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    btw, what kinda stuff you guys read? R.A. Salvatore, Robert Jordan, George R.R. Martin, Terry Goodkind & Terry Brooks


      time to bust out the series books...
      Terry Brookes is a BIG influence in my 16 novel series(10 part sub and a 6 part sub), Naomi Novik, Micheal Criton, and Peter F. Hamleton are the main series i read.


        Before i start the final section i cannot recommend this highly enough. Go see the flash video Castle III parts A-D because the music formation/dialoge and action has been a big influence on some of my writing scenes.

        its found at - DQ v4 [ Home ]- Flash, Art, Forums, Tutorials, Writing, Castle Series
        go to the flash section and check it out... the castle III prologue is also good.


          Teaser: 9/25/08
          Join the final part of the second story and find out what becomes of the two mercs and their job. What will happen when Thurstan catches up? What ever happened to the forsaken that are still hunting them down? Come tommarrow and find out!

          NOTE: May include sneak peaks of my next short stories

          Dont miss this!

          And Please Don't Forget to Leave a Comment, this thread is for everyone even if i write my stories. Tell me what YOU think.


            Looks great. You could easily expand on this (if you haven't already, lol) and probable get a publisher if you don't already have one.


              Terry Brooks is awesome. I love what he did with The Word and The Void and Shannarra. He's the only author I've followed since grade school.


                ive read every shannara book... three times


                  Heads Up: the final section of my final for the second book will be entered in and posted in.... in around 5 minutes

                  The ways of tieing the second to the third were hard and i left the ending slightly open like the third cause i feel like making a full book on this world. The short stories will be the intro chapters to each of the four parts.... did i say 4? YEP i decieded to add an additional short that takes place after three so you know how everything comes together.

                  These three shorts are called The Cataclysm: Forged Path

                  I may make the mercs main characters but idk....

                  ANYWAYS.... i will post that final and then i start geneSW's story about his sig.


                    Shannara books.. They're in my good section.. haven't reaed em in years though... Word & Void + Genesis of Shannara = the best ever..... shannara itself... pretty pretty good.


                      The first figure fired upwards at the decending forsaken. The rough terrain threw off his aim, so he struggled to the aiming reticle over the things. The massive rounds from the turret carved groves and tore out chunks of rocks out of the cliff face in jagged lines and random patches. He let go of the turret and grabbed ahold of his weapon near by and fired out several mines. One managed to fasten into the hind leg of one of the creatures, as all the rest attached to the rocks. Their timers slowly counted down the seconds remaining till detonation. One of the forsaken threw its limbs behind it and it began to gain speed after them. Without a second thought, the figure used his free hand to grab one of his massive pistols and lift it up. Just before he pulled the trigger, the figure spotted patches of metal that peaked out from under its carapace. "Sorry...." he whispered, " but in the end of things... this will help... i know it. Sorry." He turned his head and pulled the trigger twice to send two simultanious projectiles into its skull, killing it instently. The creature's limbs went limp and drifted in every which way, catching the air and slowing it down. The effect looked like it was suddenly ripped back upwards from the fall as the other 19 forsaken flew past it.

                      The figure swore under his breath and holstered his pistol and leveled his weapon again. He fired strait at the cliff this time. Each mine that attached itself began to give a high pitched whine as the proximity sensors activated.

                      One of the remaining forsaken passed by the first of six proximety mines and the explosion engulfed it in shards of rock and flame. All the others used to blast to alter their falling path and move out of thr range of the proximity mines. Things were smart. Up above. The mines detonated. A huge portion of the cliff was blasted loose and the massive rockslide tumbled behind them. The larger boulders smashed into each other and the cliff face, breaking apart into smaller pieces or bringing in even more rocks to this destructive force. The slow falling, dead forsaken's body soon became caught up in the tumbling and grinding nightmare and not soon after, chunks of flesh and blood was thrown about.

                      The figure switched back to the turret and fired back into, the now scattered, enemy creatures. "How much longer?!" He shouted up to his partner driving the vehicle, " It feels like we've been here for months!" The second figure only focused on the path he had chosen ahead. Struggling to keep the buggy as steady as possible, "Almost down! Shut your mouth and keep firing!" Small rocks tumbled down at the speed of the buggy and the first figure gazed up into the sky. The rockslide was picking up momentum and it passed over the remaining proximity mines. The explosions threw more rocks loose into the rockslide, only adding to the force that drove it down.

