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What is Planet X?

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    What is Planet X?

    I'm hearing theories of the 2012 junk that a tenth planet, known as planet X, has a strange orbit that passed between Mars and Earth, and supposibly passes once every 3,600 years.

    What I don't get, is if this planet even exists, and if it's Orbit exists, and happens once every 3,600 years, why would this be doomsday to the human race? Humans have been around for at least 5,000 years (I'm not sure but I think the Mayan Calender is 5,167 or so years old).

    I'm completely lost on how this would happen to be "Doomsday" in 2012 when it supposibly arrives.

    Can someone fill me with information here?

    errr I havn't heard of this....However any large body passing close to earth could affect tides and or the moon....I don't know do you have a link?


      There have always been speculation that a 10th planet exists beyond Pluto. Scientists mostly discount this. I have never heard about it passing between Earth and Mars. If it did there would be traces of such a passage.

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        I don't know about the Planet X, but you might find this article interesting.
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          here is the article that tells a very long story about the speculation and story of a supposed "Planet X" called Nibiru, it speaks of a story of how we were created and some other stuff. Its pretty far-fetched.
          Last edited by TEAMKILLERZ; 9 Apr 2008, 03:31 PM.


            Only planet X I've ever heard about was a 10th body out beyond Pluton. Would have to be pretty small to still be caught in the Sun's gravity field and obviously isn't made of any materials that reflect light to any degree as it has never been viewed. I guess they postulate this based on some orbital habits and strangeness on the part of Pluto and Neptune in their orbits that they postulate another fairly large body would could cause. Don't hold me to this, but I think speculation is that it would be no larger than Earth's moon at max.

            If there was a planetoid sized body that passed between Earth and Mars evey 3600 years we'd darn well know about it. Telescops from the Earth could easily view it, and you'd even be able to see it from the surface without a telescope, as there are times taht you can see Mars in just that way. Plus it would cause all kinda of strange effects in tides and wobbles in the orbit, possible issues with the sun and it's magnetic fields as well.


              All of it.
              Just today at another forum I go to, someone made a thread about this exact same thing.


                This all sounds like a conspirator's sci-fi fantasy.
                Every 3.5k years a planet sweeps by, causes climate change, sprays biological DNA all over the place, and changes the course of life as the globe knows it.


                I know that there are recent articles around two -four asteroid like bodies to pass through in that time frame.

                And in terms of the 10th planet- they have found several bodies orbiting past Pluto, and continue to study them, but nothing that is classifiable. As far as I can remember, there were two since the 1980's that have distinguished orbits around the sun beyond Pluto.

                Last edited by Hammy; 9 Apr 2008, 01:46 PM.




                    Originally posted by Cain View Post

                    +1, but imo an interesting topic.

                    Thanks for the replies everyone, interesting to read.

                    I don't remember the site I saw of the orbit between earth in mars, but it had it looking like the planet was FAR behind pluto, but orbited between Mars and Earth and is called Nibiru or something similar to that.


                      ok here we go, ill be the crazy conspiracy theorist lol. i'm very much into paranormal and extraterrestrial theory and do alot of amateur research on it. 2012 if you believe in this actual date that something will happen is not going to be "the end of days" lots of people think its just going to be a "transformation" of higher being. like all of being psychics and whatnot. i'm not saying i believe this but just saying what i have read. go here there are alot of interesting theories there.


                        Originally posted by Jeffro View Post
                        ok here we go, ill be the crazy conspiracy theorist lol. i'm very much into paranormal and extraterrestrial theory and do alot of amateur research on it. 2012 if you believe in this actual date that something will happen is not going to be "the end of days" lots of people think its just going to be a "transformation" of higher being. like all of being psychics and whatnot. i'm not saying i believe this but just saying what i have read. go here there are alot of interesting theories there.
                        If true, I would like to reincarnate as a Mage


                          In response to a "planet X" I have seen shows in which they explain this. They have technically found their "planet X" in the form of a kuiper object (much like pluto is considered now) that they had temporarily named Xenia to fit the whole planet X theory. It was later re-named, but is by no means a planet. It is merely an object roughly a quarter the size of our moon that is in an orbit similar to Plutos.

                          In response to the 2012 doomsday theories: The best explaination that I have seen was that in that year the poles are going to shift (as they do every several hundred million years). This will create massive changes in climate, weather patterns, migration patterns, as well as effectively mess up most electronic devices. By most this can be considered a "doomsday" of sorts. It is also theorized that this shift in poles may mess up humans internally. Just thought I would throw that one out there.


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                              Originally posted by Trooper110 View Post
                              'Scuse me everyone....I'ma go put on my tin-foil hat and sit in the closet


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