of the things they do not show you in the news...clueless to know why it does not. some of the links have language in it. theres more bad being done there than good.........Are they just get bored there? or do military just recruit criminals...This puts bad impressions on the usa military..

    some of these videos contain some lang, just so you know what you get into. but its things not seen in the news.

    i am not dissing the military, its just that they need to eliminate the idiots.

    James P. Barker (born 1982) is a specialist in the US Army who pled guilty on 15 November 2006 to the rape of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, Abeer Qassim al-Janabi, and of helping murder her and her family.

    Barker told Army criminal investigators that he poured kerosene on the girl's bullet-ridden body after the killing.

    The girl's father, mother and five-year-old sister were also killed.

    Admitting to rape.


    Some people stole some wood. Then they got their car crushed...well the tanker people obviously not care about the wood since they left it on the car and ran over it. so was it just to be funny?

    at end of video. the car owner said "im a taxi driver. the car was my lively hood."


    why do they do this?

    flashbangs a iraqi farmer and his sheep...


    there are better things than this to do for would you feel if your family had to live in poverty and some guy comes around with fresh food, water, ties it to the back of his car and lets your kids run for it.


    there were more videos that showed worse than that of were committed. dont know why they were removed or why. do you not think the news would be all over this? innocent people, they have nothing to do with the resistance..

    do they deserve to come back to the usa? or should they spend a couple of years.

    Although I have not watched any of these videos....

    I will say- anytime you mobilize a large force for long periods, you will always get a few stories like this. Plain and simple there are good and bad even in the military.

    Violence like this happens everyday in this country, and frankly I find it AMAZING that you dont hear more about it while at war overseas.

    So I guess I trying to say... I feel our soldiers are the most professional forces in the world and a few bad apples don't sway my opinion in the least.


      well you just have to look at the helps really.


        Welcome to war... it gets messy. Weed out the bad ones and push forward. If you think our forces are bad.... Iran has suicide in it military doctrine. Well "Martyr"... Which I believe translates out to "I am worthless piece of crap". Or you can go to Africa....

        Our troops do a fine job. The bads ones are booted very fast. We have many members of the US military that play here at Cain's, a few have even been to Iraq. They are good guys and we owe them a lot.


          Originally posted by NikkiWikkiEmoChikki
          well you just have to look at the helps really.
          The actions of a few do not represent the group as a whole. Please keep this in mind.

          War is nasty, very nasty. Honestly I wish the news would keep out of it. We can't do nearly half of the actions we need to (like bomb entire cave complexes) because the news would display it at a negative angle. You will get civilian casatulities in war. Take the 1 or 2 innocents who die from us compared to the 20-30 terrorists/enemies who die from our fire as well. just my opinion.


            Meh. sorry but we are doing far more good there than bad and alot of those types of videos have been shown to be fakes done by namby pamby peacenick military/america haters


              In any large group of people you will find some bad seeds. The important thing is that you don't let your perception of the whole be colored by the actions of a few.


                In my experience with the US Army there are a lot of people who take their job seriously, but also also a large portion that goof off and act irresponsibly when they feel the repercussions won't be that bad.

                Yes, in any large group you'll have some bad seeds, but that's what the Catholic church used to say about it's priests molesting boys. Just as the priesthood attracts people trying to run away from their bad thoughts, the military tends to attract people who are more likely going to get themselves in trouble when left to their own devices. At least in my observation from 4 years in highschool, the people who tended to join the Army (including my brother) were the screwups.

                I don't accept the cop-out that "war is nasty" any more than I accept "kids will be kids" as an excuse for misbehavior. I understand it's a large operation, and some things like the above videos (real or not..) are bound to happen, but I disagree that our troops, at least the ones I've seen, are the most professional.

                I'm very thankful that the media is allows to keep an eye on things like this. The ends don't justify the means, and if an action will help you achieve a victory at the sacrifice of innocents, it shouldn't be done. I'm sure hitler didn't want the media around to report on the holocaust either... I'm just using that as an extreme example to show that a media presence makes sure things don't get out of hand.


                  Originally posted by L_Mo
                  I don't accept the cop-out that "war is nasty" any more than I accept "kids will be kids" as an excuse for misbehavior. I understand it's a large operation, and some things like the above videos (real or not..) are bound to happen, but I disagree that our troops, at least the ones I've seen, are the most professional.
                  Go to any base, you'll find that 80% or more of the military is professional, more so then most other career fields. Oh, and one more thing before I forget. "War is nasty" because of the death involved in it and the hardships that all of those involved in it have to go through. Yes, "War is nasty" does not nor should it extend to the death of innocents, but when you are fighting an enemy who looks exactly the same as an innocent, you have to assume that everybody is the enemy at first, and then choose to react based on their actions. It's a matter of protecting your own hide and the hide of those who fight beside you. We call each other "brother in arms" for a reason, because we are like brothers when the crap hits the fan.

