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Help Needed!!!

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    Help Needed!!!

    Well with the new season for snowboarding arriving there is nothing better for me than to buy some new snowboard dvd's, equipment, and cloths to only worsen the anticipation for the first few flakes to start falling.

    I'm in the market for buying a new coat right now to go along with my new pants but i cant decide what one I want. I started with about 25 and I have narrowed it down to my top 3.
    Now is when I need the help deciding what one to buy! so please voice your opinion.

    1) Planet Earth: Infantry plaid in elmwood---My favorite so far.

    2) Foursquare: Brady in Neg Space Camo

    3) Oakley: Evo in black

    And the pants I have for them. I also have plain white and plain brown pants as well
    Apparently my BF EA manager name is "AwesomeFK" If anyone knows how to change that let me know.
    BF4: Awesome FK
    Steam ID: henry06x
    Xbox Live: H3llboundH3ro v
    X henry06x

    Oakley and the pants. Oakley has a long tradition of success.


      Brady and pants!
      [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

      [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


        Definitely the Oakley jacket.


          Oakley for sure.

          Not only is it good with the pants, but its a classic, yet funky look that will last for a while. The others will be outdated in like 1 year and everyone else will be wearing them.

          Do you want to be like everyone else?

          People who are sure with their thing don't get overly dressed. Keep it simple and cool, and let your skillz speak for themselves
          [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
          So all you get is this crappy text]


            i vote oakley jacket and those pants


              Stick out while you can...get the Brady jacket...Twinky just jealous b/c he's been around for soooo long he has to have the drim reaper avy to fend off the real reaper!
              [url=""]Dracontius - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics -[/url] - My LoL stats etc

              [URL=""][/URL] - Use link if you want to play League of Legends.


                Originally posted by FieryDragon View Post
                Stick out while you can...get the Brady jacket...Twinky just jealous b/c he's been around for soooo long he has to have the drim reaper avy to fend off the real reaper!
                haha!! poor twinky..

                ok so i think the count right now is
                planet earth-0
                oakley-4 (I have a oakley coat already [white] and love it.. the most comfortable coat ive ever warn... it looks alot different style wise)
                Apparently my BF EA manager name is "AwesomeFK" If anyone knows how to change that let me know.
                BF4: Awesome FK
                Steam ID: henry06x
                Xbox Live: H3llboundH3ro v
                X henry06x


                  Comfort should be your number one priority. Looks take a back seat. The Oakley and I like black anyway.

                  Where do you put the Bayonet?
                  Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                  I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                  Frank Lloyd Wright


                    Brady looks cool, besides, none of us old farts wear Brady so that has to be a good reason



                      OH CRAP!!!! i just remember most you guys here are old farts!!!!!! thanks for reminding me jaspurr.. maybe i shoulda just asked my OLD dad! haha
                      Apparently my BF EA manager name is "AwesomeFK" If anyone knows how to change that let me know.
                      BF4: Awesome FK
                      Steam ID: henry06x
                      Xbox Live: H3llboundH3ro v
                      X henry06x


                        Get the one you like the most! You have to wear it after all and you need to feel comfortable in it, that said....
                        If I had to choose between those, *I* would get the black one for sure.
                        K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

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                          The black one +1.
                          Please like Pocket Radio Player on Facebook to support this little Freeware app.


                            hey, im not old!


                              I kind of like the Oakley. If you want a style change in the future pants, gloves and hats will go with it. I would also say that the quality and comfort must be good also unless you're one of those guys that spend the day in the lodge just trying to pick up chicks.

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