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Why are people such asshats...

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    Why are people such asshats...

    Vandals attack Stonehenge with hammer -

    Honestly...if I had my way....if these guys were caught they'd be dragged out and shot.

    wow some people are just really stupid


      I know what you mean Trooper. The last few times I have jumped in to play a little, it seems like the asshats are crawling out of the woodwork. I have biten my tonge so much it's about to fall off. I try so hard to enjoy the playing but it's getting harder and harder to ignore the music playing, cursing, message spamming and just plain disrespect shown towards other players.
      I can only wish that one day, I'll get to meet one of these fun individuals and express my displeasure with them in person.
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        Originally posted by Trooper110 View Post
        Vandals attack Stonehenge with hammer -

        Honestly...if I had my way....if these guys were caught they'd be dragged out and shot.

        Having been to Stonehenge I know a little bit about it's history. It used to be on private land. In the 1800s people would borrow a hammer from the local blacksmith and go and chip bits off. Luckily the Heritage foundation was able to acquire it.....


          I've been there, and it was magnificent. A lot of the smaller stones were carted off for building with before it was a monument even. I just don't see the need to be such a stupid ass to damage something like that in today's age and times.


            People these days have no boundaries. No idea where society turned like this, but in the last 10-15 years, there has been such an increase of idiotic behavior.

            Look at how people act in online games, look at the road rage, the amount of meds kids and adults are given to help them "cope" with the problems in their lives.
            [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
            So all you get is this crappy text]


              What idiots


                Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
                People these days have no boundaries. No idea where society turned like this, but in the last 10-15 years, there has been such an increase of idiotic behavior.

                Look at how people act in online games, look at the road rage, the amount of meds kids and adults are given to help them "cope" with the problems in their lives.
                I can give them a nice big dosage of NATO 5.56 rounds! let them chew on those for awhile.


                  Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
                  People these days have no boundaries. No idea where society turned like this, but in the last 10-15 years, there has been such an increase of idiotic behavior.
                  It's because of the abandonment of simple plain old fashion morals. A statement like that is enough to elicit snorts of laughter from many people. It's very politically incorrect.
                  I can only speak from my own experience. As a young man, I was an asshat, creep loser. I ran with drug dealers, minor criminal types and had a friend who actually killed someone at 19 years old. I also had several friends who comitted suicide before they reached 20 years old. We used to do some very "not nice" stuff to our fellow human beings.
                  But when I embraced the Bible and started to live for Jesus Christ, I changed completely taking my focus off my self and put it on others. (Note: This worked for me and literally saved me from an early death from methamphetamines. I am not here to judge others life choices).




                    Originally posted by seiko View Post
                    I can give them a nice big dosage of NATO 5.56 rounds! let them chew on those for awhile.

                    Those puny things I got some 308's right here


                      Originally posted by mapes View Post
                      Those puny things I got some 308's right here
                      Actually I think we would have to line them up and try some real live ballistics testing so we can see for ourselves. I have a 243, 30-30, oh and I've always really wanted to see what a 12 Gauge 3" magnum slug would do.
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                        Originally posted by DougBob View Post
                        Actually I think we would have to line them up and try some real live ballistics testing so we can see for ourselves. I have a 243, 30-30, oh and I've always really wanted to see what a 12 Gauge 3" magnum slug would do.

                        When researching the R700 I found out why the USMC and Army went with the 308 over the 30-06. Basically two reasons.

                        1. At longer range the 30-06 did deliver higher energy to the target however the trade off on recoil wasn't worth it

                        2. Short action FTW


                          Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
                          People these days have no boundaries. No idea where society turned like this, but in the last 10-15 years, there has been such an increase of idiotic behavior.

                          Look at how people act in online games, look at the road rage, the amount of meds kids and adults are given to help them "cope" with the problems in their lives.
                          I agree. We advance in intelligent technology, yet we ourselves lose intelligence. If the world is ever ran by machines, it isn't because they get a hold of weapons and destroy us, it's because we all lose our minds and think that Call of Duty 89 is the best game ever, and want nothing more.

                          As for boundaries, there's NO reason a 12 year old should be allowed by his parents to play mature games AND cuss or call people names. I don't care how old you are, if you want certain rewards, awards, freedoms, you need to understand your limit.

                          As for the topic at hand, this is quite disturbing. As one of you guys said, people in the 1800's was it? anyways, they did that same thing. Who knows if this is an act of a dare or stupidity, or if they are just trying to respect their religious beliefs. Regardless, there needs to be an end in this kind of behavior.


                            It's simple, really:

                            Media flaunts the have's and pities the have nots.

                            There is pressure culturally, globally, and economically on all levels.
                            Video games extend that behavior as well.

                            Parents put that pressure on their kids unintentionally, and kids, not knowing how to deal- act out.

                            Getting in a game and being an asshat is an emotional valve, that unfortunately victimizes people in the environment.

                            Retalliation or acknowledgement is giving these people power. They actually laugh their butts off when you squeal "stop" "please dont swear" "stop being an asshat" etc.

                            The internet has replaced the crank call. In my day- crank calling people was no different. Call some one up- say shut up. They say what. You say shut up. They say excuse me. You say shut up. Thye say look buddy- I dont know wh-. You interrupt them and say shut up. They get angry and start shouting into the phone. You say shut up.

                            The entire time you are calm and matter of fact.
                            In a few seconds, the person will be saying "no you shut up."
                            Let this go on for a few more seconds. Then say "Thanks for the conversation, I love you." and hang up.

                            Then you rewind the tape recorder and laugh.

                            It's no different now than yesterday. Phones have caller ID and etc. Internet really doesnt have any mechanism to stop this behavior.

                            I'm back playing COD4 and I see cheats and hackers all over now. But you know what? I'm still playing- I ignore it. Why? Because as I have said before- I dont have time to dive into the forums and write it up. I dont want to disengage from the experience. If we cared enough about it, there would be more admins, or more ways to eliminate these people other than "telling" on people in the forums.

                            Like I told someone yesterday who just loved to put three letters in front of the word hol (***hole):

                            He says "what? is that offensive?" (someone shouted out please stop).
                            I said "only if you put a verb in front of it, otherwise it's borderline clinical"
                            He says "what do you mean?"
                            I say "if you use the verb "deflower" with i, it may be construed offensive"
                            He says "what word?"
                            I say "nice try- Im not going there- lol"
                            he says "lol"
                            I say "no seriously- I'm trying to lighten it up- but it is offensive, and something I would prefer you didnt do"
                            he says "too funny- I wont. Are you mad?"
                            I say "nope- Im not even an admin . I just think it's not part of the game"
                            he says "okie dokie" and we have a great time from that point on.

                            What does this have to do with anything?
                            Well asshats are people too- and sometimes you can redirect the stupidity into something positive if you take a second to figure them out.


                              Originally posted by Hammy View Post
                              Well asshats are people too- and sometimes you can redirect the stupidity into something positive if you take a second to figure them out.
                              +1. However, asshats are people, and sometimes those people just want to be asshats.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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