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If you don't sign this, Chuck Norris will hunt you down

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    If you don't sign this, Chuck Norris will hunt you down

    Ok, maybe you heard about this alredy, but Chuck Norris went to Congress this week and submitted a petition called "Get of Your Gas and Drill" outlining the steps he believes will lower gas prices., Get Off Your Gas, and Drill::By Chuck Norris

    So, the petition site is on page 2. or here: American Solutions for Winning the Future

    Chuck Norris does not write, letters assemble themselves out of fear.

    Signed and forwarded to family and friends. Good one, thanks.
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      My problems with this proposal

      -- Though we have more oil in the shale of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming than there is in the Middle East (800 billion barrels), liberals and environmentalists have made it illegal to touch it.
      The many reasons why shale is not used.

      It's expensive to get oil that way
      The process for extracting it is very polluting
      The way to mine it is by strip mining which has very bad after effects.

      -- It's illegal to drill in northern Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or off the coasts of Florida or California.
      For a good reason. It's protected land. Once natural landscapes, animals and plants are destroyed....there gone. BTW there is oil drilling being done off the coast of CA at Santa Barbara and Anahiem so I don't know what the hell he's talking about.....Oh wait I do he wants to start drilling in the Monterrey Bay preserve. As a scuba diver who dives in those pristine waters I say a hearty XX to that and to anyone who signs this petition. I do not want my coast line/ocean destroyed just because some overwieght idiots thought buying a stupid SUV was a good idea.

      -- It's illegal to explore the Atlantic Ocean for oil.
      Not true.

      -- It's illegal to explore the Pacific Ocean for oil.
      Not true
      -- We're not receiving leases anymore to drill in the Gulf of Mexico, while China, Venezuela and Cuba are.
      Hmm maybe they don't like us... I wonder why

      -- We haven't built an oil refinery in more than 30 years and have reduced in half those we have.
      No one is stopping Mr. Norris from building a refinery...

      -- American airlines are in danger of going out of business.
      Not my problem if they're business model sucks
      -- American truckers are being stranded on the sides of roads.
      What kind of point is this??

      -- There's enough natural gas beneath America (406 trillion cubic feet) to heat every home in America for the next 150 years, but we can't tap it all.
      I'm actually ok with natural gas

      -- We have the largest supply of coal in the world, but it's Germany who is planning to build 27 coal-fired power plants by 2020.
      Coal fired plants mmmm bad ok...
      Last edited by mapes; 13 Jun 2008, 12:32 AM.


        Originally posted by mapes View Post
        I say a hearty FU to that and to anyone who signs this petition.
        Feel pretty strong on this one huh. Maybe you should take a little time out.
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          You are right my bad and I apologise to all will edit post.

          I do feel strongly about the issue of possibly destroying the California coast and particularly the Monterrey Bay. I have many many friend who make they're living by the ocean either as fishermen or more tourist related vocations. The bay is also home to many many endangered animals including

          Whale Shark
          Sea Otters
          Humpback Whales


            It is illegal to build refineries. Thanks Congress.

            The are monstrous pockets of natural gas on the East Coast. It is illegal to tap those. We had a big frenzy over that a few years ago here in North Carolina because other states besides California want oil companies... good neighbors and they pay a ton of taxes compared to our disappearing textiles.

            I watched a special on NBC about shale gas. They said it would cost roughly about what it cost at the time the documentary was made. hmmmm $3.50 a gallon? Thats a start.

            The trucking industry is dying due to gas prices if you havent been watching the news lately. If it goes down, your local supermarket does too. That wont be as much of a problem over here- we can grow our own food in the rural areas and the cities can suck it- but California has more cities, it'll hit you harder.

            Airlines didn't predict these gas prices... they're suffering, so they have to charge more. When they go down, thats more unemployed that welfare has to support and thats more taxes for you. It does affect you.

            Now, California can do all of its Protect the Spotted Owl stuff and not go along with this. Thats ok, i realize that someone needs to make sure this doesnt go out of control... but Chuck Norris might not like it if the rest of the country has to pull California's weight.

            Ok, now that thats over with, this procedure is temporary until hydrogen or whatever new energy source is perfected for mass use. At least until congress lifts their restrictions.


              Arnold voice: "DRILL OIL! NAO!!"
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                Originally posted by xGoblin013x View Post
                It is illegal to build refineries. Thanks Congress.
                No that is not true. Due to environmental laws (which are generally a good thing) it was cheaper for the oil companies (who get huge tax breaks BTW) to consolidate they're refineries and hence side step some of the permitting process. It was simply cheaper for them to do it this way and hence they did and then we all paid for it in the end.

                The are monstrous pockets of natural gas on the East Coast. It is illegal to tap those. We had a big frenzy over that a few years ago here in North Carolina because other states besides California want oil companies... good neighbors and they pay a ton of taxes compared to our disappearing textiles.
                Um the oil industry gets massive tax breaks as a whole. Maybe not at the state level but, for sure at the federal level. I would also debate how good of a neighbor they make.

