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Bad soldiers in Iraq.

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    Originally posted by GeneralSnake View Post
    We went through so much training about morality and ethics and all that good stuff in bootcamp.

    United States Marine Corp
    -- When you ask an airman what he does, he will respond, "I'm in the Air Force." When you ask a sailor what she does, she'll respond, "I'm in the Navy." When you ask a soldier what he does, he'll respond, "I'm in the Army." If you ask a Marine what he does, he'll say "I am a Marine." --


      /rant on

      Whats the point of these videos? I've seen them (and way worse ones) posted on other forums. Is their point to show how horrible the army is and why it should be withdrawn from Iraq? While I think the war is stupid, the reasons for war non-existant, I don't like this way of using videos and media to support one's point when all they show is negative, they show no positive. If all you see everywhere are these evil spirited, sadistic videos, without seeing any of the good things they are doing, then the public's opinion will be off.

      Where are the countless videos of marines who adopt abandonned puppies and ship them home to their families in the US?
      Where are the videos of the countless soldiers helping rebuild homes, taking some of their own personal leave time to get in there and do what they can?
      What about the ones who give out their own rations to children?

      See what I'm getting at? No one will show videos like that because they are not shocking, they are not newsworthy. So all we see is this garbage.

      Yes, they are aholes. Yes, they need to be disciplined, reprimanded, fined, jailed, castrated, whatever is your poison of choice.

      If we are to start kicking out and withdrawing troops based on the mediatised (sp?) actions of a minority, then hell, might as well ship the rest US over somewhere else for their disgusting acts.

      If you want to make a point against the war, against the government, do so with arguments that are logical. Not with something like this.

      /rant off
      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
      So all you get is this crappy text]


        Originally posted by GeneralSnake View Post
        Notice, that those were all army. I just want to point that out. When they crushed the car, they said some crap about US army tankers.
        We went through so much training about morality and ethics and all that good stuff in bootcamp.
        And I would just like to point out that the guy who threw a frigging puppy off a cliff and was caught on tape was a Marine.

        This behavior is not restricted by branch of service. It's an unfortunate part of the human condition that tends to rise to the fore amongst certain people, especially during wartime. No service is better than another in this area, and no army is better than another. Every military organization in history has had this stuff come up.

        The degree to which it occurs varies, but no-one is immune.


        Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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          Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
          And I would just like to point out that the guy who threw a frigging puppy off a cliff and was caught on tape was a Marine.

          This behavior is not restricted by branch of service. It's an unfortunate part of the human condition that tends to rise to the fore amongst certain people, especially during wartime. No service is better than another in this area, and no army is better than another. Every military organization in history has had this stuff come up.

          The degree to which it occurs varies, but no-one is immune.


          Oswald and Whitman we're both Marines as well.


            Originally posted by mapes View Post
            Oswald and Whitman we're both Marines as well.
            And Chinese are from China.


              Simple fact-

              We wouldnt need a military Police or a military court if a certain percentage of the population weren't criminally motivated.

              Just remember to reverse the mirror when casting the light to ensure that a complete picture is found.

              The soldiers in toleration are no different than the citizens in tolerance of terrorist organizations and those with terrorist motivational techniques.

              I cant judge everyone in a population by the actions of individuals anymore than I can judge all the soldiers in an organization by the actions of individuals in a troop or company.


                Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post
                Simple fact-

                We wouldnt need a military Police or a military court if a certain percentage of the population weren't criminally motivated.

                Just remember to reverse the mirror when casting the light to ensure that a complete picture is found.

                The soldiers in toleration are no different than the citizens in tolerance of terrorist organizations and those with terrorist motivational techniques.

                I cant judge everyone in a population by the actions of individuals anymore than I can judge all the soldiers in an organization by the actions of individuals in a troop or company.
                Actually we would still need military police. We use military police for a lot more things other then arresting our own... LOL


                  Originally posted by (DSP)-Bar View Post
                  And Chinese are from China.
                  Point taken....I was just reminded of Full Metal Jacket is all.


                    I wasnt trying to say only army troops do things like this, but I will say that they do it more frequently than marines. Atleast that we know about. I have a friend who was in the Rangers, he got back from Iraq in 04 or so, and he told us about some crazy stuff that they did. Yeah, he could have been lying, but what he was saying wasnt making anyone look good or cool, so I dont see his reasoning to lie. They would raid houses under the guise of looking for weapons, and they would RIP the entire place apart, tearing up floorboards, smashing walls, etc, to find drugs. And then they would take the drugs. Some of our soldiers fighting in Iraq and tripping off of LSD right now.
                    Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 26 Oct 2008, 02:47 PM. Reason: Language--Rand


                      Originally posted by mapes View Post
                      Oswald and Whitman we're both Marines as well.

                      And so was I. Semper Fi.

                      There are always bad elements everywhere.

                      No race, gender or social class is immune or has a monopoly.

                      They deserve to be punished in a civilized society.

                      The fact that they exist is terrible, but a reality nonetheless.


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                        All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                        Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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                        :O hey Pidgeot!

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