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    I have to know... what do you guys think of what i have so far?


      I'm likin em


        The first figure fired the turret into the masses of the forgotten as they tried to swarm over the speeding buggy. Occationally they would rock to the ides or get launched into the air as they hit any oncoming forgotten at full speed. The second figure kept his hands on the wheel and his foot on the gas, only focusing on the facility ahead. The constant whine of the turret and the screeches of those that got ripped apart by its hail of ammunition was the only sounds lingering in the night.

        Suddenly one charging forgotten rammed the side of the buggy at its full weight and the buggy began to tilt to the left. The secong figure's faceplate and shoulders almost scraping the ground as another forgotten rammed into the bottom of the buggy. The bugg flipped over completely and the impact of the first figure and the turret impacting the ground threw it over on its side and caused it to slide into a rock. he second figure hopped from the driver's seat and drew his pistol as he slung his rifle over his shoulder. The first figure forced his safty belt apart, grabbed his weapon and placed it on his shoulder and drew his pistole.

        The two figures stood back to back as the large mass of forgotten began to circle. From the massive gang emerged four of the largest forgotten... the forsaken. Believed to be the first of the forgotten to ever have been created. From snout to end it was at least 8 feet long with massive legs and claws. Black twisting spines sprouted from their back, as their massive fangs poked from their mouths. Their claws extended a good four inches further then the rest of the forgotten and deep in the pits of their scared eyesockets, were crimson dots that moved like real eyes. A dark black liquid dripped from their mouths and grotesque seeping wounds continued to bleed without sealing.

        One of them charged at the second figure just as he leveled his pstole and fired. The round hit it in the right eyesocket and the force twisted its head almost 180 degrees, but it charged onwards. The second figure fired twice more, one in its other eyesocket and once in its neck. The bullets dug into the carapace but didn't seem to puncture it all the way. It faltered but continued on. It lept high into the air above the figure's head. He discharged his fnal four rounds into its exposed stomach and sidestepped. The forsaken hit the ground and skid out of striking range. Just as it passed by the figure's left shoulder, he rapidly reloaded and fired two more rounds, point blan, into its skull between its sockets. The thisng lashed out and writhed in the grips of death before falling silent and motionless.

        Meanwhile, two of the other forsaken had rushed the first figure. He pumped all of his shots into the first and as it slowed and fell behind the second from its wounds, he drew his weapon. He raised the large barrel and held the trigger. A circular disk, about 6 inches in diameter flew from the muzzle and latched onto its face, just infront of the ears. It reared back and swiped blindly. Its claws became entangled in the limbs of its injured bretheren and just as they struggled to break free, the timer reached zero. The explosion engulfed both of the forsaken and the large chunks of shrapnel and splintered bone and pines rained down on the other forgotten. The first figure quickly set his weapon down and hurridly tried to reload his pistol. He heard three lod bangs and a heated breath on his neck. He turned and caught the sight of a massive form passing to the left of his view.

        The second figure reload another clip and watched as the first disposed of the other two forsaken... but there were four of them not three. He caught movement to his right and unslung his rifle. As he raised it to his side a massive form flew through the air at his unsuspecting partner. He fired three shots, two into its head and one into its body, before the recoil of the shots changed his aim. All three hit there marks and they cast the giant body aside like a tiny ragdoll.

        As soon as the final forsaken fell to the ground in death, all the forgotten began to grow wild and advanced forwards. "I didn't want to use this but i guess we've got no choice. Turn your ear protection on to fully pressurized." The second figure called out to hs partner as he drew two flares from his gear. He lit both of them and tossed them into the churning bodies of the creatures that surrounded them. The flares went off and the simultanious blasts killed almost all the forsaken that had surrounded them. Those that didn't die began to retreat into the distance as blood began to pour from their ears, eyesockets, and mouth.