                  Also, please understand that most people who go into the army acting completely stupid and in-mature will come out a changed person, and those that don't, 90% of the time they will/do get discharged for something they will do before they can get into a war zone. I would love to know how 4 years in high school can hold up to the same principals that the USA, USMC, USN, USCG, and USAF instill in the people who join. Sorry if you ment it otherwise, but that's how it sounded to me.


                    Originally posted by seiko
                    Go to any base, you'll find that 80% or more of the military is professional, more so then most other career fields.
                    No disagreement from me there. I guess my point/issues is that I hold the US military to a higher standard, and 20% non-professionalism is too high for me. I guess I can't demand total perfection, but the difference is when people goof off in an an office building they play a computer prank. When people goof off while deployed they have slightly more dangerous toys to use for pranks (like throwing flashbangs at sheep...) The active military represents us as a country, so I guess I always expect them to behave admirably. My biggest beef has been things like abu ghraib, and while that may be an isolated incident, it worries me that things like this are happening on a smaller scale and go unreported.

                    When I write a scientific journal article the text has to be flawless. The idea being that if someone spots a spelling/grammar mistake, they might assume this reflects upon the quality of my work and it puts all my experimental data to question as well. That's why I don't like the "don't let a few individuals spoil the image of the group" argument. I've seen the few bad examples, and I worry now that they're everywhere and things just go unreported.

                    Regarding the high school comment - I take it back.. it was an unfair judgment. I knew a lot of people -before- they joined the army and they weren't exactly top caliber, but there's a lot of room to grow, so hopefully they straightened out.


                      Originally posted by L_Mo
                      Originally posted by seiko
                      Go to any base, you'll find that 80% or more of the military is professional, more so then most other career fields.
                      No disagreement from me there. I guess my point/issues is that I hold the US military to a higher standard, and 20% non-professionalism is too high for me. I guess I can't demand total perfection, but the difference is when people goof off in an an office building they play a computer prank. When people goof off while deployed they have slightly more dangerous toys to use for pranks (like throwing flashbangs at sheep...) The active military represents us as a country, so I guess I always expect them to behave admirably. My biggest beef has been things like abu ghraib, and while that may be an isolated incident, it worries me that things like this are happening on a smaller scale and go unreported.

                      When I write a scientific journal article the text has to be flawless. The idea being that if someone spots a spelling/grammar mistake, they might assume this reflects upon the quality of my work and it puts all my experimental data to question as well. That's why I don't like the "don't let a few individuals spoil the image of the group" argument. I've seen the few bad examples, and I worry now that they're everywhere and things just go unreported.

                      Regarding the high school comment - I take it back.. it was an unfair judgment. I knew a lot of people -before- they joined the army and they weren't exactly top caliber, but there's a lot of room to grow, so hopefully they straightened out.
                      Trust me, the 20% or so (which is a very high number that I posted up, I should have posted up smaller. Something more realistic) that aren't professional will eventually get kicked out. Lets also keep in mind that everybody has to goof around once in awhile, find something to laugh about. Yes, in a wartime environment using a flash bang on a sheep shouldn't be your source of laughter, but perhaps they had been out in the field for a few days straight, and was completely bored, with a lack of sleep. Under the stress of war, with a lack of sleep, and complete boredom, one will find some very odd things to do. I'm not condoning what they did, I'm simply saying that there could be other factors involved aside from just boredom.

                      Most of the people who find something to do to keep then sane, find it before the complete boredom sets in. Keeping a journal, writing music, something humane.


                        Originally posted by L_Mo View Post
                        When I write a scientific journal article the text has to be flawless. The idea being that if someone spots a spelling/grammar mistake, they might assume this reflects upon the quality of my work and it puts all my experimental data to question as well.
                        I'm afraid our guys and gals in the armed forces don't have tools like that to prevent their problems from occurring.

                        Frankly, I'm very proud of every single one of them. I know we have the usual few bad apples that have no business being in the situations they are. I will never blame the group for these few knuckle heads actions.
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                          2 cents real quick

                          Theres going to be, to put it bluntly, douchebags wherever you go.

                          You can't judge a group of over 400,000 people in the army by something a couple of them do.
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                            There will always be that handfull of people that will be bad but they are the few and does not represent the rest of those who are good. There are always bad things happening in war time as that is war.


                              Notice, that those were all army. I just want to point that out. When they crushed the car, they said some crap about US army tankers.
                              We went through so much training about morality and ethics and all that good stuff in bootcamp.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
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                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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