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    Originally posted by Hunter_Killer View Post
    i dont know how to make myself known but i DARE anyone to come up with a resonable picture/signiture that i CANNOT come up with a short story for


      lol i ask for a challenge and you give me fail/lol pics... i asked for this... but at least i have something to do now...

      geneSW yours are first, i may also add some of them together just cause im that bored.

      a resonable picture/signature
      I'll give acceptions to these but reasonable means it makes sence to a degree.... but to compensate for these i am going to put the pics together that sem close and just get those done with now


        The room was small and dark, it reaked of musk, mold and decay. There were no windows, only concrete and steel. The door was sealed and pressurized. This room didn't exist. Its contents were all failures of the world. Things that drift from different worlds and dimensions. The room was packed today. There were many different failures to sentient life and exhistence trapped inside. This room was the garbage chute of Area 51.

        Deeper in this nonexhisting location were more chambers and facilities. Several held warp fields that pulled beings from the past, present, and future of different worlds and dimensions. Those that held some sort of intrest were "kept". Taken to even further rooms and facilities to be tested and examined. However, there were some things that held no intrest or were just plain stupid. The Failures. When ever one was pulled through, the coordinates from whick it was pulled were logged and then that link to that place would be terminated. Then, the lifeform in question would be taken to one of many rooms on one of thousands of floors to the room. This room was right bellow the conspiracy department, the room where every conspiracy had been created. Because without rumors and flase ideas, Area 51 really doesn't exist... or does it?

        These past weeks had collected multiple Failures. But rather then "delete" them right away. The office had decieded to bet on how many could be fit into the room until all space was filled.

        The occupants of the room were extremely diverse:

        There was a being that could have been Darth Vadar himself, if it wasn't for the fact it was a robotic doll from a world of giants. That world had no color for black and everything was in multiple shades of colors. So the colo scheme of this doll were white, pink and yellow. And many operaters... or was it only one operator.... had an intrest in Star Wars so it was decieded it was a Failure.

        There was a creature that was built like a man but his head was a frog's. When they brought it through the portal it went delierious, like they sometimes do, but this one had a bat with it as well.... After it bashed in the head of one unfortunate scientist, who was still recovering in the medical ward, it was detained and rushed to the room. Another Failure.

        There was a creature with the head of a cat and the body of a spider... that created an interesting phobia that day. After the webs were cleared out and the room cleaned of blood and human organs and body parts, the room was restaffed and the previous survivors were relocated. The Failure had been drugged and sent to the test facility, but after they retrieved the compound make up for its web, it was useless for anything else and was deemed a Failure.

        One week after that an error occured and pulled two beings through at the same time. Both beings were the same height as humans but they were an anthro alligator and anthro lemur. Apperently on that world it was almost the same and these two were basic citizens... although the lemur was the 5th member of a rock band... called kiss. Seeing them as nothing more then a waste of study both were escourted to the room that held the other Failures.

        The final Failure was more strange then a hassle. They had pulled through a miniature chopper from one dimmension and with it came a comando... of sorts. It was a strange to examin but it was decided it was a squirle... And it seemed to stupid to comprehend the basic of tests so it was sent away to the room.

        These occupants were all cramped close together and struggled constantly for room. But today would be different. Today the garbage had to be taken out to make room for new Failures. The steel floor underneath began to seperate and their balance shifted to the center, their own weight pushing them down the opening hole. The slide was a long distence, even at the speeds they reach it took almost an hour and a half.

        It was hungery... It hadn't eaten in weeks. It stalked its massive cage, occasionally ramming its massive head against the stone walls in an effort to break them down. The tiny hole in the ceiling high over head made a hissing noise. It watched it closely and sniffed at the air that flowed out from it. Its eyes narrowed and it watched, patiently.

        Suddenly from the hole flew multiple objects, each a different shape and size. It hungerly opened its jaws below and the objects fell into its waiting maw. It snapped its jaws shut with a sickening crunch and it swallowed its meal. The massive lizard, similar to what dinosaurs were thought to have looked like, paced the room oncemore before laying down to fall asleep.
        Here is the garbage chute of Area 51, its contents as secretive as its location. Only those that built it knew about this place... and the those beings that were deemed Failures. And the work continues, to find new life to study... past, present or future.

