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    Originally posted by Thrashdragon View Post
    At this point in my life, if a job interview asked me questions like that, I think I'd just laugh, get up and leave. I'd find it insulting as a professional to have some HR weenie ask me this...that looks like something you'd get in a McDonald's interview.
    Atta Boy. That'll teach them to ask such stupid questions. Can you BELIEVE the NERVE of these companies to ask such questions?

    On the contrary, I had to pass a battery of psycological exams asking similar questions just to be able to go on the property of a Nuclear Plant. I was really willing to partake in answering these questions due to the fact that I would be paid $60.00 an hour.


      Originally posted by Thrashdragon View Post
      At this point in my life, if a job interview asked me questions like that, I think I'd just laugh, get up and leave. I'd find it insulting as a professional to have some HR weenie ask me this...that looks like something you'd get in a McDonald's interview.
      Atta Boy. That'll teach them to ask such stupid questions. Can you BELIEVE the NERVE of these companies to ask such questions?

      On the contrary, I had to pass a battery of psycological exams asking similar questions just to be able to go on the property of a Nuclear Plant. I was really willing to partake in answering these questions due to the fact that I would be paid $60.00 an hour.
      I guess some people need money less than I do.


        Originally posted by -IRC-MIKE View Post
        Atta Boy. That'll teach them to ask such stupid questions. Can you BELIEVE the NERVE of these companies to ask such questions?

        On the contrary, I had to pass a battery of psycological exams asking similar questions just to be able to go on the property of a Nuclear Plant. I was really willing to partake in answering these questions due to the fact that I would be paid $60.00 an hour.
        I guess some people need money less than I do.
        That's not a psychological exam...that's a bunch of stupid questions dreamed up by some human resources idiot (an oxymoron, I know). I hope there's a difference between that and a psych exam designed to detect if you want to blow up a nuke plant...if the "right" answers are that easy to see on the psych exam they might as well stop giving it.

        I wouldn't want to work for a company that thinks questions like those ET listed have any purpose whatsoever. The money would have to be an awful lot higher than what I could find elsewhere. Good workplace > salary. Of course, like everyone else, I've also been in a financial position where I didn't have the option and had to just put up with it until I found something better. I've never found a company that asks questions like this to be a good place to work, though.

        I have zero problem with intelligent questions or drug testing, although it's hard to pee with a little old guy watching you.
        Last edited by Thrashdragon; 8 Apr 2008, 11:14 AM.


          That's what they call a psychological exam. They ask you this type of question to see how you answer it. Naturally, someone with a different psychological demeanor will execute this line of questioning with conflicting answers...some may even laugh, get up and walk out. There are other methods of extracting the answers to these questions without being so direct, and usually on a psych exam, you will get a similar question that may not even be related to drug use, but your answer will either be the same, or be different. For example:

          If you were on the job and caught charlie smoking drugs behind the building, what would you do?
          A) Turn and walk away.
          B) Participate and smoke some with him.
          C) He's a good employee so you talk to him and explain that he shouldn't be doing this or he might get caught
          D) Go tell your supervisor.

          Question 2: (after about 75 questions pass)

          You see a man running out of a home while en route to your house from work. Before bed you see on the news that a family in your neighborhood has been murdered and there are no details on the suspect. There is an anonymous tip line on the screen. Would You:
          A) Wait till in the morning to see if the house you saw has a police barrier around it.
          B) Call the tip line and tell them you may have seen something suspicious.
          C) You had a couple drinks and figure you'll wait until tomorrow before you call
          D) Go to bed and do nothing since it may not have been related to what you saw.

          Now. If you answered these questions honestly, either way, by answering them in the same manner will yield your demeanor, but if you answered C: to the first one and B: to the second, we have determined that you are dead set against what you deem to be inappropriate, yet something you determine to be a less dangerous situation, you may let it slide. In all actuality, you have incriminated yourself even though they do not tell you this, and you will not be getting the job.

          You can pick apart this example all day long, but this IS a psychological exam and if it is good enough for a nuclear plant to ask questions like this....

          I took Psychology and Sociology in college and thats one of the ways to indirectly extract information about a person. They did not ASK you this question to see if you would go out with charlie and smoke a little weed... they asked you a battery of these questions to see if you would sway your demeanor one way or another in certain situations to determine if you are trustworthy.


