Im dropping the internet next month in june,the reason is I need the extra money for the nursing home,and the care for my wife,it cost us about $6,000.00 a month for the home,So im selling everything we have.I tried to get MEDIcaid turn us down,I cant even get food stamps.I think we have enough money to last us about 6 to 8 months after that I dont know.I will lose the home to the bank after that Im homeless.Well that life,I just want to say a BIG THANKYOU to all here and the support you have given me in the past,and now,THANKYOU.THIS is to CAIN THANKYOU buddy Its been a great ride,YOU have a GREAT server and FORUM you are NO1 in my book so keep it up.CAIN dont you dare send me any money back to me you keep it for the forum,it is worth every dime I have spent.Well its time to say GOODBYE an THANKYOU,I will miss you,and GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
