This is A. Hamster reporting live for CLNN, where your gaming Begins and Ends.
Quickly- Let's Get Current
Vito's Birthday- Read a previous CLNN Issue by searching the forum for CLNN to read about Vito. He turned 42 today and the entire staff at CLNN wishes him a happy weekend.
Upcoming Game Releases - PC only
Spore -- 9/7
NHL 2009 -- 9/9
Mount and Blade -- 9/16
S.t.a.l.k.e.r Clear Sky -- 9/15
Crysis: Warhead -- 9/16
Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway -- 9/23
The week so far in review
It has been a very quiet week thanks to a variety of factors:
School is back in session
Hurricane Gustav
A 4 day weekend in the States meant that some of us were playing catch up all week, while others took the entire week off.
How do I know this? Just look at the Psychostats in DoD:S!
There is no way in heck I should have been Top 10 through last night....
Dontate Well-- Dontate Often
Let's take a moment to remember that if we all donate $5 a month, we preserve our gaming environment.
Check out the Donation Link, The link under Juneau's Signature, or simply look into creating a subscription, you can help guarantee our community for the future.
Weekend To Do's
1. Recruit one member
2. Hit each of our servers for a Trifecta of Fun (CoD4- HC, CoD4 TDM, DoD:S)
3. Greet at least two people in Welcome
4. Say hello to anyone you dont know as they join the server (as many as we notice while playing)
5. Have so much fun that I bring back some stories to tell the folks at CLNN.
Closing Remarks
Well this was a mini-update to kick off the weekend.
I'm tossing around format ideas as you can tell.
In the near future (a time that is undetermined and is either days or months away) we'll be putting out a few Job Descriptions for people that may be interested in contributing via a reporting position.
Keep that last part in mind- the creative pre-list so far is:
Tech Reporter (Cpu, Vid Cards, Etc)
Beta Reporter (whats coming out that we can Beta as a community)
Game Preview Reporter (this one is still being vetted- we dont want any opinions about products - just the facts)
Event Reporter (conventions like E3 and other regional gaming)
More ideas to come, this list will change (minus or plus some positions) and of course your suggestions are welcome!
This is A. Hamster reporting live and it has been my pleasure serving you.
I hope you all have a great weekend and keep it fun!
~Hammy Out!!!