            Originally posted by -IRC-MIKE View Post
            Well for beginners, the person couldn't carry on a sensible conversation. She was scared to death because she thought she couldn't move her arms and wanted someone to call an ambulance and wouldn't take no for an answer. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't witnessed it myself but I know the girl and she wasn't playing around. If that isn't irrational then please, by all means, define it. From what I gathered, it must have been some pretty good stuff at 175.00 /quarter. The people who had it said it was called "barney rubble".
            That is very irrational, but it was probably laced. Or she had some sort of problem and smoking weed made it much worse.
            Example: An epileptic person smokes, they will most likely drop to the ground and have a seizure seconds after taking a hit.
            And, either she got completely ripped off, it was laced, or it was really good for that price. Sounds like PCP to me though.


              It's all subjective to the job, though. For a job at a small business that didn't require a security clearance, I'd be likely to answer C or maybe even A (depending on the interviewer and the general feel of the company) to the first question. For one that did, such as the nuke plant, then the obvious answer will always be the one that follows the strict letter of the law/employee guidelines, in this case D.

              They're easy to fake. There's no real way to tell if any reasonably intelligent person is trustworthy or not, sans experience. I've had to take plenty of tests like that and I've had to lie on every one of them to get the jobs...yet I work extremely hard and am a very responsible employee.

              That's why I refer to them as "McDonald's questions". They only serve to weed out people too stupid to know what the company is looking for and thus always answer correctly.


                Originally posted by -IRC-MIKE View Post
                That's what they call a psychological exam. They ask you this type of question to see how you answer it. Naturally, someone with a different psychological demeanor will execute this line of questioning with conflicting answers...some may even laugh, get up and walk out. There are other methods of extracting the answers to these questions without being so direct, and usually on a psych exam, you will get a similar question that may not even be related to drug use, but your answer will either be the same, or be different. For example:

                If you were on the job and caught charlie smoking drugs behind the building, what would you do?
                A) Turn and walk away.
                B) Participate and smoke some with him.
                C) He's a good employee so you talk to him and explain that he shouldn't be doing this or he might get caught
                D) Go tell your supervisor.

                Question 2: (after about 75 questions pass)

                You see a man running out of a home while en route to your house from work. Before bed you see on the news that a family in your neighborhood has been murdered and there are no details on the suspect. There is an anonymous tip line on the screen. Would You:
                A) Wait till in the morning to see if the house you saw has a police barrier around it.
                B) Call the tip line and tell them you may have seen something suspicious.
                C) You had a couple drinks and figure you'll wait until tomorrow before you call
                D) Go to bed and do nothing since it may not have been related to what you saw.

                Now. If you answered these questions honestly, either way, by answering them in the same manner will yield your demeanor, but if you answered C: to the first one and B: to the second, we have determined that you are dead set against what you deem to be inappropriate, yet something you determine to be a less dangerous situation, you may let it slide. In all actuality, you have incriminated yourself even though they do not tell you this, and you will not be getting the job.

                You can pick apart this example all day long, but this IS a psychological exam and if it is good enough for a nuclear plant to ask questions like this....

                I took Psychology and Sociology in college and thats one of the ways to indirectly extract information about a person. They did not ASK you this question to see if you would go out with charlie and smoke a little weed... they asked you a battery of these questions to see if you would sway your demeanor one way or another in certain situations to determine if you are trustworthy.
                Right, they want to know that you won't be skimming money out of desk drawers.

                Of course the "Ever been convicted of a Felony?" is the most popular one

                The want to make sure that prospects won't blow up the nuclear powerplant by pushing the wrong button after smoking a joint while on lunch break.

                At least even McDonald's have standards as well, have to give Mickey D's credit as well.

                I mean, how many employers do you know of that DO NOT have a "Drug Free Workplace" Policy??


                  There are probably quite a few in Amsterdam ET. The people working in the cafes probably smoke all day, because they are selling it all day.


                    Originally posted by Evil_T0NY View Post
                    I mean, how many employers do you know of that DO NOT have a "Drug Free Workplace" Policy??
                    I would prefer fast food chains adopt an "E. Coli Free Workplace" policy.


                      Originally posted by Evil_T0NY View Post
                      Right, they want to know that you won't be skimming money out of desk drawers.

