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Which Console Is Better

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    I remember looking at a demo system in a bestbuy just after launch, the thing was completely borked. but I have had my PS3 for a few months now, and it hasnt given me a single problem. I'm really happy with it, just want more games!

    Another bonus is the Folding @ Home ap. instead of letting that expensive hardware sit idle while you're away, you can have it working for science.


      Originally posted by Warhead View Post
      I remember looking at a demo system in a bestbuy just after launch, the thing was completely borked. but I have had my PS3 for a few months now, and it hasnt given me a single problem. I'm really happy with it, just want more games!

      Another bonus is the Folding @ Home ap. instead of letting that expensive hardware sit idle while you're away, you can have it working for science.
      I might need to buy the new 80GB one.....


        Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
        I might need to buy the new 80GB one.....
        If you have any warranty left on it, give that a shot first. $400 is a lot of cash to drop on something you already paid for.

        I think MS is replacing a lot of the "Red ring of death" Xbox 360's, maybe Sony is doing the same for the buggy early PS3's? Can't hurt to try...


          Basic question and all, but I assume you're up to date on your firmware updates?


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            Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
            Todd, it comes down to two factors: Blu-Ray vs. Full Family Fun.

            PS3 is best on Blu-Ray, a bit hurting on games, but Blu-Ray more than makes up for it. Meanwhile, the Wii is unsurpassed when it comes to having fun with the family, friends, at parties, etc. The addition of the motion plus add-on soon will only make it better.

            I haven't really seen anything I like about the 360, except that its games are $10 cheaper than PS3 games.


            Rand said it all- lets not forget that Sony lets you install a larger Hard Drive if you are lacking, the multi-media network capabilities, and that the failure rate on PS3's is pretty darn low.

            Example- I bought the low 40GB and installed the largest Hard Drive I could find. I have a pretty solid library of movies that I have been buying via the online store. With the network effect, I have backed up those movies on a detachable HD and shelfed them.

            This in itself is why I bought a console. I enjoy the games that play more comfortably on a game pad over that of a PC. PC game pads always have config quirks and I lack the patience.

            If it is pure game on game play you care about, and nothing else, go XBOX. I sincerely think that if thats all you want, XBOX has more games and will fill your time. Its all about return on investment. PS3 has fewer games on a grander scale....but if I only wanted to play games, I think I would feel as if I wasted my money.


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              by Sirex
              All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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              :O hey Pidgeot!

              Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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