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My Writings

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    My Writings

    Once im situated here i will make this my HQ for my stories. I will post any short stor i come up with and i will take suggestions for other short stories... however I may occationally throw out excerps of my novels im wrting. (I tend to write three different books, eac with its own plot and genre, t the same time.) I will most likly post some from my 10 book series In Shadow's Wake.

    I myself am an aspiring author (Nonconventional fantasy, I like to see it as.) Though a full-time job as a soldier and a full time hobby of airsoft keep me from it, at times. I'm interested!!!


      I'm going to school for script writing. Who knows, soon maybe I'll be able to post some of my finest work on movies I've created

      Best of luck on your stories, sounds like it could be fun to read them!


        Can't wait to see what your mind comes up with.


          Originally posted by juneau View Post
          Can't wait to see what your mind comes up with.
          +1, didn't know we had so many (aspiring) writers here!


            Can't wait to see what you write up! I occasionally write a lil story myself


              First short will be soon... Im a computer programmer in training but ive read so many fantasy books i can get a huge grasp on the concepts... i also became a writer because i used to write out stories to animate in flash... My 10 story series, im on book 6 right now, i wrote to lay out an idea.

              Gimmie was in my class at the time and looked over the prologue, the first book is the prologue, and said it would be an amazing story. That set the bar.

              Ive redone the first three books twice now, since my descriptive writing keeps improving.

              Estimated Time till first short: 30 minutes.
              Last edited by Hunter_Killer; 13 Sep 2008, 05:21 PM.


                For now the bell tolls, and all fall silent for those that stalk the streets are loose. Be warry of your surrounds, should the Hunter Killers find you. It will not be your life that passes in your eyes but your death, as it slowly eats away at your inner being. Uncountless ages will pass as it consumes you, and all the pain that was never thought possible will call out to the safest reaches of your mind... and destroy them.

                The sun rose high into the afternoon sky. Gusts of wind picked up loose dust from the ground and created obscurred clouds and swirls. The sun's light reflecting off these tiny particles, creating a golden shimmer to their once dull tan. Scarce shrubbs, long dead from the drought, stood riggid to the heavens. Stiffened by lack of water and unmoved by the air. Rocks were scattered everywhere. From the occational large boulders to the numerous tinny pebbles and fragments. A solitary lizard basked in the sun on a flat, brick-red rock. Its legs pumping up and down as it warmed its blood. Ready to run from anything at any given moment, at any hint of movement. Its black eyes looked across the wide expance, uncomprehending what had once been here, or what had happened. A tremor.

                The lizard lifted its head and its muscles tenced, waiting for the vibrations to occur once more. Nothing. An explosion. The rock that once had a lizard and all the land around it was gone. The creator was only 2 inches deep by 5 inches in diameter. Far away in the distance was a faint twinkle of sunlight, being reflected by some surface. The wind slowly died out and nothing moved.

                "You blew that thing to high heaven." Atop a small Plateau about 3 miles away a figure twitched by the ledge. His binoculars were pressed around his eyes while he breathed slowly. His camoflauge was sand red and brown, just like the desert plains around him. He spat out the flem in his throught that had gathered dust. "How much do i owe you now?" next to him was another figure, similarly dressed. He lay with his legs stretched out and seperated behind him as his arms cradled his weapon. The cover was loose and flapped in the wind that blew across the higher ground. A long barrel stuck out from this cover. The scope was tinted red and it reflected the suns light after the shot. " Well, lets see..." the new figure slowly counted in his head, "you owe me 2300 crones now." The first figure sat up and removed the binoculars from his faceplate. "When will I learn to not take up a bet with you?"

                A little ways behind them was their vehicle, what looked like some form of jeep. It had additional plates welded to it, as well as a platform over the top. The roll bars had been reinforced as well. The bumpers were bigger, with barbed wire rapped around each vertical bar. Atop the platform was a large gun, some sort of turret. They had driven for 2 hours to get here and have been camped out atop this ridge for at least a week. "You sure the deal is happening here?" The second figure barley turned his head away, " Heck yea it is! Why do you have to question evey job we do?" The first figure got to his feet and walked to the buggy, storing the binoculars and unloading his weapon. "Because you never tell me every detail."

                The second figure finally turned and looked at the other. His partner flinched at the side of his face. The left half of his face plate had been melted and fused to his skin and the details of his bones and teeth were disturbingly clear. His eye was missing and the portion where his mouth should have been was missing. A grilled breathing aperatus was welded there instead and its tubes rapped around to the canister on his back. " For christ's sake, would you at least cover that thing?!" The first one put a had over his visor and looked back at the buggy. "What? Does my face disturbe you?" The second grinned back with the remaining half of his mouth. He held it for 5 seconds before it fell into its usual frown. " Come on lets set up the gear, it starts in 6 hours."

