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Just sad.

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    Just sad.

    You know I heard that..And this are also things going on where I live things that kids wanna kill other kids\Teachers. And I think that parents must teach their kids between whats Wrong\Right, and I'm not saying I'm an expert on this i'm only 16 but atleast I have some idea of when parents should just step in!.

    From kan.

    I'm glad you feel that way. Todays society is too fast paced. Gone are the days where one parent would stay home to raise the kids.
    Now there are alot more factors that come in to play then what im saying here. It doesnt help that both parents need to work to support the family, thus giving youngsters less time to be monitered and brought up properly(im not saying all people but for alot this does make a huge difference)
    Me and my wife work opposite shifts, it sucks but my daughter benefits from always having a parent around.

    I also find there are not enough community outreaches and activites to keep them busy(I know alot of people just plunk their kids down in front of the boobtube bleh). Discipline is another factor that seems to have been outlawed by the legalities of proper parenting(I used to get the belt and the "notorious" wooden spoon!)

    I sure as heck wouldnt talk back to my masters or headmasters(teachers or principals for the non-brits) or get the punishment I deserved, then more when I got home We use timeouts in my household, I have never had to spank my daughter yet, and hope not too.

    But if I caught my child in something of this murderous intent I would kick the *** out of them! Sorry I know im gonna get flamed for this. But the way kids are growing up these days is mind boggling. It's no wonder im gonna have to fork out for private school in three years. Uniforms FTW!

    I'm done rant over.
    Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 26 Oct 2008, 02:40 PM. Reason: Language--Rand


      That thing hurts. One thing that pissed me off about the teachers in school though, is that they think themselves superior to the students. They are just another human being, but even closer to death. I dont think that makes them superior to me. They are just civilians, they haven't earned any superiority.


        Discipline is another factor that seems to have been outlawed by the legalities of proper parenting(I used to get the belt and the "notorious" wooden spoon!)
        My wife is Italian and the wooden spoon is notorious in her family.
        All she had to do was move towards the drawer, with the wooden spoons and my son would behave.

        Where do you put the Bayonet?
        Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
        I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
        Frank Lloyd Wright


          I must've been slow as a third grader, because the words "plotted to kill" were never in my vocabulary.

          Maybe something along the lines of "big meany head" was the closest to the phrase above.

          On another topic I think some parents are at fault: school dropout rates...


            Originally posted by killa_zn View Post
            On another topic I think some parents are at fault: school dropout rates...
            I was watching the news the other night. And it said in cities like detroit or LA or chicago and other crouded cities. That the graduation rate for most of the cities was under 50%.
            It is really sad.
            I plan to graduate high school. Go to college. Get out and have a great job. While someone who is sitting next to me at the graduation could end up working at McD's. It truly is sad.



              Kan you're more mature than some of the kids I know that go to my college. Thumbs up to you buddy!


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