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    Originally posted by -IRC-MIKE View Post
    I'm with you trooper. I tried it and I didn't like it. Nobody forced me and I did it out of curiosity. If it were legal I can honestly say that I still wouldn't like it. It makes me hate to be around anyone which is totally opposite of my personality and I just want to get away from everyone and sleep it off. I might get drunk once every six months or so, and I probably drink an average of a 12 pack a month but I'd prefer to drink over anything else.

    On another note, the current pot dealers would surely go broke since a lot of them wouldn't know where to begin to grow it themselves, so you'd have to look out for them stealing from you. The current farmers would make a killing until their product was slammed by government taxation and the packaged product hit the shelves. You'd still have the occasional boot-leg product, but with legalization, you have to imagine that they'd grow some freaky stuff.
    You think that people who deal pot would resort to stealing if it were made legal?
    Why do you associate potheads with dangerous criminals? There is a massive difference. Yeah, some people who smoke also happen to be dangerous criminals, but not because they smoke marijuana.
    And like Twinky said, they are growing some really freaky stuff right now. Let me tell you about some of my personal experiences as a teenager.
    Bought some weed once, we went to my room and smoked it. We were all hallucinating as if we had ingested some psilocybin mushrooms. Sure, it didn't last as long as scooby snacks, but we were tripping pretty good as they say.
    There was most likely some pcp in there. And if it was PCP, it was only a tiny amount, because not that much of it will make you really crazy. REALLY crazy. And for those of you that don't know, PCP=embalming fluid, the stuff they put into corpses.
    Another time, we got a bag from a friend, and we were checking it out, smelling it and whatnot. It smelled like windex. It was grown indoors so they could have put tons of crap in it.
    I don't think the government would put things like PCP or windex into their buds, but street dealers do. The gov might throw some nicotine in there to keep people addicted like they do with cigarettes, but so what? It inst going to make you go on a rampage and bite a cop while he is arresting you because there was PCP in your marijuana(true story, friend of mine) and you are in a different world.
    And at the clubs in California, where you can buy it legally if you have a card, no one offers you to buy a desert eagle with a scratched out serial number, or a glock or anything like that, which, as 16 year old smokers, me and my friends were exposed to.
    And don't go associating these weapons with marijuana, because MJ inst the only thing those people sell. people who deal with solely weed, shouldn't and most likely wont have connections to such things.


      Originally posted by GeneralSnake View Post
      And at the clubs in California, where you can buy it legally if you have a card, no one offers you to buy a desert eagle with a scratched out serial number, or a glock or anything like that, which, as 16 year old smokers, me and my friends were exposed to.
      This is a wrong statement. As I have said before, we continuously apprehend criminals on the periphery of these marijuana clubs selling all kinds of sh**. It makes me very angry when people try to cast these centers as pillars of the community.

      The neighborhoods sink.
      The vermin come in selling all kinds of drugs.
      And they do in fact sell guns in addition to the drugs.

      Sure, the pot clubs, or clinics, are trying to do this legitimately- HOWEVER- the employees are not moinitored or subjected to intensive background checks (like pharmacists for example).

      We've had three clubs closed down out here in the last year for selling additional drugs on top of the marijuana they were selling.


        Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post
        This is a wrong statement. As I have said before, we continuously apprehend criminals on the periphery of these marijuana clubs selling all kinds of sh**. It makes me very angry when people try to cast these centers as pillars of the community.

        The neighborhoods sink.
        The vermin come in selling all kinds of drugs.
        And they do in fact sell guns in addition to the drugs.

        Sure, the pot clubs, or clinics, are trying to do this legitimately- HOWEVER- the employees are not moinitored or subjected to intensive background checks (like pharmacists for example).

        We've had three clubs closed down out here in the last year for selling additional drugs on top of the marijuana they were selling.
        I did not know things like that, and I wont argue against you there. That is bad. Very bad. They should be closely monitored and have very heavy background checks. Infact, they should be trained, professional pharmacists.
        Good bit of info there hammy.

        On a side note, I think this is one of the most intellectual conversations we have had here on the Lair, atleast in my time here. Congrats everyone on keeping it mature and clean.
        It really says something about this place and all of us, that we can have a conversation about something so hotly debated such as our current topic, and still remain civil about it, and in the end all still be pals.
        CLR FTW!
        I mean, we got cops talking to ex hippies and heavy smokers, and we are all getting along. No one is getting shot or clubbed, or even harassed verbally. Only in Cain's Lair.