                I watched a special on NBC about shale gas. They said it would cost roughly about what it cost at the time the documentary was made. hmmmm $3.50 a gallon? Thats a start.
                From Wiki

                Oil-shale mining involves a number of environmental impacts, more pronounced in surface mining than in underground mining. They include acid drainage induced by the sudden rapid exposure and subsequent oxidation of formerly buried materials, the introduction of metals into surface-water and groundwater, increased erosion, sulfur-gas emissions, and air pollution caused by the production of particulates during processing, transport, and support activities.[9][10] In 2002, about 97% of air pollution, 86% of total waste and 23% of water pollution in Estonia came from the power industry, which uses oil shale as the main resource for its power production.[68]

                Oil-shale extraction can damage the biological and recreational value of land and the ecosystem in the mining area. Combustion and thermal processing generate waste material. In addition, the atmospheric emissions from oil-shale processing and combustion include carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Environmentalists oppose production and usage of oil shale, as it creates even more greenhouse gases than conventional fossil fuels.[69] Section 526 of the Energy Independence And Security Act prohibits United States government agencies from buying oil produced by processes that produce more greenhouse gas emissions than would traditional petroleum.[70][71] Experimental in situ conversion processes and carbon capture and storage technologies may reduce some of these concerns in the future, but at the same time they may cause other problems, including groundwater pollution.[72]

                Some commentators have expressed concerns over the oil-shale industry's use of water. In 2002, the oil shale-fired power industry used 91% of the water consumed in Estonia.[68] Depending on technology, above-ground retorting uses between one and five barrels of water per barrel of produced shale oil.[39][73][74][75] A 2007 programmatic environmental impact statement issued by the US Bureau of Land Management stated that surface mining and retort operations produce two to ten US gallons (1.5–8 imperial gallons or 8–38 L) of wastewater per tonne of processed oil shale.[73] In situ processing, according to one estimate, uses about one-tenth as much water.[76] Water concerns are particularly sensitive issue in arid regions, such as the western US and Israel's Negev Desert, where there are plans to expand the oil shale industry despite a water shortage.[77][78]
                The trucking industry is dying due to gas prices if you havent been watching the news lately. If it goes down, your local supermarket does too. That wont be as much of a problem over here- we can grow our own food in the rural areas and the cities can suck it- but California has more cities, it'll hit you harder.
                Think not we have the largest agriculture economy of any state also I buy from local farmers in my region. People need to stop eating off season vegetables that are grown half way around the world. Eat whats in season and buy local. Again wiki

                Agriculture (including fruit, vegetables, dairy, wine and marijuana) is a major California industry. In 2004 agriculture brought in $31.68 billion in revenue, making it more than twice the size of any other state's agriculture industry. In fact, California is the world's fifth largest supplier of food and agriculture commodities.[1] Agriculture accounts for just slightly over 2% of California's $1.55 trillion gross state product
                Lol just noticed the "and marijuana" in the last wiki listing

                Airlines didn't predict these gas prices... they're suffering, so they have to charge more. When they go down, thats more unemployed that welfare has to support and thats more taxes for you. It does affect you.
                Are you telling me that the airlines have been blissfully ignoring rising oil prices since the 70's. Come on. They knew one day this would happen.

                Now, California can do all of its Protect the Spotted Owl stuff and not go along with this. Thats ok, i realize that someone needs to make sure this doesnt go out of control... but Chuck Norris might not like it if the rest of the country has to pull California's weight.
                Pull California's weight your joking right. I refer you to this

                TaxProf Blog: Red States Feed at Federal Trough, Blue States Supply the Feed

                Basically California is on the top ten list of states that contribute MORE to the USA in taxes then they receive in federal aid.

                Ok, now that thats over with, this procedure is temporary until hydrogen or whatever new energy source is perfected for mass use. At least until congress lifts their restrictions.
                It would be nice to put more money into research in these areas then some of the stupid stuff like stimulus packages or a stupid wall or stupid security products that don't do anything at all like this

                TING TERROR - New York Post


                  Caring about the environment is a luxury afforded to us by years of easy living. As oil prices continue to climb, and with them food and transportation costs, more and more environmental causes are going to fall to the wayside. It's hard to expend enough energy to care about an endangered stretch of uninhabited wilderness when you're having problems feeding your family.

                  When it comes down to a choice between saving a spotted owl or cheaper gasoline, most people will choose the gas.


                    Send Chuck Norris our way. Our prices are extortianate compared to yours.


                      Originally posted by juneau View Post
                      Send Chuck Norris our way. Our prices are extortianate compared to yours.
                      Hush, you actually have working public transportation.

                      I would love to get rid of my car.


                        Originally posted by Thrashdragon View Post
                        Caring about the environment is a luxury afforded to us by years of easy living. As oil prices continue to climb, and with them food and transportation costs, more and more environmental causes are going to fall to the wayside. It's hard to expend enough energy to care about an endangered stretch of uninhabited wilderness when you're having problems feeding your family.

                        When it comes down to a choice between saving a spotted owl or cheaper gasoline, most people will choose the gas.

                        I see most people see conservation as saving some worthless animal or habitat. This is not always the case. My area has a huge economy based on the ocean from fishing and tourism. In fact just recently (a few months back) a cargo ship NOT a tanker hit a bridge piling and dumped just it's crude fuel into the SF bay. That has totally destroyed fishing within a large area. Could you imagine the devastation from a large tanker. I don't have to imagine....go and ask the Alaskan fishermen how they fared after the Valdez.


                          that stimulus check isnt very stupid to people who cannot afford to even get to work and eat. i signed, SF bay is already messed up,might as well drill.


                            I agree the environmental impact is high and I agree with mapes on not wanting to jump at something too quick and trash an area we all greatly enjoy. The main thing I want to see is something done, we have the tech to do safe and enviro friendly extraction and production. I just want to see us use our resources safely and reduce the dependancy on these countries that will do nothing but suck us dry for what they know is their advantage.

                            We need to reduce fossil fuel usage while at the same time increase R&D of alternatives and use our own resources in the mean time. All parties can be satisfied, but as long as each side stands fast without ensuring the right precautions are taken and all issues considered we'll make no progress. That's the main thing the petition will do is get them chuckle heads on capital hill to realize it's time and the public is no longer taking the BS reasons anymore.
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                              We need da oil nao plz
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