        This direction gave the two figures enough time to rush to their buggy and flipp it back onto its wheels. Te second figure jumped into the driver seat and his the accelerator. His partner just barely managed to grab his gunner seat and pull himself into it before the buggy jumped to life. he drove towards the facility, pushing the buggy into the red. Behind them the forgotten began to amass once more and begin the pursuit.
        Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 26 Oct 2008, 03:21 PM. Reason: Language--Rand


          High in the mountains the freezing night wind passed the jagged crvices and edges of the rocks that have been eroded to their unstable shapes. One precarious rock, shaking of a weakening support for the past 50 years, finally tilts forwards and rolls down the steep edge. As it rolls down it throws loose other rocks and boulders, building in number as they fall. Tremors vibrate through the rock and small clouds of dust arise from their resting places. A lege of rock creates a miniature ramp that flings the rock slide out a little further into the air before the weight and force of their bodies causes the shelf itself to collapse and fall. Soon the rocks hit the ground bellow in a mercilous torrent of stone. Massive clouds of dust and fragments letter the area around the point of impact.

          10 miles away a stream of pops and crackles can be heard as something continually flashes a bright yellow light. The back outline of a vehicle could be just bearly seen. Behind it was only the portion of a shadow of some unfathomable mass of creatures that chased it. The night would last for only 4 more hours but this race masn't of time but of luck. The mass of creatures were untiring and starved half mad. The prey was slowly running out of fuel and even its highest speeds were only just faster.

          The first figure kept both hands on the triggers and sweeping the turret back and forth. The forgotten were so numerous and so close together, aiming accounted for nothing. Even strapped into his gunner chair the vibrations and swurves of the buggy would cause him to lose controle of the turret for brief seconds. As the first of his long ammo belts ran out, he reached for his weapon that was secured near-by. He released all safties and set it to proximity detonation, the faster they went off the better. He aimed and fired, just as the buggy hit a particularly large rock. Th mine was launched into the air spinning ahead of the buggy. It fastened to a rock just off to the left and the figure screemed to his partner diving. Before he could get the words out the buggy passed by the mine and it went off.

          The buggy spiraled through the air before landing on its back two wheels. The second figure never even released the gas as the buggy drove on in a wheele. The second figure put both feet on the handles and pushed down so the turret wouldn't get scrapped off.


            The buggy spiraled through the air before landing on its back two wheels. The second figure never even released the gas as the buggy drove on in a wheele. The second figure put both feet on the handles and pushed down so the turret wouldn't get scrapped off. He drew his weapon up again and fired another round. This one caught one of the forgotten in the chest as it flew at him in mid leap. It was thrown back into the folds of bodies and the proximity mine tripped. The explosion threw bodies and limbs high into the air as thir dark blood rained down on everything else.

            The buggy hit another rock and righted itself back onto all four wheels. The figure kicked the controles of the turret back into place as he fired another mine. He fired twice more before putting the thrower away and hosing down the entangled masses with the turret once more. The second figure only watched to pitch black horizen and the small speck from the lights at the objective. Suddenly a forgotten appeared from the ground ahead and he tried to swurve. However, the gad was so small he ran head on into the creature and it was throw onto the hood of the buggy. It swipped at him and its claws raked across his faceplate on one side. he removed onehand from the wheel and picked up a flare. He struggled to light it and then stuck it in the things mouth and shoved it down the creature's throat. He lifted up his leg and kicked out to the side of the buggy.

            The forgotten slide of the side of the hood, reaching for a tire and scratching the side of the plating. The ground slidding under it soon turned rocky and its opened carapace caught on the rocks and dragged it off the buggy. It opened its muzzle to roar and the flare detonated. Light consumed its body as the sonic device activated. The entire ranks at the front of the mass instently collapsed, dead. All those behind broke apart and scattered. Those stuck at the very end pressed on, not even fazed by the flare.

            Soon, as the hours slipped away until 2 before sunset. The massive pack had come together once more, and strained to their limits to catch their prey. They were gaining on the end of the buggy and the figure at the turret desperatly aimed low and close to their tail to try and keep them off. One of their 3 fuel cells had died out from the puch so their speed had dropped. Another was almost depleated and if something didn't happen quickly they would be dead. The objective was no more then 15 miles away finally, its glowing metalic structure jutting out of the massive crater that it rested in. The second figure could just bearly see the blinking lights of the defence systems and array towers.

