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Comcast is evil

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    Comcast is evil

    Having the worst experience with Comcast, ever. If I could leave them, I would. I can't get FiOS in my area and my apartment complex won't let me get another cable provider.

    Sorry, it's a bit of a read. Anyway, about two months ago I signed up at for automatic billing. It said set it and forget, so I did. About a month later I was notified about a past balance and called to find out what was going on and found I had a large balance. Stupidly (very, very stupidly), I paid the balance ($380). This was my big error - never, ever, pay a bill with charges you don't understand.

    Anyway, after some investigation, the charge was a Comcast error. The automatic billing system tried to bill my checking account but encountered a problem. It got an error, so it charged me a returned check fee, which is understandable. However, the big mistake was it then charged me the exact same amount as my balance! Normally, when you pay by a real check it takes the amount off you account, and then adds it back if the check bounces. The thing is, it never took the amount off. To make it worse, it did this THREE times. Three returned check fees, 3x my balance added. It was painfully obvious when I looked at my bill, and every Comcast rep I have called has been able to understand the error.

    Ok so here's where the madness starts. The first guy I called about it gave me a ticket number and said it would take a few business days. I call back, ask for a manager. She gives me TWO ticket numbers (one to turn off automatic payments) and says it will be taken care of. Since I had called a few times in a row, a Comcast rep actually calls me to give me her number and extension so I can ask questions from her. I was impressed that Comcast recognized I was going to keep bugging them and gave me someone to work with. Well, it didn't work out. I've left her about 5 messages and she's never called me back. I've -never- heard from her since then.

    So now, a month after I first reported the issue, I've gotten almost nothing resolved. I talked with one guy who promised he would make the accounting department take care of it... well the next day they did take off the $75 from the returned check fees... That's nice and all, but they still owe me like $300. I almost got my cable and internet shut off because I haven't been paying my bill since this started - I'm certainly not giving them more $$.

    Lately, I've been talking with one guy who understands my issue, as far as I can tell. He managed to reschedule the termination of my services for the 22nd and hopes to get things straightened out by then.

    During this ordeal, this is what I've encountered:

    1) Received a total of 5 ticket numbers. All but the last one were closed, even though the issue wasn't resolved. I was -very- surprised to call and give the ticked number and have the person say it was closed, too!
    2) Spoken with about 10 normal reps and 2 managers. All of which said they would make sure it gets resolves
    3) Been blatantly lied to. Was trying to reach a rep at a particular call center and the current person told me there was no number to reach them directly. She actually told me to call back until I get randomly switched to the correct one (out of 6). I called back and the next rep just gave me the number to the desk who could transfer my call to whichever call center I needed.
    4) Been blatantly hung up on. I called, asked for a manger. Lady asked what it was regarding, I provided my latest ticket number. She put me on hold to review. Next thing I heard was "Hello, this is comcast?" And it wasn't her manager - she just hung up and transferred me to somewhere else.
    5) On at least 3 occasions I have been told "I will have someone call you." and had that not happen. Only the latest person I've called has ever actually contacted me when they said they would.

    If you're still reading, here's a few tips that I've found will cut about 90% of the crap people will give you. I started doing this particularly after #4 and 5. Note, these aren't always required, but should be used if you're having a serious issue:

    1) Ask for the person's name and extension.
    2) Ask what call center you've reached. For my local Comcast when you call the 800 number or the direct line you get directed to 1 of 6 call centers (depending on when someone is free).
    3) Ask for the number to the administrative desk. You can't get the number of the call center, but you can call the desk, which can transfer you there. You'll get someone random, but then you ask to be transferred.
    4) Ask for the name of their manager (I've yet to get a manager's extension, but if you know their name you can ask for them)

    Again, the above aren't for petty issues, but if you're having problems getting help, they'll definitely encourage the person on the line to cooperate a little more. The biggest problem I was having is that people would say almost anything simply to get me to hang up, making it not their problem.

    Damn man!! I need to switch it looks like


      I should have my co-worker post his Comcrap experience(s), which are similar if not worse. In fact, I may just have him eail me and I'll post the story here.
      Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


        That sound like a real PITA. Whenever I talk to tech support I have a piece of paper and I record the following.

        1. I log the times of the call. This way I can say that I have been on hold for 10 minutes and I am not lying.

        2. The name of the people I am talking to. I also call them by their names during the conversation. This is polite and it also lets them know that you will be holding them accountable for everything they tell you.

        It's too bad you can't kick them to the curb. I kicked my Cable company to the curb twice. Once when I went to the Dish network. and another time when I went to DSL.

        Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
        Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


          this is the perfect case for the BBB to deal with

          they are very helpful, I've used them before for PITA companies


            check consumerist for some executive numbers.


            Very useful for when you actually need to get ahold of management.
            Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


              Now that's some horrible service.

              And those are some douches there. I would seroiusly sue them........