                Well there's part 1 of 4.
                I will post more later i have to think about the next section real quick.
                EDIT: the first lines before the stars are like a short prologue and a small section of my written sig.
                Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 26 Oct 2008, 03:07 PM. Reason: Language--Rand


                  that's some good stuff you've got!
                  you sure know how to do this -- I presume most of your stuff is wartime stuff with a touch of fantasy?


                    My short stories depend on which book series i start working on.
                    This came to me while im writing my futuristic one. While i have others that i make for a fantasy realm and another for more medevil themed works. But each essentially has a war, this one short story is different though... it has a deeper purpode... mabey a new book series im thinking of. I always start but slowly work to the finish.


                      For now the bell tolls, and all fall silent for those that stalk the streets are loose. Be warry of your surrounds, should the Hunter Killers find you. It will not be your life that passes in your eyes but your death, as it slowly eats away at your inner being. Uncountless ages will pass as it consumes you, and all the pain that was never thought possible will call out to the safest reaches of your mind... and destroy them.

                      While the new moon watches from its cursed throne, ruling over all who stubble in it realm, those that follow its law feast. The Hunter Killers are no longer man nor beast, they are free thinkers. The perfect executioner to the lifless empire. Others with untainted flesh and thoughts are the prey, a glowing beacon of hope that must be silenced. All Hunter Killers die when they have slaughtered, but three are reborn from their remains. Controlled by fear and the subconcious of their prey, they hunt on. Everything has a weakness..... even the bravest of men will fall.

                      The sun sank behind the distent mountains, senting a myriad of colors in the sky from the crimson reds to the deep blues and purples. The once burning temperatures sharply plummetted, becoming the freezing fingers of death. The rapid temperature change caused all moisture under the broken and dry surface to instantly freeze, killing any creature that had hidden from the burning gaze of the sun. The winds had blow all day and the creator of the once basking lizard had been filled with small pebbles and dust.

                      Far away two figures watched the expanding waistes of the deset for their objective. Each kept his weapon ready, waiting for a chance to use it and kill this unbearable silence. "Hey man, how much time till this little rendavious?" The first figure asked the other without care if he responded. He did it, because it was too quiet for him. Far below the plateau, morvement on the land began once more. Larger beings then the smaller creatures that froze to death. They burrowed from the ground and scittered this way and that, looking for food. " Jesus Christ look at those things. I haven't seen this many in one place since that assignment we had four months ago." The second figure only watched as the creatures crawled around on their six legs, searching for food.

                      They were called the forgotten, the lost ones. At once time they were human but several years ago, a catastrophic event altered them. There were three forms of survivors. Those that had fled the event and hid away, safe in their fortifications, never venturing out until it had ended three years later. Those that had hid during the worst of the event, then ventured back to the world to try and gain some grasp on their lives once more. And finally, the forgotten. Those who couldn't hide away and were left, exposed, to the horrors of that day. 100s of millions died but few managed to survive. At the cost of their survival, they were forever changed. Their arms and hands were now legs and feet as an additional 2 sprouted from their sides. Their skin had melted away and the muscle underneath hardened. Their bones became fused to their muscle and a strange new tissue formation grew. This soon covered their bodies like a carapace on an insect. Their faces grew long snouts and their eyeless sockets scabbed over. Thick, black, gnarled claws sprouted from their toes as their teeth grew pointed and stronger. Their hearing, because of a lack of sight, became superhuman in standards. These creatures scoured the Earth in search of food, adapting to the terran in days.

                      The second figure and his partner were the last of the second group of survivers, the Cursed. They became mercenaries, hired by the Pure. From a life of living on the same earth as the Forgotten, they became unmatched in skill when it came to tracking, hunting and killing.

                      "I think they know we're up here." That was an unneeded statement, since both knew that the increased numbers were from their prolonged stay in the unclaimed realms. The longer they stayed, the more that would appear. "Here give me one of the flares." The second figure caught the uneven toss and looked at the flare. A flare wasn't just a torch but a High Explosive bomb. The blast wasn't actually that bright, and even the untrained eye couldn't point it out, but the sound was the key. Technological secrets, known only by the Pure, were burried in its core. When it detonated a highpitched sound would rappidly expand, like a sonic boom. The noise couldn't be picked up by normal ears but the forgotten weren't normal. Anthing around the Plateau would die instently, while others would be mortally wounded.

