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Going to Scotland in August

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    Going to Scotland in August

    Hello, my life has changed completley lately, just a few know about it. I won't say the details but a quick explanation is that my husband has abandonned me and we are divorcing. I am having the worst nightmare I could ever dream of, but I have to go on and like someone told me, be positive because then positive things happen. I am going to try, I can't lose anything. My girlfriends have convinced me to go with them to Edinburgh in August (12-17) and then a couple of days in London (17-19). There is a Festival and we have booked an apartment for 5 days. I am wondering if I can have a coffee with any of the Scotish folks.
    I also ask for advice in London. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to go to a Bed and Breakfast instead of a hotel. And again, if someone is up for a coffee, let me know.
    K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

    Support Cainslair. Donate here! Cain's Lair Forums

    whoo yay scotland the best place anyone can be you will come for the beutifull scenery and the wonderfull animals but you cant see them for the rain lol(not that rainy really).

    watch out for midgies sort of like tiny little mosquitoes without the virus and travels in larger swarms(usually in the hundreds) hehe.

    hopfully will get to grab a coffee with you since you wont be that far away when you get here.


      Wow, sorry to hear about that Minerva Enjoy your trip and try to keep your mind off things while you're on it though. We took a family trip to England about 10 years ago when I was in high school, went to England and Wales, never made it to Scotland but the rest was a blast. If you've never been to London...go see all the big tourist attractions, Imperial War museum is awesome if you like military hardware.

      Hope things begin looking up in the future, just keep in mind, it will get better.


        Around the time of the Edinburgh festival, everyone puts their prices up for places to stay, so both types of accommodation will pretty much cost you the same.

        Benefits of the hotels is, your closer to the events.

        Meant to be a lot of good acts and stuff this year, so for going

        Hope things pick up, and will see if I can get up too

        I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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          Sorry to hear, I hope your trip goes well. It sounds like you could really use some time to get away. I hope all goes well for you.


            Sorry to hear of this Minerva. It's kind of a shock.

            Hope Sirex and or Kriotek get to meet you. Sadly i'm pretty much smack bang in the middle of both places.


              I'm really sorry to hear that. There seems to be a lot of that going around lately. That's three of us now in the last couple of weeks.

              A trip with friends is a great idea, I hope you have a good time.


                Ack, thats alot of crap to deal with. You are such a sweetheart, bad things seem to happen to good people. But they usually all happen for a reason.

                I hope you have a great trip! If I were anywhere near, I'd make the time, but I'm still on the other side of the ocean.

                Good luck Minerva!
                [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                So all you get is this crappy text]


                  I am so very sorry Minerva. But, you will survive and become strong because of it. Apache

                  Where do you put the Bayonet?
                  Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                  I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                  Frank Lloyd Wright


                    Thanks for the support, really. It took me three weeks to post in the open forums about it because I was under a shock, I didn't see it coming and when you trust someone completely you never think this can happen to you. Right now I am trying to go on. The only good thing I can think of from all of this is that even though I knew there were people that loved me, I never thought there were so many. It is very touching to see that so many people care about me and are here to help without any interest. I will never be able to thank them enough. On a side note, I've lost a lot of weight and clothes fit better. What an irony.
                    I don't even want to have hard feelings for anybody, I can't hate anyone, all I want is to be happy again, with or without a man, and every passing day is a closer day to my recovery.
                    K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

                    Support Cainslair. Donate here! Cain's Lair Forums


                      Me and my family went on an excursion to the UK last year. Made it portsmouth, bath, kent, up to edinborourgh, and back to london. We stayed in a B&B everywhere but london. You'll like edinborough, never seen anythin like it. I liked it the best.
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                        Why do people insist on going to London when they visit England? Not to be mean but it sucks (at least for me), and there's better places to go.


                          thats just like saying why do people always go to edinburgh or stirling when they come to scotland its a tourest thing i think because to me they are just citys with nothing much in them of interest exeption of things like festivals and the likes that sort of spices it up a bit lol.

                          just thought of this so its edited in here.

                          how to say edinburgh like we do here Ed-in-burr-ah hehe thats what most folks say it like .


                            juneau...there's a lot to see in London if you've never been to the UK before. Thankfully when we went we spent 6 days in London and then another 8 driving down south and then up through Wales before returning to London on the last day for our flight home. Spent some time with friends of my parents in a few places, the company my dad works for has people all over the world, and we got to see quite a bit. I enjoyed London for all the sites you always hear about and see, and I really liked seeing the countryside and sites throughout southern England and through Wales.


                              Trooper... juneau lives in teh_englandz lol!!
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