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Figured out why my WATER BILL is so high.

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    Figured out why my WATER BILL is so high.

    This is a WMV file so I didn't put it in the embedded videos forum. Anyway here is my problem:

    My Wife and I kept getting 300-400 dollar water bills. We knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the bills weren't representative of their actual usage, and no matter how we tried to conserve, the high bills continued. Although we could see nothing wrong, we spent another thousand dollars having everything checked for leaks or problems: the water meter, outdoor pipes, indoor pipes, underground pipes, faucets, toilets, washer, ice maker, etc., all to no avail.

    One day my wife was sick and stayed home in bed, but kept hearing water running downstairs. She finally got out of bed to investigate, and stumbled onto the cause of the bills. Apparently this was happening all day long when we were not at home.

    Knowing that few would believe us, She taped a segment of the "problem" for posterity: Click here. Should I prosecute this terrorist?

    What the hell the catis flushing the toilet? Thats not a terrorist thats a thief....


      Yeah I seen that before. Pretty funny.


        Of course I changed it around to fit my lil story.


          That cat would hereby be sold to the local chinese buffet


            Originally posted by mapes View Post
            What the hell the catis flushing the toilet?
            Cats prefer fresh running water.

            Our cat, and the one thats no longer here, preferred to drink from taps, the one thats alive drinks from streams.

            I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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              Get the rope...

              Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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                I can't laugh at this, because I had a $1,300 water bill in one 3-month period last year due to a running toilet in the basement bathroom we never use. The water company lowered it to ~$690, and I went to their appeals board and managed to get half of that back, but it still totally sucked. My normal 3-month bill is less than $60.


                Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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                  WOW. My water bill in one month is around 75.00 and I don't live in a metropolis.


                    Ohhh FINALLY !!! a water thread !!

                    Running toilet will cost approx.

                    M3 = cubic metre/day

                    M3 leaked per day 2.500
                    M3 Cost per day$ 1.8725
                    M3 Cost per month $ 56.18
                    M3 Cost per year $ 674.16

                    DO NOT get me started....
                    WATER is my life .

                    CHECK THOSE LEAKS FOLKS !!


                      Quick, someone gag Vito before he ruins the joke!


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                        Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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