        And as the year 1945 drew to a close the scientist began to examin a new world... whoes occupants called it Earth... planning when it would be those creatures would be chosen for examination.


          OK! These pictures are bringing me down, geneSW i'll PM the shorts when im done with them to you... time to get this thread back on track


            Here's the third short (Short Story I) from the four short series.

            The bunker was large, spreading its concrete reaches deep into the mountain range above it. Computers and various lights blinked on and off. Cracks in the cement let leaking pipes drip their contents on the floor. Rooms of different sizes, from as small as a one-person room to as massive as a two-story room, were blocked by massive blast doors, sealed and unused, collecting dust. On the surface, it was only what could be described as Hell itself. Thick poisonous clouds of gas obscurred the sun. Intense heat incinerated anything that couldn't resist the inferno. Massive pockets of radiation were scattered across the rocky barren. The seas, the oceans, rivers and lakes had all been flash evaporated and the land dried out and died. For two whole years, the Earth had been in this condition. No one truly knew what it was or how it happened anymore... But many called it the Cataclysm...

            Deep within the bunker was a massive chamber, not the largest compared to some, but big enough to fit a 20 three-story buildings into it with room to spare. Multitudes of wires and components were spread across the ceilling. These snaked down to the thousands of capsule built into the ground. These capsules were large enough to fit a man inside and fill it with water. One of these, actually held a person inside. He was in suspended animation, or stasis. His black hair drifted in the water, wrapping and unwrapping around the tubes connected to his moouth and nose. Above the capsule was a solitart computer and monitor. The screen was flashing, in a low, almost non-visible green, with shorted out lights and failing panels the word: S-T-A-B-L-E.

            Slowly, a pump activated above and the liquid was pushed out through a drain below. Slowly, fresh air began to fill the capsule. The IVs in the man's arteries, as well as the tubes linked to his mouth, nose, bladder and bowels, slowly removed themselves and were withdrawn into the holding area in the top of the capsule. The figure weakly placed his hands on the sides of the glass to support himself. He struggled to open his eyes and as the eyelids slowly split apart, to let in a minute ammount of light, the overwhelming brightness forced him to close the gap and rub his eyes with one hand. He ackwordly, for several long hours, repeated this process till his eyes were completely open and he could examin his surroundings. He looked around from his claustrophobic cell at the large objects around him. After he was sure he could see, a hissing noise prickled in his ears as a white mist formed inside and ouside the capsule. The glass slowly slid apart and the man stubbled out. Once again, the light overwhelmed him, it was much more intense compared to when he saw it through the murky glass from the cell. He stubbled about, blind, until he found a smooth surface to place his hands on and support himself. He trembled weakly on his unsteady knees until a small sense of balance came to him and he gathered his thoughts.


              "Who is in here?" The rough voice seemed to come from everywhere as it echoed and bounced off walls and tech. The figure oppened his mouth to reply but a a faint whisper passed his lips. "Eh? What was that? Speak up." The figure tried several times more, until he found his voice. "Over... here..."
              Heavy footsteps appraoched, their dull thumps of feet on the concrete. "Looks like another one of ya is done... you might actually be the last one this time. Here, lets get you up."

              A worn glove appeared in his view as the figure watched the floor, so the light wouldn't hurt his eyes. He reached out with a weak hand and the glove closed around it. The other man lifted him up so he was only on he feet, no other support, except from the man. "So, what's your name?" The figure thought long and hard over the question before responding, " I don't Know." "Hmmm, you don't know either? I'm starting to wonder if thats a blessing or a curse. No name to claim title to, but no name to bind you to fate. Your the second one to not have a name."

              The figure finally looked around at all the capsules. The light wasn't as harsh on his eyes and he could clearly see the massive room now. "Where... are we?" The man looked at him. "You're in one of the few bunkers left that can support life, although its basically empty now. Here, lets get you in some clothes and get ya something to eat. Name's Thurstan by the way. I'm sure you want to meet the other resident of the bunker as well..."
              Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 26 Oct 2008, 03:29 PM. Reason: Language--Rand


                After the figure was suited up, he followed Thurstan to the Mess Hall. The barren room was filled with tables and on the far side was a cafeteria-style service counter. "Theres plety of food, the computers that run the kichen make so much, eve when there's only two- now three of us." On the farside of the room, another figure sat eating a plate of food. "Hey chatterbox, looks like you got some company!" Thurstan shouted at the lone figure and his head raised. Thurstan turned and whispered to the figure, "He's like you. Has no name to bind him to fate, or destiny, or what-ever-the-heck they call it now. Can't shut up though."

