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Knights Templar to sue the Vatican

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    Knights Templar to sue the Vatican

    Wheeeeeee, lol.

    I thought the Knights Templars were not to make it known that they were members, similar to Free Masons ?? How do you sign as a plaintiff if you are trying to hide your membership ?

    Ohh, and that Pope dude is guilty as sin !! Give them back the Cup of the Holy Grail and be DONE WITH IT !!
    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


      I've got to think there's some sort of statute of limitations here.


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        Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
        I thought the Knights Templars were not to make it known that they were members, similar to Free Masons ?? How do you sign as a plaintiff if you are trying to hide your membership ?

        Ohh, and that Pope dude is guilty as sin !! Give them back the Cup of the Holy Grail and be DONE WITH IT !!
        The Knights Templar are not a secret order. Supposedly they're main goals were
        1. Safe passage of Christian pilgrims to the holy lands
        2. Banking

        There is some truth to the Pope and the French king plot. Although yeah at this point..... BTW they were not questing for the holy grail...


          Exactly...that was King Arthur and his knights! (Watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail if you need more information )

          Actually, the Templar originally got their money since as monks they were not allowed to hold personal property, it was all given over to the brotherhood. I believe it was originally supposed to be used to support the Templar in the Holy Land as the Church was already using large amounts of money there and didn't want to support them. Eventually they began loaning money and acting as bankers as it became more fashionable for Knights and some "landed" classes to join their ranks, and they gained more monetary assets from both these people joining and their banking practices. The French King then became jealous of this, and working with the Pope, had the leaders declared heretics and seized their holdings. At which point it became "widely known" that Templars were heretics and they were persecuted in to oblivion. I'm not sure any "direct" Templars have come down through the ages, although as the article said there is/are a group(s) that is/are recognized as their successors. Now apparently one of them wants the money back that the French and Pope stole from them. This is brought more to bear I believe due to recent findings at the Vatican that indicate that the Templars were not heretics and the organization was not banned by the Church. Although I'd have to agree, there should be a Statute of Limitations on the issue, you never know as it being a Spanish court, and with the new evidence regarding the heretical status of the Templars just being uncovered.


            Crazy. So here's the future:

            The christians sue the romans (you know that story)
            UK sue's USA for kicking our ass
            Poland sues Germany for kicking their ass
            French sues everyone for kicking their ass's at some point in time

            Then there was that kid in the play ground who broke the ski on my arctic action man

            Boy, I knew I should have done a law degree



              Originally posted by Trooper110 View Post
              you never know as it being a Spanish court,
              Oh trooper now you really set the cat amongst the pigeons, they gonna sue our ass's in the UK for Gibraltar now.



                lol, I only said that because I know absolutely nothing at all about the Spanish legal system. Literally...nothing


                  Originally posted by Trooper110 View Post
                  lol, I only said that because I know absolutely nothing at all about the Spanish legal system. Literally...nothing

                  When you said Spanish legal system I immediately thought...

                  No one expects the Spanish Inquisition


                    rofl mapes.....great clip that is


                      Originally posted by mapes View Post
                      When you said Spanish legal system I immediately thought...

                      No one expects the Spanish Inquisition

                      You get Minerva mad and this may be what you will get



                        Originally posted by jaspurr View Post
                        Crazy. So here's the future:

                        The christians sue the romans (you know that story)
                        UK sue's USA for kicking our ass
                        Poland sues Germany for kicking their ass
                        French sues everyone for kicking their ass's at some point in time

                        Then there was that kid in the play ground who broke the ski on my arctic action man

                        Boy, I knew I should have done a law degree
                        Wow... not only all that, but the Afrikaaners are going to sue you
                        the Indians and Pakistanis are gonna sue you
                        the Vietnamese are gonna sue us
                        the Mexicans, cubans, and Philipines are gonna sue us
                        the Peruvians sue the Spanish
                        everyone sues the Ruskies
                        the Chinese sue themselves
                        the Canadians... hmmm, who would the Canadians get in a lawsuit with?


                          the Canadians... hmmm, who would the Canadians get in a lawsuit with?
                          Eskimos. Oh excuse me the Inuit.

                          Where do you put the Bayonet?
                          Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                          I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                          Frank Lloyd Wright


                            Originally posted by jaspurr View Post
                            Oh trooper now you really set the cat amongst the pigeons, they gonna sue our ass's in the UK for Gibraltar now.
                            don't get me started!!
                            K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

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                              FYI- Catholicism is made up of many brotherhoods of ministry. There are different vows accepted by each order. For example, the Christian Brothers did not take the vow of poverty, and are in fact, the wealthiest order within the Catholic Church.

                              Their wines and investments in property are of highest value.
                              They own a property off the Spanish Steps in Rome that was appraised above several Billion Dollars in 1999.

                              The Knights Templar is a victim of exposure, with many books written in recent years claiming specific things that are based on limited facts or speculative resources.

                              True: They started a bank to store the values in wealth that they accumulated so that these resources could be available to the travelling order.

                              True: One aspect of their lives was guiding and protecting Christians to the Holy Land.

                              However, they did so much more.
                              The fact that they are demanding this now is curious to me.


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                                :O hey Pidgeot!

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