                      A shrill wail echoed up the cliff and the first figure turned the turret around to get a better view. The ground-defence turrets were still active since sunrise wasnt for another good 10 minutes. He jammed both fingers on the triggers and fired down onto the activating turrets. The projectiles ripped through the machinery, sensors and components of the turrets, rendering as many as he could useless. A few that hadn't been disable began to spin their barrls as they warmed uo to fire. "Hold on!" He barely heard the warning as a twisted and soul chilling howl cried from behind him. Just as he began to turn his head back a massive pain filled him as a forsaken had closed ground and dug its claws deep into his shoulders and grabbed ahold of his bone. Holding back a cry of pure agony he struggled to draw his pistole with his good arm. He managed to wrap his fingers around his grip and drew it out rapidly. He turned his head to look back and the burning crimson eyes of the forsaken burned back as its maw opened up, centimeters from his faceplate. Before it could force its head forwards he jammed the pistole to the back of its throat and fired his clip into it. Blood, bone and flesh, along with the bullets tore out the back of its head. Its body went limp and its grip lossened and he managed to shake free.

                      The figure swung the turret around with all his strength and fired at the oncoming creatures. He managed to rip apart two of them while the other 8 fell onwards. Suddenly. The mine attached to the hind leg of one forsaken finally went off, it had stalled when a rock hit the counting device. The explosion instently killed it and engulfed another forsaken next to it.

                      The buggy finally entered within range of the remaining turrets near the cliff. Behind the creatures, the figure could see the rockslide was almost ontop of them. He started to call out in warning as a sudden shift in momentum pushed him down into his seat and he closed his eyes to tolerate the pain. When his eyes opened, the vertical wall of the cliff face filled his view as the drove on.

                      He watched as the forsaken hit the ground with bone splintering force and the massive rockslide hammered down ontop of them. The buggy continued to weave through the turrets and the sound of the large projectiles passing by snapped him out of his trance. He fired down on each of the remaining turrets that had them in their range. In the distence, the sun was begining to rise. Within the next few minutes the sirens grew silent and the turrets deactivated for the morning. The second figure turned the vehicle around and headed in the direction of their objective. As the drew closer a cloud of dust appeared ath the lip of the crater. As they drew closer to the objective they could clearly see the dust end at the edge of the cliff as some object rappidly decended down the cliff wall. Another object was flying through the sky as well, leaving a trail of smoke behind it.

                      The missile was closing the distence rappidly and the second figure swurved behind one of the turrets right before it reached them. The missile started to curve and change its direction back at them but it impacted against one of the still opperational turrets. The wailing soon began to echo again as the systems switched on to disable the possible threats within the area. In surprise, the first figure's hand bushed across the controle panel and activated the auto-locking system. Neat little white boxes appeared on the screen and he only had to line the cross within these squares and the turret did the rest. If the targets were close enough it would even jump from the first to the next.

                      The figure driving the vehicle turned a hard right as another missile flew at them from the opposing buggy. At the same time, the turret on that buggy was automatically disabling any near by turrets that fired at him. The figure let go of the wheel with one hand and grabbed his RPG. He lines up the sights on the buggy and followed its movements, anticipating where it would pass next. He fired and the rocket spiraled down between the turrets and passed buy just infront of the buggy. The driver swung left and headed off in another direction now, trying to throw off the figures aim. The second figure tossed his spent RPG to the side and continued to manuver the vehicle. The number of turrets was rappidly decreasing, yet the two buggies couldn't "truly" face off just yet. The second buggy fired two more missiles and the figure tried to manuver out of their path. The first impacted just behind the buggy, but the blast slid the vehicle around, so that the second figure was facing the oncoming missile. With no chance to correct his momentum and get out of the way, he tucked his face to the side. The missile impacted infront of the buggy. Right on their massive grill. The blast reached the driver seat and hit the side of the faceplate that was left exposed.

                      The thick metal ran molten and began to smoulder into his face. It burned away the flesh and muscle and fused with the bone. His eye practically dissintigrated as the faceplate came into contact with it and slowly formed a perminent part of his face. Half of his mouth and part of his throat was being sealed off and he struggled for breath. He yanked the steering wheel as his foot forced down on the peddle in agonizing reflex. The buggy began to skid sideways before it rocked over and began to flip. His partner managed to pull off his saftly belt and grab his gear and jump clear from the buggy, right before it landed. The second figure was caught inside until the buggy came to a tumbling halt, upside down, next to one of the deisabled turret platforms. The second figure ripped apart his belt and grabbed his rifle before struggling to crawl out from underneath it.

                      The second buggy slid to a halt, facing the two figures. All the other turrets had been destroyed and only they remained. The second figure struggled to stand and gasped for air as the faceplate continued to burn into his face and slowly mold and cool in a sickeningly detailed outline of the damage underneath it. His partner stood, uncertain of what to do or how to react next.

