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Worst thing that can happen to a runner...

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    Worst thing that can happen to a runner...

    ...the week before a track meet. Just thought I'd share how much the sports aspect of my life sucks right now...
    So I'm a very very fast sprinter, can do 100m in 9.98 seconds, and I was gonna do the official city track meet... But with my luck, 2 weeks beforehand, I end up pulling my hamstring, popping some bone in my lower back, getting shin splints, and popping a kneecap, and to top it off, 6 days before the meet, I tear my hamstring and some bone in my foot is out of place...

    Lucky me!

    Oh, and incase your wondering, it's left me with a horrible limp and my right leg cannot support weight..

    Well hell !!!! That oughta teach you. You DO KNOW they make things like stairs, escalators and elevators for a reason don't you?


      oh my.... that is bad luck...

      You got the whole 9yard deal with that one...

      How did you end up pulling all those off? Too much work or something?

      I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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        You mom always told me I'd go blind.....

        Oh wait, what are we talking about?


          Originally posted by Sirex View Post
          oh my.... that is bad luck...

          You got the whole 9yard deal with that one...

          How did you end up pulling all those off? Too much work or something?
          I think I fell in some awkward way that didn't hurt at the moment of impact.


            Sorry I posted something that got edited... I honestly thought it wouldn't be taken in the wrong way but, It appears I was wrong...sorry


              Stop falling !! I started physical therapy last night for my back, then had an ice pack on it all night after that. Its easy to determine that sitting in my PC chair is damaging my back further, so I have been AWOL from the game server for two weeks now.

              Naillik, you know your body well enough to know how to treat it, so do the right thing and let it fully recuperate.
              Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                9.98 very nice. you should give up track and play the american sport of football. wide receiver. i hate that position and i'mno good at it either. free safety is where its at.

                i hope you get better though


                  I play football, but just the schoolyard stuff... Never really thought there was an aspect of football that doesn't involve catching. Apparantly since I'm fast I can't catch


                    man,that sux.hope you recover well.


                      Man that really sucks Naillik. I used to be a sprinter in High School doing regoinal stuff. At 14 i could run 100m in just under 12 seconds with no training at all. Then i busted by my knees playing football (soccer) and was never the same again.

                      I hope this doesn't happen to you.


                        It's all in your head.

                        You will recover and the injuries are not that bad. Keep telling yourself that, and you will be back to sprinting in no time.

                        I was a miler in Highschool, and I remember that the week after my last meet my sophmore year I went up to a San Francisco event and ripped a 4:17 mile.

                        The very next week I entered a second race, excited that I just shattered my school record (didnt count since it was a public event and not a school sanctioned event) and on the first turn I blew out my ankle so bad that I was in a soft cast for almost 2 months with the most severe sprain you can get without calling it a dislocation.

                        They say that I was still growing, and that some muscles grow faster than others, and it was just one of those things where part of my body hadnt grown as storng as the rest.

                        It took me a year to get back into good shape and by then, the Junior track season was over. It wasnt until my senior year that I was back- but when I came back, there were flames coming off the bottom of my shoes.

                        I was clocking 400's under 50 and a 100 at 10.4
                        Milers arent supposed to be that fast.
                        I credit my stubborn determination to ignore the situation and simply get on with the recovery paid off in the end.

                        You do the same. Ignore the situation- its not so bad.
                        Get yourself healed- do exactly whatever you are told to get well.
                        Then get back out there and kick tail.


                          Well now you have more gaming time nail man. Sorry to hear about that though, that really sucks.

                          At Salt Lake airport, they have escalators on flat ground. Would they even be called escalators? They arent escalating. But anyways, I love walking really fast or running down the flat escalators, it is a strange feeling, and you move very fast. I hate when people just stand there and wont let me go by either, lazy punks.


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