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Global Warming

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    Global Warming

    Well, I don't think we have had a thread regarding this, so I figured I would bring it up. I can't make polls but if an admin would like to add one that would be nice.

    But anyhow, do you believe in global warming, if so, why, and if not, why?

    Should be a good debate (I will find it humorous when people try to explain why they believe there is global warming, since [I believe] the main reason people think there is global warming is the media [no tangible proof]).

    My basic arguments coincide with one of my favorite political commentators:

    May the rants begin
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    I basically think that global warming is occurring, to what extent I have no idea and it doesn't seem as if anyone else does for sure either than what they claim their numbers to be. And whether it is man made or natural, again, there doesn't seem to be a straight answer on the subject. As long as I don't turn lobster red and sweat off 40lbs every time I step out of the air conditioning, I'm not that worried about it.

    Not sure what you're saying your views are in totality as I refuse to listen to or watch Glen Beck.


      Why no Glenn, Trooper?
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        The earth has cycles... we just happen to be in a warm cycle.

        I get tired of reading these articles titled --


        Ok, Maybe its not that bad. But dude... really ?? I could careless if the "ancient ice" is melting. If the earth was gonna burn out, it would have done it a long time ago. (Besides, if I cared about the ancient ice then I would have to quit pissing in the toilet because I might ruining the ancient water)

        I read an article the other day that some group was pissed because some actor/musician w/e logged like 20,000 air miles on their plane going around the world in one week. The entire time that I am reading this I am thinking - "They made the money and they can do what they want with it, its none of your business."

        Same thing with the airline companies, they got pissed because they sent a few flights over the Atlantic with like 3 passengers on board. If I was a passenger and was told my flight was canceled because of the moron tree huggers I would be ticked off.

        I'm all for "remove a tree and plant a new one to replace it." I am all for finding ways to help the environment. But I will do as I please or I will die trying.

        God made earth, God made man, God put man on earth. God made earth a flexible environment because he knows man is too stupid to do something that makes sense.

        I mean come on... Can you honestly trust someone who invented a jelly-bean ? I know I couldn't, thats just asking for trouble.

        Let the earth take of itself and let me handle the gas guzzling fun.


          Originally posted by Trooper110 View Post
          Not sure what you're saying your views are in totality as I refuse to listen to or watch Glen Beck.

          Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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            Not going in to it, I don't want to start anything, let's just leave it with I don't like him and keep on topic


              I think my main issue with the average person talking about global warming is that they fail to realize how dynamic the earth is. I think have the wrong idea the earth is now how is it has been forever.

              My point is the earth is always changing. There have been plenty of ice ages before, the last of which was only ten thousand years ago. Considering that earth has been around for some 4 and a half billion years, that's almost yesterday on the scale. The earth has seen mass extinction and other natural crisis way before there was any burning of fossil fuels.

              Now whether or not humans have caused this apparent change in global climate remains to be seen (I say apparent because I'm not sure the data we have is always accurate). The topic is popular and misinformation runs rampant. It may be possible that humans have contributed to an world climate cycle, but don't ignore what science knows about the history of the earth.


                12-31-2012 i wonder!


                  I find it so sad that I'm the only one in my class that doesn't believe in global warming.
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                    Global Warming is definitely occurring, the question is whether or not is is caused by human activity.

                    Since every other Planet in the Solar System is also heating up, and the Sun's output is not constant, I'm gonna vote "No"...


                      Originally posted by BenKenobi View Post
                      I find it so sad that I'm the only one in my class that doesn't believe in global warming.
                      If they have problem with you, tell them that Communism was dead when Lenin died.


                        I believe in global warming but I don't think it's going to be as severe as people say it is. You can always guess what's going to happen, but never know.

                        The planet always heats up, and to be honest in 2001 scientists though the sun would give off some massive heat waves and I'm not a science guy so I'm going to use my words. They thought the Ozone would burn off and we'd be gone. Skin Cancer did rise however (or so I've heard), so that could be an impact.

                        My guess is that things will heat up, but not due to human activity. If anything, we have improved greatly, but the heat rising isn't showing it, so I highly doubt we have done anything to it, unless the past 30 years are now just taking effect.

                        After that, we'll get cooler, not into an ice age, maybe a bit more rain and snow than usually, but I see no "serious threat"


                          I think we are contributing to global warming but, we are not the only reason. The Sun is a variable star and goes through cycles.

                          Where do you put the Bayonet?
                          Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                          I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                          Frank Lloyd Wright


                            Originally posted by Cain View Post
                            Global Warming is definitely occurring, the question is whether or not is is caused by human activity.

                            Since every other Planet in the Solar System is also heating up, and the Sun's output is not constant, I'm gonna vote "No"...

                            There have definitely been some changes in the global climate, but I doubt the human race had anything to do with it. Even if we did, there wouldn't be any point in trying to stop it...the largest two countries (population-wise), India and China, are exploding economically and are not going to retard their economic growth for anything, let alone something that the scientific world can't even agree on.

                            Global warming is the liberal "cause du jour", which is why it's being hammered into our heads by teachers and the's a great way to get their candidates listened to and into positions of power. Conservatives do the same thing with national security.


                              Originally posted by (DSP)-Bar View Post
                              Let the earth take of itself and let me handle the gas guzzling fun.
                              One of the cycles is Mass Extinction. So it will take care of itself, whether with or without us.
                              So, hopefully, it can fix the problem(us), and, just maybe, we wont be killed off in the process.
                              If you couldnt tell, I believe global warming is happening.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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