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wow! i want a suit like this!

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    wow! i want a suit like this!

    i want one so bad...i always end up falling off of anything!
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      Pretty cool


        That is awesome!


          i should get some of that XD



            looks like the dude at the end has a full body suit on o.0


              This could be big, depending on how cost effective it is to produce.


                Ok, that youtube video was pretty cool.

                Now this has me wondering, is something along this line using molecular structures in clothing going to be used to design new space suits in the future? Less bulky but can still block radiation and maintain body warmth?


                  good idea...something like that will probably be invented, but its probably a bit far off


                    wow what you could do with this stuff is sweet. boxing matches between normal civilians wearing a facemask and gloves of this stuff. full body suits and running around hitting eachother with hammers.(probably not such a good idea ) still this stuff is sweet


                      You could use it in motorcycle armor. However you couldn't use it in helmets. The reason is you want the foam in the helmet to remain soft so it instead of your soft gelatinous brain absorbs the impact. However pockets of that stuff in leathers covering the knees, shins, elbows, shoulders, hips, spine and forearm would rock!


                        Now this has me wondering, is something along this line using molecular structures in clothing going to be used to design new space suits in the future? Less bulky but can still block radiation and maintain body warmth?
                        I don't think this material would be able to do that... there is a pretty big difference between physical impacts (like a shovel) and radiation. Neutron particles and gamma waves would likely just blow on though since they are smaller than the molecules of the materal, but that's just my guess.

                        On the other hand, if it can harden sufficiently fast enough and strong enough to take a micrometeoroid impact, then that would be a great use for it. No astronaut has been lost to an micrometeoroid (or other small object) yet, but something like this would be an added level of protection.

                        Along similar lines, the military is developing it's own for use in kevlar vests (for the military, as well as for police/prison guards) to make them thinner and more flexable, yet able to stop high-energy bullet impacts (as well as shrapnel and edged weapons) without heavy trauma plates.



                          that is cool i wonder if it would work for hockey and football pads


                            I know this material specifically wouldn't be useful for any type of hazard suit, be it space, radiation, etc. rusty. I'm curious if now that someone has developed something like this if other companies may start looking in to molecularly designed gels or materials that would be useful in situations such as those.


                              i really don't think this would work with radiation. I saw a little 5 second clip of it and basically when hit the molecules stretch out and lock together to make a sort of chainmail type thing. I'll see if i can find the video again. This stuff was a brilliant idea.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Apache Warrior
                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                :O hey Pidgeot!

                                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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