                Originally posted by WillyDaLegendarySnail^
                I would seroiusly sue them........
                Unless you opted out of their recent arbitration change to their term of service, you literally CANNOT sue Comcast.

                I opted out. Screw arbitration; if I need to sue them, I want to be able to sue them.


                Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
                Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                  That is sad and I'm sorry to hear of what your having to deal with. It's wrong that they keep doing what they are. Who knows how many people out there they've done it to.

                  It's like w/ our old provider. They were the only ones available aside dial up since we were in the country. When did have a contract and by signing the contract, we were supposed to get the router for free. In the end, we payed off out our contract but w/ our last payment, we were 2 days late and they charged us $155.00 in late fees. Also, since we were late, they took the router.
                  So go on, go on be your own, go on be your own star!
                  A superstar in my eyes!


                    Re: Comcast is evil

                    Originally posted by L_Mo
                    Having the worst experience with Comcast, ever. If I could leave them, I would. I can't get FiOS in my area and my apartment complex won't let me get another cable provider.

                    Sorry, it's a bit of a read. Anyway, about two months ago I signed up at for automatic billing. It said set it and forget, so I did. About a month later I was notified about a past balance and called to find out what was going on and found I had a large balance. Stupidly (very, very stupidly), I paid the balance ($380). This was my big error - never, ever, pay a bill with charges you don't understand.

                    Anyway, after some investigation, the charge was a Comcast error. The automatic billing system tried to bill my checking account but encountered a problem. It got an error, so it charged me a returned check fee, which is understandable. However, the big mistake was it then charged me the exact same amount as my balance! Normally, when you pay by a real check it takes the amount off you account, and then adds it back if the check bounces. The thing is, it never took the amount off. To make it worse, it did this THREE times. Three returned check fees, 3x my balance added. It was painfully obvious when I looked at my bill, and every Comcast rep I have called has been able to understand the error.

                    Ok so here's where the madness starts. The first guy I called about it gave me a ticket number and said it would take a few business days. I call back, ask for a manager. She gives me TWO ticket numbers (one to turn off automatic payments) and says it will be taken care of. Since I had called a few times in a row, a Comcast rep actually calls me to give me her number and extension so I can ask questions from her. I was impressed that Comcast recognized I was going to keep bugging them and gave me someone to work with. Well, it didn't work out. I've left her about 5 messages and she's never called me back. I've -never- heard from her since then.

                    So now, a month after I first reported the issue, I've gotten almost nothing resolved. I talked with one guy who promised he would make the accounting department take care of it... well the next day they did take off the $75 from the returned check fees... That's nice and all, but they still owe me like $300. I almost got my cable and internet shut off because I haven't been paying my bill since this started - I'm certainly not giving them more $$.

                    Lately, I've been talking with one guy who understands my issue, as far as I can tell. He managed to reschedule the termination of my services for the 22nd and hopes to get things straightened out by then.

                    During this ordeal, this is what I've encountered:

                    1) Received a total of 5 ticket numbers. All but the last one were closed, even though the issue wasn't resolved. I was -very- surprised to call and give the ticked number and have the person say it was closed, too!
                    2) Spoken with about 10 normal reps and 2 managers. All of which said they would make sure it gets resolves
                    3) Been blatantly lied to. Was trying to reach a rep at a particular call center and the current person told me there was no number to reach them directly. She actually told me to call back until I get randomly switched to the correct one (out of 6). I called back and the next rep just gave me the number to the desk who could transfer my call to whichever call center I needed.
                    4) Been blatantly hung up on. I called, asked for a manger. Lady asked what it was regarding, I provided my latest ticket number. She put me on hold to review. Next thing I heard was "Hello, this is comcast?" And it wasn't her manager - she just hung up and transferred me to somewhere else.
                    5) On at least 3 occasions I have been told "I will have someone call you." and had that not happen. Only the latest person I've called has ever actually contacted me when they said they would.

                    If you're still reading, here's a few tips that I've found will cut about 90% of the crap people will give you. I started doing this particularly after #4 and 5. Note, these aren't always required, but should be used if you're having a serious issue:

                    1) Ask for the person's name and extension.
                    2) Ask what call center you've reached. For my local Comcast when you call the 800 number or the direct line you get directed to 1 of 6 call centers (depending on when someone is free).
                    3) Ask for the number to the administrative desk. You can't get the number of the call center, but you can call the desk, which can transfer you there. You'll get someone random, but then you ask to be transferred.
                    4) Ask for the name of their manager (I've yet to get a manager's extension, but if you know their name you can ask for them)

                    Again, the above aren't for petty issues, but if you're having problems getting help, they'll definitely encourage the person on the line to cooperate a little more. The biggest problem I was having is that people would say almost anything simply to get me to hang up, making it not their problem.
                    You have learned all that I can teach...SAY NO TO COMCAST!!
                    We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins.

                    Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.


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                      by Sirex
                      All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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