                      The first figure turned and sprinted to the left. The enemy buggy fired another missile after him. He dove and rolled hehind a platform as the missile flew past. It curved high into the air and headed back towards him. He lifted his mine thrower and fired a mine as accuratly as possible. It attached to the side of the missile. He jumped to his feet and ran off in another direction. It rappidly advanced on him and he dove to the ground and tucked in his head. The missile streaked overhead, only a few inches above him. As it curved high into the air to change its direction the mine hit 0. The mine and missile detonated in the air harmlessly. The other driver gunned his accelerator and headed strait for him. The figure barely managed to get to his feet and dive clear before the buggy flew past. He stood again and started off in another direction.

                      The buggy skidded around in a full 180 and headed off after him. He lept to the side once more. He was too slow. The side of the buggy clipped him in his injured back and he went tumbling to the ground. As he raised his head to see where the driver was, he caught sight of it coming strait for him.

                      A loud shot echoed off the cliff walls and all around the crater. The buggy skidded to the side and its back half smashed into a platform and sent the buggy end over end. It flipped for the next few hundred yards before crashing down onto its roof and slidding to a halt agains another platform. The furst figure turned his head slowly and looked over to where the second figure was. He saw that he was leaning against one of the platforms, arms hanging weakly off the side as his rifle lay, barrel still smoking, on the top of the platform. The first figure forced himself to withstand the pain and get to his feet. He hurridly limped over to their buggy and flipped it over onto its wheels. He carried his partner and strapped him to the passenger seat as he secured their weapons in the back of the buggy. He climbed into the driver seat and headed to their objective.

                      Once he reached the massive station, he scanned around until he found a console panel. He pulled their task papers from their storage container and read off the directions next. He tossed them aside and entered the password. It asked for the coordinates and without a second thought, he plugged in the coordinates and hit launch. Warning lights began to flash as a bomb siren sounded. The massive structure seemed to split in half and the sides began to open, revealing a massive rocket housed inside. All the components and cables attached to it began to disengage as the engines began to flare to life. It slowly lifted into the air, high into orbit, before vanishing from view.

                      The figure sprinted as fast as he could to the buggy and jumped in and started off in the direction of the next closest controled realm.

                      As the sun began to set and the day faded to night, the sky seemed different then its usual pitch black. A bright light streaked across the sky. A comet. An asteroid. Mabey even a falling star. No one knew for certain. The freezing night killed all life that ventured outside unprotected. Except the forgotten, who emerged hungery for prey. Yet they never moved. Even as the buggy passed through their masses. Instead their heads stared high into the sky, as though they could see and watch the falling light. Soon the blaze vanished, possible leaving the atmosphere, but the forgotten still seemed to be following it. The forsaken watched with their inferred sight as the burning object fell from the heavens, to where the prey hid in its unnatural den.

                      As the buggy crossed the boarders of the uncontrolled realm to the next territory. A massive flash illuminated the night, pushing the pitch blackness far away and making it as clear as day. The light exposed the sky and earth as a mushroom cloud bloomed in the distence. The Realm Wars would begin. Perfect business for Mercenaries....
                      Its Finally Finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 26 Oct 2008, 03:26 PM. Reason: Language--Rand


                        HEre ya go geneSW it took about 20 minutes to think up... 15 to write and now 5 to type... ENJOY


                          The old man sat at his work table, carfully removing and adding various parts to his weapon. The weapon lay on the table, worn with use, yet it held a history as deadly as the venom from a cobra. The old man slowly picked up the pistol in his hands and inspected it. Memories echoed in his head. He thought back to his child hood.....

                          He was walking down the path, heading home after a long day in school. He watched the road pass underneath his feet. Yet he felt odd, as though someone was watching him. He looked up. On the far corner, a strange figure dressed in a long black coat leaned againstt a post. The sun was high, almost noon, and the heat was reaching almost 115. He stopped and examined the figure from the opposite side of the path. Nothing about his features seemed weird of strange... until the figure lifted his face from its shadow and the sun clearly luminated it. His face was rough and covered with many scars. His nose seemed to have broken in the past in two places, without ever being fixed. His right eye was closed and he could clearly see three large scars that from some sort of massive slash of something. The figure opened his eye. And he nearly fell backwards in shock. The eye was a misty and opaque white with what looked like swirling clouds moving behind it. The figure beckoned to him and he hesitently approached the figure. The figure drew out a strange pistol, and held it out to him. He slowly took it from the stranger's hand and looked at it. When he looked up to ask the figure why. The figure had vanished....

                          The old man sighed and set the pistol lightly on the work table. He carfully removed the worn out grip and his mind drifted once more...