            Slowly, the pack began to disperce and tire out and only 20 creatures remained in the chase. All of them were the forsaken. They ran without exhaustion and their pinpoint red dots for eyes seemed to pulsate in their eyesockets. Their ears rested back on their heads and their muscles tensed, preparing for the kill. Up ahead was the ledge to the cliff and they believed that the second would stop or manuver the buggy. But the second figure was feeling like gamboling, and he never backed down on a bet. Just as the buggy flew off the ledge and began to plumet, it rocked forwards till it was almost parallel to the cliff face. He activated the climbing spikes as the buggy slowly drew closer to the rock wall. The spikes dug in and he slowed their speed and let gravity do its work. The rounding out bottow acted as a ramp so they could reach the floor.

            The figure on the gunner seat began to smile under his faceplate but a howl caused him to look back up at the dark sky. The faint outlines of the forsaken was enough to change his expression to shock. All 20 forsaken had thrown themselves over the edge, to desperate for a fresh kill to let their better mind take over. They now dropped like heavy weights after the buggy and they were gaining.


              Thurstan pulled his eyes awake to the sound of movement. He readied his weapon and looked out from his hidding spot. Thier were creatures down at the base, trying to climb up. He fired a few bursts of his AP rounds down and cries of pain echoed back. He slung his weapon over his shoulder and forced himself to climb higher. Further away from the creatures.

              As he climbed higher the slipping of rocks caught his ears. He looked down and saw movement. He cursed. He completley forgot about the forsaken, the origonals. THEY could climb walls. They had some sort of eye sight, and they had a less sensitive hearing then the forgotten.

              Thurstan climbed faster as he tried to reach the top. He looked up and saw, to his dissapointment, he had a ways to go still. He held onto the rock as hard as he could and swung himself around so he could fire down with his free hand. He fired single shots, unaccuratly, down at the beast. Several pierced the carapace but it continued to advance. He let his weapon hang and pushed himself to climb faster. His system clock read 4.30 hours. Only 2 hours from sun rise.

              His handhold broke away.

              He opened his eyes and saw he was hanging by his weapon's strap after it got caught in a outcropping of rock and stone. He reached up and tried to wrap his fingers arounf the rocks. They were strangly wet and he could bearly grasp it. He looked up at his right hand and gaged. His index, pinky and ring finger were gone. His mind flashed to the fall, his hand still in a jagged hole in the side of the cliff face. The popings sounds before his head hit a rock.

              He used his left hand to grab ahold of the rock edge and pulled himself up. There was just enough room for him to stand and hug the side. He rapped his right arm around a large rock on the ledge and picked up his rifle with his left hand. He fired more shots into the dangerously close forsaken. To his luck, the next shots penetrated its skull and it let go from the cliff. It plummeted down to the ground and hit with a sickening and crunching, smack.

              He slowly climbed up and in his half-sleep, he felt something relieving. Sand. He pulled himself up and rested his back on the top of the ravine. He struggled to push himself up, dizzy from the loss of blood. He staggered his steps to about the count of 50 then knelt down on the ground. He dug with his hands and exposed a metal door. I-N C-A-S-E O-F E-M-E-R-G-E-N-C-Y it read. He pulled up on the hatch and slowly slipped down the hatch and closed it behind him.


                Everything is comming together soon and the middle story will come to an end. post in compliments, complaints or even a smilie just so i know i have an audience.

                The story will come to a close within this week.


                  S O M U C H W R I T I N G ! ! ! ! ! ! !
                  lol keep up the good work


                    Thurstan's feet hit the floor and his knees buckled and gave out from under him, heavy with exhaustion and pain, he crawled to the console and hit a few keys. The room lit itself and then repressurized itself to standard requirements. He accessed the protocoles with his good had. He found the security system control and switched its settings from sleeper to exterminate. He slowly pulled himself up to his shaking feet, using the panel for a little support. He limpt over to the medical panel on one side of the room and removed some syringes with medicine and simulants. He looked down at his right hand. There was a lot of crystalized blood on and around the wound, instintly frozen when exposed to the night, just 10 minutes ago. He grabbed the stimulants and medicine and injected it into his arm. He reached over and activated the medical station's computer system and let it scan his hand.

                    Thurstan scanned around the room and spoted an area of intrest on the far wall. There were a few crates of ammunition and gear along with a wide array of weapons. Opposite the side with the consol was a testing range with several targets. There was also a reinforced blast door that must lead to the garage of the facility. With the ravine now guarded by the complete weapons system, he could go and chase down those damn mercs. The humming that had been drifting from the medical computer had silenced and he looked down at his right hand. The places where his fingers were once missing were replaced by mechanical digits that looked and acted almost exactly like real fingers. Thurstan walked over to the miniature armory hanging on the far wall, he looked over each weapon, wondering what each one did and how he could use it. He lifted off a particularly large weapon and carried it over to the firing range.