                      Without thinking twice, he lit the flare and through it down. Just as its long shape hit the ground it detonated. "There, your worries are over. Now lets focus back on the designated coordinates." The first figure looked over the edge once more. Below the crumpled and torn bodies of the forgotten were scattered every where as those that could still move fled away. In thier jaws were the limp bodies of their dead bretheren, their dinner. "Hell, they never learn. Ok lets go."
                      Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 26 Oct 2008, 03:09 PM. Reason: Language--Rand


                        For now the bell tolls, and all fall silent for those that stalk the streets are loose. Be warry of your surrounds, should the Hunter Killers find you. It will not be your life that passes in your eyes but your death, as it slowly eats away at your inner being. Uncountless ages will pass as it consumes you, and all the pain that was never thought possible will call out to the safest reaches of your mind... and destroy them.

                        While the new moon watches from its cursed throne, ruling over all who stubble in it realm, those that follow its law feast. The Hunter Killers are no longer man nor beast, they are free thinkers. The perfect executioner to the lifless empire. Others with untainted flesh and thoughts are the prey, a glowing beacon of hope that must be silenced. All Hunter Killers die when they have slaughtered, but three are reborn from their remains. Controlled by fear and the subconcious of their prey, they hunt on. Everything has a weakness..... even the bravest of men will fall.

                        The ruins of a once prosperous civilization are the only memorial to things of the past. Wreckage litters the blood soaked streets as devices from an untold time lay lifless and with little use. There are those amoung the Hunter Killers that still have memories of the past. Within them is the keys to salvation, but their instincts cloud their sanity. They are labeled as the Cursed, those of pure blood who have lost their way. Unlike the other Hunter Killers that will be forgotten, the Cused contnue to roam, following who ever comands them. Life has a price.... and they are the ones that determine exactlly how much.
                        From the far west horizen, large clouds of thrown dust began to come into view. "Looks like the first party is arriving on time." The first figure watched from his binoculars as they slowly scanned and listed details of the convoy. "Man, looks like your intell was wrong. Im getting readings off of four armored patrol tanks, at least 2 APCs and one of those new custom buggies." The second figure only focused on his weapon and its ammunition. It was a new model, designed from an old version with a few modifications. It could fire two kinds of ammunition, the standard AP rounds and a special round. Since the Forgotten had emerged, the Pure had noted that the thick carapace of the creatures couldn't be penetrated by regular rounds, AP became the new standard. The special rounds were a secret held close by those of the Pure that had reformed their own government. He didn't know or care what it was exactlly, but it was accurate and deadly.

                        He attached the bipod support to his rifle and loaded a clip of 20 AP rounds, every 4th was one of the special rounds. He checked the sights and activated the inferred sensors, since nightvision doesn't help when there is no light to begin with. He slowly walked to his shooting position and went prone. He watched the approaching vehicles and grinned with the good half of his face. "Nope, intell was right. This is the second group in the exchange, the first has been here the wole time." His partner was checking his weapon and nearly dropped it in surprise. "You gotta be kidding me. Where? and for how long?" The second only pointed at the rendavious as a heavy armored door opened a hole in the ground. Bright flood lights activatd around its parimeter and sonic amplifiers activated. All the forgotten within its radius instentl collapsed dead as the blast of sound overloaded their senses and their nervous system shattered.

                        By now the convoy was entering the perimeter of the flood lights and the second figure shifted his position enough to get a full view of the layout. " We are gunna get rich for this one, get the buggy ready to gun it. When im done firing we gotta get in and out quick." The first figure stopped exaining his belts of ammunition and looked back at his partner. "Dang you and your money, Vehicles been ready for the whole week... Heck who ever paid ya will get his money's worth but how in the whole world are we gunna know what the target is?" The second only replied "trust me."

                        The two mercenaries readied themselves for the fire fight to come. The first was finishing his work with their minigun and warming up the engines. Meanwhile the second made the final adjustments to his sights and checked to see if his faceplate was sealed shut... no point in having any repeats of the last time.
                        Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 26 Oct 2008, 03:10 PM. Reason: Language--Rand


                          Your really good!



                            thanks, ive been comming up with what happens as i go

                            Part 4 will be split into 3 sections

                            Keep watching i may add them at anytime


                              I'm likin this


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Apache Warrior
                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
                                I am not playing anything right...
                                2 Mar 2025, 10:04 AM
                              • Reply to Hi guys!
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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                1 Mar 2025, 06:19 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                :O hey Pidgeot!

                                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                                23 Feb 2025, 07:31 PM