          Originally posted by GeneralSnake View Post
          On a side note, I think this is one of the most intellectual conversations we have had here on the Lair, atleast in my time here. Congrats everyone on keeping it mature and clean.
          It really says something about this place and all of us, that we can have a conversation about something so hotly debated such as our current topic, and still remain civil about it, and in the end all still be pals.
          CLR FTW!

          Let's have another one. New controversial topic!


            Originally posted by -IRC-MIKE View Post
            So let me get this straight.. now be honest. If you went over to this buddy's house right this moment and had a big fatty rolled up... and you offered to "fire it up" while his kids were distracted .. he would turn it down.

            Why yes he would. I told you he's a good parent.


              Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post
              This is a wrong statement. As I have said before, we continuously apprehend criminals on the periphery of these marijuana clubs selling all kinds of sh**. It makes me very angry when people try to cast these centers as pillars of the community.

              The neighborhoods sink.
              The vermin come in selling all kinds of drugs.
              And they do in fact sell guns in addition to the drugs.

              Sure, the pot clubs, or clinics, are trying to do this legitimately- HOWEVER- the employees are not moinitored or subjected to intensive background checks (like pharmacists for example).

              We've had three clubs closed down out here in the last year for selling additional drugs on top of the marijuana they were selling.
              That maybe your experience but here in Santa Cruz that is most demonstrably untrue The Wo/mans Alliance for Medical Marijuana (WAMM) distributes out of Santa Cruz City Hall. No one is selling weapons or illicit drugs period.


                Originally posted by GeneralSnake View Post
                It really says something about this place and all of us, that we can have a conversation about something so hotly debated such as our current topic, and still remain civil about it, and in the end all still be pals.
                CLR FTW!

                Yeah, this place is great, everything seems to be forgotten by the next thread. Every time one of these guys makes me angry, they make me laugh in another post, so it always balances out.


                  There are enough things to be angry about in the world today. Disagreeing on a message board isn't one of them.


                    +1 It pisses me off to get pissed off.


                      Originally posted by mapes View Post
                      That maybe your experience but here in Santa Cruz that is most demonstrably untrue The Wo/mans Alliance for Medical Marijuana (WAMM) distributes out of Santa Cruz City Hall. No one is selling weapons or illicit drugs period.
                      I'm going to point to this as the first example of some kind of semblance to what I would call the appropriate management of the drug in question.

                      But again, this example is marijuana by prescription. Prescription does not make possession legal unless diagnosed- and as it stands, most supporters in this conversation have been conveying a complete ownership principle, that is, it should be over-the -counter legalized.

                      I still disagree with this statement, but support medicinal diagnosis so long as the same limits apply as they do to all drugs. Limitations on operating motor vehicles, monitoring of intake, limits on volume possession, and other such things such as total quality monitoring to prevent impurities that are most damaging and etc.

                      All of the safety gates and principles that currently do not exist - even in these dispensaries such as the one in Santa Cruz.

                      If you can satisfy those things, then you may persuade my point of view to change- and I dont think there are many senators or executive council members here at Cains Lair.


                        Originally posted by GeneralSnake View Post
                        I mean, we got cops talking to ex hippies and heavy smokers, and we are all getting along. No one is getting shot or clubbed, or even harassed verbally. Only in Cain's Lair.
                        Don't mind that delivery van parked across the street from you. Really, they have been looking for the package for the last week.
                        [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                        So all you get is this crappy text]


                          I didn't realize that floral arrangements were so hard to find


                            Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
                            Don't mind that delivery van parked across the street from you. Really, they have been looking for the package for the last week.
                            The package is for me from them.


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                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Sirex
                              All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                              Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                              Yesterday, 11:03 AM
                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Pidgeot_Girl
                              Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                              2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Apache Warrior
                              Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
                              I am not playing anything right...
                              2 Mar 2025, 10:04 AM
                            • Reply to Hi guys!
                              by Pidgeot_Girl
                              Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
                              1 Mar 2025, 08:24 PM
                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Pidgeot_Girl
                              Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                              1 Mar 2025, 06:19 PM
                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Sirex
                              :O hey Pidgeot!

                              Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                              Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                              23 Feb 2025, 07:31 PM