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THIRD graders plan to kill teacher

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    Oh man

    Man you know this is geting out of hand, there are to many insadents in schools these days, and you know a cause like this can be many things..I am shocked with the parents not teaching their children any better.

    From Kan Maisel.


      Originally posted by mapes View Post
      I agree with everything your saying except this. As it just not true the amount funding schools get is fact in my state (CA) massive cuts are about to happen.... No new ass Might as well say crappy schools too!
      I didn't intend to imply the schools wanted this, but what I really meant was, it not everyones desire but the ever growing average of parent, politician, etc. that wants every child to learn earlier and more earlier. Compare today in the 2nd grade what kids were learning 30+ years ago in school.
      What I could have said a little better was this early age should still be the same basic information taught for generations and bring on the advanced stuff in high school or maybe jr. high school. Hell man, I've talked to some parents who want to send their kids to a pre pre school. I don't know about all, but judging from the ones I talked to it was more of a get the kids off their back so they can go to work, which is a whole other subject, instead of teach them early.

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        My oldest is in the 3rd grade. When I was in the third grade, it seems like we were still learning how to write the alphabet. My kid has to do book reports and multiplication tables... however, she is in the "gifted" class (not the special class). She just got done with some testing at fifth grade level. My wife is all for it, but I don't want this kind of thing make her think that she has to grow up too fast. I'm proud of her and I want her to be able to read and write and at LEAST get the same level of education or better than I had.

        If she ever got it in her head that killing someone is an option, then I have failed as a parent.


          State Funding will never replace parents in the educational system.

          My life example:

          My son is not even in a Kindergarten class yet and he can write his name, spell, count to 100, and tell you what city, county, state and country he lives in.
          Does this make him advanced? Yes.
          Does this make him a prodigy? No

          What it does tell you, is that I fill his little noggin up everytime he asks for a refill. I spend the time with him to answer the questions he has in his life, and we make games out of that learning process so it is fun.

          In addition to all this, he can throw a perfect spiral and he has a shotgun for an arm. I have no problem proving this- and I am not bragging, Im making a point.

          Balance your children, so they don't attempt the task themselves. These children have challenges, but the biggest one seems to be that they are lacking support at home. My sons tell me EVERYTHING at this point. I plan to keep that opportunity open for as long as I am alive.

          I think I'd notice my kid putting this stuff in his backpack because Im the type of parent that will be inventorying what comes home in the backpack (to see what they have for homework and to call Bull**it later when they dont do their homework) and when it leaves (to make sure they arent forgetting anything.

          I'm the type of parent that will be sitting down with them every night for a quick chat before they dive in with questions like:

          1) what are you goals tonight?
          2) what assignments do you have?
          3) let me teach you a little time management so you have time to relax before bed.
          4) etc.

          I'm not disagreeing here, but I just need to point out that you can throw money and books at a student and his/her teacher, but as of today, educational osmosis hasn't been a proven educational methodology. Generations ago, students has fewer resources and a more simplistic approach to education- and they did very well.


          Parents, community, and positive examples in their lives- its a sound recipe.


            Put a universal contraceptive in the drinking water and make people apply for a license in order to have a child.


              Originally posted by Thrashdragon View Post
              Put a universal contraceptive in the drinking water and make people apply for a license in order to have a child.
              Unfortunately, that road leads to Socialism and Communism.
              But I like the idea




                  Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post
                  Unfortunately, that road leads to Socialism and Communism.
                  But I like the idea
                  Well, democracy isn't working all that's not a good system of government, it's just the best one we've found so far.

                  Maybe we should try something else, like a benevolent tyranny. This will be one of my laws:

                  The general populace shall only have to abase thyselves before mine image on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

                  How's that for benevolent? Only having to grovel two days a week? That's so benevolent it's almost...crazy!

                  Okay, back to reality. Does anyone have any proposed solution about this combination of bad parenting and bad schools that is ruining so many children? I usually have some sort of idea I'd like to see implemented (albeit sometimes a bit off the wall), but I'm at a total loss here.


                    Fathers manage your daughters more closely- keep them from marrying douchebags?


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                      by Sirex
                      All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                      Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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                      :O hey Pidgeot!

                      Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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