                          It was only a few months after the run in wih the stranger. He had hid the pistol in his room, so his mother wouldn't worry about it. His father had died before he was born. His older brother passed away when he was only six. Now only he, his mother and his little sister were left. They were poor, struggling to support each other. His little sister had been growing pale and faded for a few years and now she rarely left her room. But this night, his life would change forever. His eyes shot open to a loud crash and the sound of splintering wood. He lay there, terrified to move, listening. No other sound could be heard. He carefully pulled the pistol out from under his pillow. Its strange shape appeared to glow in the pallid moon light that drifted in through his tiny window. Holding it close to his chest, he cautiously stepped into the hallway and looked around. He headed for his mother's room, the door was barely hanging on its hinges....

                          The old man released the grip and it clattered to the floor. It rested there, unmoved as he watched it steadily. No thoughts jumped to his mind. He carfully picked it up and decieded to reattach it, it could stand a little more use. He decieded to remove the barrel instead...

                          He slowly peered into his mother's room. Inside everything was in its place, undisturbed. He could barley see the outline of his mother's for laying on the bed. However, there was a dark liquid that began to pool on the sheets and run down the matress. He could see his mother's arm, limp with exhaustion hanging over the bed and he sighed. A movement shook the bed and the limb fell from the bed and hit the floor. He pulled his head back in shock and held the pistol tighter, his nuckles turnng white around the grip as he held it so close that it dug into his skin. He rested his back against the wall and slowly slid down until he curled up into a little ball, rocking side to side. Tears slowly formed in his eyes. He held back his gasps of fear, and sorrow as he hastily whiped his eyes. He pushed himself to his feet and took long, deep breaths. Slowly he shifted forwards so he stood in the doorway to the room. Something shifted and rose from the shadows and e took a quick, sucking inhailed breath of air....

                          The old man reatached the barrel and continued to look at the gun. He shifted his view to his ammunition instead. He studied the symbol on the casing. He thought back to how many years he had used this ammunition. He picked one up to get a closer look at it...

                          The creature was huge. It was at least 7' 5" tall while it was hunched over. Its muscles rippled under its black scaled hide. It had two massive arms that stretched down so its tallons dragged on the ground. Past the elbow, there were spikes that curved back, towards the shoulder, all the way down to its hands. Its hands were huge. It could use only one of them to completly encase his head and crush it without any effort. It also had long, leathery wings that spread out to the length of the room. Its head was narrow and crowned with spines that were as sharp as daggers. It had a long snout with pointed fangs that hung down from its mouth. Its blood-red eyes burned into his and he seemed to be frozen in place. He turned is head slowly away as it took a slow, purposeful step forwards. He lifted his arms up infront of himself. The weight in his right hand caught his attention. The pistol was clenched tightly in his hand. He forced his arm out ad it shook lightly. He pulled the trigger. The kick back from the shot came completly by surprise and his arm was whipped behind him. The slug punched through its right shoulder. The demon vanished....

                          The old man set down the bullet and put his head in his hands. For the past 40 years he had been hunting it, the demon that killed his mother. He would never forgive his sister for what she had done... He hung his head low, eyes closed. Behind him a tall demon appeared from nowhere. Unlike every other demon he hunted, this one was much bigger. It had a massive wound right below its right soulder and the arm hung, limp at is side. It crept silently behind the old man. It had waited for 40 years... waited until he and grown old and slow with age, while it stayed ageless forever in the void. It raised its talloned hand high above his head, tensing for the final blow... The old man seized his gun and turned. He fired point-blank at the demon's head. It blew apart from the impact of the slug and the demon collapsed on the ground. A dark portal opened before the old man. The old man rose to his feet and grabbed his dark cloak and holstered his pistol. His scarred face turned and faced the pulsing black gap infront of him. The old man opened his eye. The eye was a misty and opaque white with what looked like swirling clouds moving behind it. It penetrated the blackness of the portal and he saw his chance and stepped through...

                          The old man leaned against a post as a small boy approached on the path. He waited till the oy drew closer befor looking at him and calling him over with a wave of his hand. He handed the boy his pistol, and before he could warn the of his sister, he was pulled back to the workshop....

                          You choose you're own destiny... Even if you don't want it.


                            i can clearly see b the number of veiws that people have viewed this thread.... I am at a halt in my stories that tell the tale of 2 mercenaries. But i can do a short story for any picture someone shows me/ preferibly about someone's sig, like i did with geneSW. Im competly open to anything right now.


                              i dont know how to make myself known but i DARE anyone to come up with a resonable picture/signiture that i CANNOT come up with a short story for


                                Originally posted by Hunter_Killer View Post
                                i dont know how to make myself known but i DARE anyone to come up with a resonable picture/signiture that i CANNOT come up with a short story for
                                Oh god..... This could be fun...



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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                  Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                  Yesterday, 11:03 AM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Apache Warrior
                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
                                  I am not playing anything right...
                                  2 Mar 2025, 10:04 AM
                                • Reply to Hi guys!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 08:24 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 06:19 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                  Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                                  23 Feb 2025, 07:31 PM