                    He held the trigger and watched, as a large disk flew from the weapon and latched onto the target. Thurstan then switched his view to a small timmer right below the sight until it hit 0. He shifted his eyes back up to the target just as the mine exploded. The explosion ripped apart the entire target and some of the area around it as well. He then slung it over the shoulder and went back to the rest of the weapons. He pulled out two particularly large pistols and a assault rifle that appeared to be more heavily modified then his. He then grabbed 4 cartens of mine cartiges for his rifle and larger weapon, along with additional belts and clips of ammunition.

                    Thurstan entered the garage and let out a long, slow whistle as the lights activated and illuminated the contents of the garage. Starting from the far right, there were 6 light scout buggies, 2 buggies that looked as heavily equipped as the one the mercenaries had. On the other side, there were 4 artillery tanks and 10 combat tanks. In the center sat 6 massive APCs. There was enough firepower here to take over half the controled realms. He chose one of the heavily armored buggys and secured his equipment into the various holders before examining the weapons. It had a turret, about as big as the ones on the ground-defencive platforms. On either side of the platform were two small missile launchers. Everything was linked to a computerized weapons system near by the steering wheel. The tires appeared to be made of mostly metal, the frame was reinforced with titanium as well as platted over with a few inches. The engine also seemed to be a top-of-the-line model as well.

                    Thurstan climbed into the driver's seat and secured his safty harness and activated the blast doors. They rumbled to life and slowly drew apart, revealing almost flat terrain leading off into the distence. He put his foot on the accelerator and gunned it out of the garage. He flew across the flat ground of the waste lands as the sun slowly began to rise on the horizon. He headed in the direction of the facility that the Mercenaries were headed to. He thought back to how they outsmarted him and his knuckles began to turn while on the steering wheel. He pushed the engine harder and shot out after their trail. Under neath the buggy was a tracking probe, standard issue on all vehicles. It lazily blinked its tiny red light every 3 seconds, sending its location to the main system.

                    The leader of the realm watched his panel as the two blips of the two vehicles drew closer together. His transmitters were sending messages sub-consiously to Thurstan through his helmet. After he fixed their little "problem", he would go and activate their experimental device. Everything would go nicely as planned.


                      once i figure out how to write part 2 and connect the story to the start of the first/third story... (its the first i wrote but the third in the order of events)... i will put it in... also before i do the final/first...(you get the idea)... i will do a short story about someone else's sig



                        Even a message conveyed only in smilies?

                        translation - I like them


                          speaking of stories... hows yours comming along?


                            Wow sweet writting not my favorite genre but still amazing i should post my book series on here although im to lazy to. I personaly like to read thriller novels, realistic but nonstop action(you got the nonstop action nailed), example of some authors are James Patterson and Dr. Robin Cook.


                              Originally posted by Hunter_Killer View Post
                              speaking of stories... hows yours comming along?
                              Been busy with guitar and school and football, and I'm stuck on a part lol.


                                yea i can do books like that too, but alot of my shorts are influenced by which novel series im currently working on/ rewriting.

                                I even plan to make a few novels based around this idea that just came to mind when i joined cainslair. Once i work/finish the first short story you'll understand a big theme i put in underneath it all.

                                ALSO: i realise starting from the end seems kinda Star Wars ish... but after playing it back in my head it works better like this. Seeing the present and learning the past as you go is just a little more entertaining in these shorts.

                                hey pumpkin after this, the story for a sig im doing, my first short of the trilogy... i could write a short in the basis that you enjoy... Also go to my welcome threa... or my hello thread i cant remember now... but it has a more modern story about a sniper. I think you'll enjoy it.


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                  Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                  Yesterday, 11:03 AM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Apache Warrior
                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
                                  I am not playing anything right...
                                  2 Mar 2025, 10:04 AM
                                • Reply to Hi guys!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 08:24 PM
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                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 06:19 PM
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                                  by Sirex
                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                  Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                                  23 Feb 2025, 07:31 PM