                      Of course the "Ever been convicted of a Felony?" is the most popular one

                      The want to make sure that prospects won't blow up the nuclear powerplant by pushing the wrong button after smoking a joint while on lunch break.

                      At least even McDonald's have standards as well, have to give Mickey D's credit as well.

                      I mean, how many employers do you know of that DO NOT have a "Drug Free Workplace" Policy??
                      These are all good things for businesses to have, but asking silly questions with obvious answers doesn't do any good.


                        Originally posted by Thrashdragon View Post
                        At this point in my life, if a job interview asked me questions like that, I think I'd just laugh, get up and leave. I'd find it insulting as a professional to have some HR weenie ask me this...that looks like something you'd get in a McDonald's interview.

                        LOL, I was thinking the same thing TD. What kind of meat puppet comes up with this stupid crap.
                        Old school or the new, doesn't mean a thing if your heart's not true...


                          Being intoxicated on the job is a no no whether it's pot, crank or alcohol. Doesn't matter. Yes some people is this world have addictive personalities again don't matter what the drug is they're going to become addicted. Anyone working in a sensitive job (pilot, cop, surgeon) should be drug tested. Now with that out of the way anyone who say's that the people I know are who smoke pot in the sanctity of they're home once in a while are unfit parents or crazy losers will need to have they're head examined. Everything in moderation people. For the record I don't smoke pot....


                            Originally posted by mapes View Post
                            Being intoxicated on the job is a no no whether it's pot, crank or alcohol. Doesn't matter. Yes some people is this world have addictive personalities again don't matter what the drug is they're going to become addicted. Anyone working in a sensitive job (pilot, cop, surgeon) should be drug tested. Now with that out of the way anyone who say's that the people I know are who smoke pot in the sanctity of they're home once in a while are unfit parents or crazy losers will need to have they're head examined. Everything in moderation people. For the record I don't smoke pot....
                            It isn't the fact that they smoke "Once in a WHILE". It is the attitude and the personality of a person who would get high knowing they ARE parents and little people's lives are in their hands. As with alcohol, if I drank a six pack while my kids were solely in my care and my wife wasn't home, then I would be a douchebag. If my kid fell and hurt himself where emergency medical attention were required, the EMS responders are going to have something to say when they arrive and I reek of alcohol.

                            Generally speaking, if a person would smoke while their kids are home with them, alone, then they are probably not the type of person who only smoke "once in a while". My brother-in-law got busted selling pot. He sold it for 20 years. He also smoked it on a regular basis, hid it from his kids, and would scold them if they came outside while he was smoking and tell them to go back inside. That makes him a douchebag. His kid only wanted to come be with his father.


                              Originally posted by -IRC-MIKE View Post
                              It isn't the fact that they smoke "Once in a WHILE". It is the attitude and the personality of a person who would get high knowing they ARE parents and little people's lives are in their hands. As with alcohol, if I drank a six pack while my kids were solely in my care and my wife wasn't home, then I would be a douchebag. If my kid fell and hurt himself where emergency medical attention were required, the EMS responders are going to have something to say when they arrive and I reek of alcohol.

                              Generally speaking, if a person would smoke while their kids are home with them, alone, then they are probably not the type of person who only smoke "once in a while". My brother-in-law got busted selling pot. He sold it for 20 years. He also smoked it on a regular basis, hid it from his kids, and would scold them if they came outside while he was smoking and tell them to go back inside. That makes him a douchebag. His kid only wanted to come be with his father.

                              I'm not talking about sitting around and smoking all day or even once in a while. I meet with some friends every two weeks to hang out and play games we rotate who hosts. One of my friends has 2 young girls. This night once every two weeks is his free night. His wife watches the kids. He partakes then and only then and not to excess. Before you gripe about him driving...sometimes people car pool, other times he will smoke at the beginning of the night around 7:00pm and not have any more. We usually game to 2 or 3 am. To say that this person is endangering his kids is ridiculous


                                You know...I don't think anyone is going to agree and it seems like we're just rehashing the same thing over and over now....might be smart if someone locks this.


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
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                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                  Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                  Yesterday, 11:03 AM
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                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Apache Warrior
                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
                                  I am not playing anything right...
                                  2 Mar 2025, 10:04 AM
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                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 08:24 PM
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                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 06:19 PM
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                                  by Sirex
                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                  Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                                  23 Feb 2025, 07:31 PM