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Just wow: part 3 (*BARK BARK*)

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    Just wow: part 3 (*BARK BARK*)

    Triple wide trailer+800 dogs=DISGUSTING MESS !!!

    Too bad this wasn't the same house where the lady was sitting on the loo for 2 years ... now that'd make it even MORE impressive !!
    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin

    Ummm that is a little over the top lol


      There was this one lady in Gilroy near where I used to live that had hundreds of cats in her barn and house and whatnot. She was really weird though, she would like, put them in giant tupperwear(sp?) boxes when they died and just stack them in the barn.


        Ohhh MANNNN The STENCH.

        When I worked for ...A world wide phone company... I was a lineman, and on the weekends if the service techs needed help I would go over to that dept. and work troubles and installs. I have been in some bad BAD'd probably think I was lying. One house I went to was in a projects section that had been abandoned, and the doors and windows were boarded shut. I thought, this must be the wrong address, but it wasn't. One board over the door hinges just nails on one side was pushed open by some old man and there was not ONE place you could step without stepping in poop.. looked like human feces. No Electricity and it was pitch black inside. Anyway I refused to give service to him until he cleaned the place up. That is one of MANY stories.

        Needless to say, taking a wild guess, I'd say I've turned roughly 100 people over to authorities for abuse of animals, children, spouse, and for humane reasons too. I have actually fist-fought with customers on a couple of occasions where I caught them in the act of abusing a child.

        This one time I walked in and the guy grabbed up his whining (not crying) daughter who was simply saying she was hungry, and he shook her and mumbled something with his back turned to me. She must've been 4-5 years old. He put her back down on her feet and as she whined again (he didn't know I was at the door standing there) and he back handed her so hard she lifted off her feet, landed on her back and slid across the floor to a wall. I opened the door and he had a REALLY surprised look on his face for a split second until my fist met with it. I knocked him out cold, along with three of his teeth. He suffered a broken jaw and the child was, to my knowledge, never to be in the presence of this man again.

        I almost lost my job for it, but luckily someone said they witnessed it...I doubt they did...and when the witness spoke up the guy admitted it and that saved my job.

        I'd do it again wether it cost me my job or not. I had a deep down satisfied feeling come over me as he laid there gagging on his own blood.



          Nice punch Mike. I wouldnt want to beat my daughter around you, lol. Or ever.
          I want more stories Mike! I am banging at the walls of your castle for more stories!!


            Ok .. Here's another.

            You might think differently of me after this one.

            We were placing some underground fiber optics in Boca Raton Florida, and my T-40 (big bucket truck with a winch and reel loader) was parked off the 6 lane road about 70-80 feet or so, and school had just let out. There were these 6 kids walking down the sidewalk eating and a dog came running out of a nearby yard. Now these kids mustve been like 15-16 years old and they were throwing pieces of food out into the road trying to get this dog to chase it out into traffic. I yelled at them and walked over and they said What the **** you gonna do about it? I said I'm not going to do nothing but I can call someone who will. I said "Do it one more time and see what happens". They started puffing up and saying stuff like " we'll kick your ass ".."there's six of us and one of you".. and of course there was one or two of them unwilling to participate in the possibility of beating me down. I said "That would be the biggest mistake you ever made, son. Now I suggest you run along like good little p***ies and you'll live to tell your friends how you ......and as soon as I said that three of them jumped on me and pulled me to the ground. One of them kicked me in the head, but I managed to make it to my feet after a severe beating, and when I did, the beatings began. I couldn't even feel the others hitting me as I put one down, then grabbed another until I had assaulted all four of the evil doers. By the time the fight was over, traffic was stopped and people were out of their cars and some of the people were cheering me on and clapping while there were a few women who were fussing about me laying my hand on a minor and I'd be arrested.

            Nevertheless the police came, and some of my lineman buddies were several manholes down the eavesment and came running but it was all over by then. I managed to get out of that one too with no charges, because several of the cars that stopped saw the kids throwing the food in the road and actually saw what they were doing. It was determined that they were up to no good, and no charges were filed against me. They, on the other hand had several charges and went off to a juvenile detention center. I'm not sure if they got felony charges or not. I don't know about the other two who didn't help whoop my ass.

            I had a black eye and a bloody nose from a kick to the face. Torn clothes and a good healthy helping of scratches. They were all bleeding from the face and neck area, and two had a few road rashes where they had taken a tumble onto the sidewalk. I am glad it was over because I wasn't prepared for that. I'm sure those kids are probably in prison by now.

            I heard something like .. Wreckless endangerment of an animal, assault, battery, criminal tresspass, among other things.

            I was sent home with pay for the rest of the week (it was friday so I didn't get many days vacation) until the investigation ensued.

            I have NO tolerance for kids like that, NOR do I for their parents if they wanna look at it as my fault.

            I don't usually brag about that one since some people have conflicting opinions about hitting minors, but it was the first one I could think of off the top of my head.


              Sounds like they got what they had coming to them to me.


                Crap, we gotta get Mike on Springer.



                  Nah. I learned my lesson more times than not. For instance, don't ever pick a fight while you're wearing rollerblades and the other person isn't. It is unbelievably hard to NOT get your butt whipped by someone 10 years younger.

                  Anyway, to keep the topic going.. It is unbelievable the way people treat animals and other people sometimes. I am no mediator by far, but my blood boils when I see someone or something helpless being mistreated by someone who is entrusted.


                    I love it. You should make a thread for more stories.


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