                The first figure that sat at the table stood up and walked over to Thurstan and the second figure. "Hey Thurstan, who's the new guy? Got a name? How long has he been here?" Thurstan grinned, "See what i mean? Ok, shut up. This hear is... doesn't have a name, i'll call him shadow, since he doesn't run his mouth like you chatter box. Just appeared toda, I think he's the last of em." The first figure bobbed his head in agreement. "Looks like shadow came in time, since we're gunna get outta this dump soon."

                "Woh, hold your horses mate. Why don't we fill in Shadow, since he's new to all this." The three of them walked to the nearest table, Shadow was allowed to go get some food, since the overview would take a while. Two years ago so... thing happened. No one knew what it was or where it came from, but everyone called it the Cataclysm. The surface became a harsh and unbearible zone so humanity fled to these bunkers to live. There used to be hundreds of people in this bunker.

                But one day, about a year and 8 months later, a stranger was spotted in the distence, he refused to travel close and enter the bunker. He called to the people inside, 'We have found a way to survive here and make a living once more. Come join us so we can start our lives anew.' At first no one followed, but as the weeks crawled past, the dreary and unchanging day-to-day living started to eat away at them.

                Soon many people began to suit up in heavy suits, designed to allow the person to ventre to the surface. Thurstan would have left with the others but he had been assigned to remain here and help all those who hadn't yet arrived. For four months Thurstan remained until chatter box appeared. Everyone else, by that time, had suited up and left as well. Last week no one arrived so they planned to go to the surface. But with Shadow's appearence they were fortunate.

                To travel to the surface ment that everyone had to be on guard almost all the time. With the exception of the stranger, groups of three or more had to be formed, so everyone could cover each other's back.

                "So, what do you think?" Shadow thoght it over in his mind. The first figure began to ramble and talk about things that didn't matter. "Why don't you shut up before I force ya?" The second figure gave the other a rugh stare as Thurstan laughed at the other's surprise. "I guess it's settled then, we will leav two days from now."
                Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 26 Oct 2008, 03:30 PM. Reason: Language--Rand


                  Good stuff Hunter.
                  Haven't had a chance to read through them all, but you have an interesting style
                  [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                  So all you get is this crappy text]




                    Once i get all four typed, I will put all the text together so its in one easy to follow post for each story. For a few friends I will PM them these stories, along with some side commentary about how i came up with it, some excerpts from the book ideas this has created, and the scanned images of the symbol carried by the Mercenaries.

                    More will be added later today also...

                    This is addressed to every one but mostly Hammy... Im working on the second chapter for the CoD4 story and if all goes well, it will be ready for the next news update.


                      I'm going to hold off until around 6 pm pacific time to post the next few sections but here's what you can expect:

                      1. the first view of the surface during the cataclysm
                      2. the change from a pure to a cursed
                      3. their first encounter with the forgotten/forsaken
                      4. The group of three becomes a band of two


                        The two days passed quickly, and in that time Shadow improved quickly. That morning, two days from his appearence, they suited up for their travel. They stood in the armory while Thurstan explained the suits they would wear on the surface. "...Full body suit, with a armored faceplate. The faceplate is about 2.5 inches thick of the best armor-grade metal. The suit has a built in resperatory kit tha recycles your air so you dont end up breathing toxic fumes. This suit could deflect bullets. However, when we go topside, we have to move quickly anyways... there's no telling how long these suits can stand exposure to that harsh environment."

                        The three of them suited up and moved on to the weapons cases. Shadow and Thurstan grabbed a sniper rifle, while Chatter Box took an assault rifle with a grenade launcher attachment. Shadow grabbed an RPG for his second weapon, Chatter Box took a single sub-machine gun and Thurstan grabbed two, partcularly large and nasty looking pistols. He shrugged when they looked at him, "You never know what you'll run into."
                        With all their gear and extra ammo stored, they moved on to the garage.

                        It was another massive room, almost as big as that chamber filled with capsules. For its size, the amount of vehicles remaining was very small. Only a few buggies remained while other vehicles lay nfinished and unserviced in the dust. "I can't drive." "Neither can I." Shadow ignored the other two and approached the buggy. He set his gear down in the back seat and climbed into the driver's seat. He activated the engine and let it roar to life. He pushed the accelerator and shot across the room. He skillfully turned in and out between massive suport columbs and unserviced vehicles. He finished by swurving to the left and skidding to a halt infront of Thurstan and Chatter Box. "Get in."

                        The buggy rocketed out of the open garage door and flew over the tiny hills and onto the surface world. They drove for hours without stopping, taking Thurstan's suggestion to mind. They passed several deserted towns, whoes building were broken and rubble. On the sides of the dusty road were the occational skeletons of men, women and children. The barren, rocky terrain stretched out in all directions. Thick clouds of the murky, tan-grey poisonous gases hung low and covered various areas of the ground. In the distence, flashes of lightning from massive chemical storms were only acknowledged by the loud booming of the rolling thunder through the air and earth. The heat was incredible, and the sun was still setting in the distence.
                        Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 26 Oct 2008, 03:31 PM. Reason: Language--Rand


                          I'm fairly sure no one knows or cares how I have to mentailly prepare to write my stories...

                          Hav you ever tried closing your mind to the outside world to get something done? I mean cutting out all sounds and distractions: music, TV, videos, games, books.

                          Now you need a influence... such as music, videos, games or books....

                          If i dont write i get physical headaches because i don't know what to do with my thoughts... but if i write too much, i've got nothing. I don't care what you think or how you feel about the writing. All i ask is for some consent: likes, dislikes, things that need improvement.

                          Anyways... I'll continue te story later... around 9-11 am tomorrow.


                            Actually... I'd like to see this story continue. I'll be looking forward to the next part. And as for me... in order to do almost anything at all, i've got to have multiple things going on. Like the T.V. playing while i've got up the forums and CoD4 in the background with my music playing... My mind tends to think ahead of itself... if that makes sense.


                              hard part of mine is being influenced by an outside sours=ce while remaining blind to it...

                              music is the easiest to do it with though...


                                "We need to find some shelter." The first figure called from the buggy's turret. "Yea? And you need to shut up." Thurstan yelled back. Up ahead was another town, off to the side on a small dusy path. The second figure adjusted his direction and entered the town. They parked their buggy in one of the still standing buildings and moved to one of the basement floors in another building. They were exhausted, hungry and... unsure. It felt like their skin was prickling and it began to itch in places they felt they couldn't reach. They had a light meal and went to sleep.

                                The second figure woke up. What time it was, he didn't know. His body burned with pain of unimaginable magnitudes. It felt like his lunges were covered in blisters and thousands of needles stabbed at his skin. He struggled to lift his arms but his body was unresponsive and him mind began to ache. His eyes rolled to the sides of his head and he could barely make out the writhing shapes of Thurstan and the first figure. The pain grew in strength and he opened his mouth to scream, scream at the needle and the blisters, scream at the burning in his face, scream at the itching and convulsing.... Yet no sound left him. He felt his mind scream and his body scream, but his voice was silent, gone. His mind was reaching the peak of their suffering and he blacked out.

                                The second figure bolted upright, eye wide and unblinking, as he looked around. He felt nothing, as if everything that happened was only a dream, but he was awake then. He remembered the pain and a ghost of his experiences pulled at his mind. He saw Thurstan and the first figure, laying silently in slumber, undisturbed and calm. He climbed to his unsteady feet and staggered to the surface. He watched the vast reaches of the harsh wasteland. Only the flashes of lightning and the booming thunder of distent chemical storms sang their song of destruction. He looked at his hands, they seemed... larger... but they were normal, no burns or blisters or scars. The sides of his chest felt like someone had hooked two metalic claws in his rib cage and tried to pull it apart from the sides. Exhaustion struck him. He staggered down stairs and went back to sleep.

                                Gotta pause for a sec... its getting better dont worry.


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                  Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                  Yesterday, 11:03 AM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Apache Warrior
                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
                                  I am not playing anything right...
                                  2 Mar 2025, 10:04 AM
                                • Reply to Hi guys!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 08:24 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 06:19 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                  Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                                  23 Feb 2025, 07:31 PM