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My Writings
check of my Swordsman's Challenge one then its was writen for a Canterbury Tales project in school. I turned it into a four part rhyming short story series
It's over today dang it!
(Well I think a ... 4 month break is long enough time off to leave this hanging don't you?
I'm putting this to rest so it doesn't bother me anymore!!!
On lighter news I am publishing an Epic Poem I wrote since Ive wowed so many writers, teachers, friends and family...)
Thurstan stood up and groaned, stretching his gnarled arms, which seemed shorter and stockier, if that was even possible, than the second figure's. He sttod, slightly hunched over , as if he was losing his balance or trying to stand on the the balls of his feet. "Damn, what a night. Is it still dark out here or is it just me?"
The second figure glanced around, shading his eyes at points to make sure the harch rays of the light wouldn't temporarily blind him as it glanced off the toxic clouds in the distance. The second figure leaned forwards slightly and looked at Thurstan's face, He realised then, by the murky and dark glaze over his friend's eyes was hindering his sight, possibly making him blind. It was then he wondered, 'Would the same happen to him and the first figure?'
But now that Thurstan jabbed at his occuring issue, the second figure realised that the world around them was tinted a dull gray, thought probly not as black or dark as to Thurstan... What the hell was happening to them?
They wasted no extra time to load their gear and excess ammo and began to drive off this cliff and back in the direction "Civilization" was, or atleast what Thurstan believed... The second figure then began to realise as they were on their way, that his reflexes seemed sharper... or the world around them was slower...
There was a slight pressure to his face and it nagged at him the longer he tried to ignore it and drive onwards. Finally he couldn't take his biting and stinging curiosity, his fingers touched upon the heavy faceplate he had to wear to protect his face, what good it has done him so far? His fingers traced the strangly smooth metal to its edges and felt the metal against his skin...
A sickening feeling crossed him and he felt dizzy, 'The face plate was fused to his face!?' He pulled over only slightly to regain his thoughts before setting off again, driving as fast and as far as he could for the rest of the day, trying to get as far away from those... things... before the sun set and they arose to stalk them. On the edge of the horizon a small town was coming into view.
That night, the second figure went into another painful alteration. IT was more of a dull ache rather than the itching burning that used to engulf his entire body and give him little reprieve... but he still couldn't stand it... He barely had to turn his head to see Thurstan's figure leap onto his feet, and half-crawled, half-limped into the night, howling in excruciating pain.
The second figure awoke, taking note his eye sight hadn't left him, that was a good start. He climbed to his feet and looked around. The first figure was still asleep, or unconcious, it was hard to tell which... but Thurstan was missing.
That morning they searched the town, looking for traces of Thurstan... The corridor that lead to where they rested that night was pocketed with massive chunks of the walls were ripped out and deep scratches and claw marks raked most of the exit. The doorway itself was ripped apart and the door itself was in a twisted heap a few feet away from the exit, lying on the dust covered earth. There was also evidence of a long, heavy object being dragged behind, what ever that could be...
The two figures decided to stay one more night and moved to a different building, hiding the vehicle again and keeping watch, in case Thurstan would show up again... Though they didn't know would be lurking out there this night and retrieved their weapons from the buggy, the second figure drew out both sniper rifles and took Thurstan's heavy pistols that he had chosen back at the bunker. The pistols almost seemed perfectly sized for him now, rather than overdone short barreled shot guns with a grenade launcher attached instead as the barrel... The first figure grabbed his assault rifle along with a few rounds for his grenade launcher. The integrity of the building had them both worried but at this point there was nothing they could do about that so they limited themselves to only a few RPGs each.
They set of shifts to watch for anything out of the "ordinary", even though the reality of that ancient statment was stretched beyond all recognition of "normal". The second figure took the first watch, keeping his pistols close while he held the RPG up, tip facing towards the long hallway that made its way into this building's room. Just incase someone... or some thing... decided to make an unwanted entrance... His eyes were growing heavy but he tried to stay alert, when the faint scrappings of some metalic object struck against the dirt and rocked covered ground. He lowered his RPG for a few seconds...
A massive creature burst through the wall to his right and the second figure turned, pulling the trigger in a mixture of shock and trained adjustment to this twisted present... The creature slamed into his right shoulder and it's weight and force twisted him around faster than he anticipated, causing the spent RPG to fire off on a random trajectory and detonated against the ceiling, blowing open a huge hole and raining concrete and dust into the rom. The second figure swore and tossed away the spent RPG and moved to grapple with the creature, the used weapon cracking into the wall as the first figure reacted with a start and began to tug at his assault rifle, his third and fourth hands pushing up so he could stand on some even footing. He took aim, the second figure fighting to keep the vicious claws and teeth away from him, and pulled the trigger, and the rattle of the gun was accompanied by the screech and ring of richocheting bullets off its twisted metal armor that covered its body and head.
Thurstan howled in rage and turned to glare to stare down the first figure. The second figure grabbed his pistols without hesitation and fired, almost point blank into his shoulder and exposed neck.
The huge rounds from the pistols ripped through Thurstan's skin and threw him back a few feet. He scrabled his six legs about until he able to right himself, just as a grenade slamed into his armored belly and sent him spinning into the closest wall, the weakened thing unable to hold his weight as he broke through. Injured from this unbalanced fight and writhing mentally from the mental pain that had consumed him, Thurstan turned away from the two figures and ran into the darkness.Last edited by Hunter_Killer; 13 Apr 2009, 12:40 AM.
He ran for as long as the night held, skin buring from the etreme heat of the night. Blind, and mute, all links to his past and previous life gone, he ran.
The pain that wracked his body was massive, his head felt as if it was splt open in three directions and crushed beneath the weight of that buggy he used to ride in. It felt as if someone had grabbed his second pair of arms and forcefully ripped at them and dislocated them, moving them lower down his stomach. The makings of a tail dragged behind him, yet he didn't know what it was, he no longer cared either. All he knew was pain... Far away he could hear the breathing and heart beats of others like him, his only kind now... Those who would know and understand his pain. As he drew closer they called to him, "Great Stalker, what has happened?"
"I sought those of my pack but they weren't as I... They were monsterous creatures." The Forgotten talked talked amid themselves. "That you survived such a dangerous confruntation is proof enough that you are one of our greatest and strongest... Tomorrow we will follow you and hunt these creatures down... For only Humanity's final evolution should thrive on this world, and no other..."
Thurstan talked with them as the night began to fade, and as the sun arose, they began to dig themselves deep under the surface of the earth, to escape the light and insufferable heat of the day. As they slept in pain... As their bodies continued to change more...
Thurstan awoke with the others at the start of the night, exploring, like the others, the changes over his body that day... He seemed more like the others, stalky limbs pread almost in complete balance down his body, his sences of smell and hearing even sharper than imagined the night before. He finally felt and noticed the long and heavy tail behind him now, as the beginnings of large spikes, how he knew was a mystery to him, sprouted from his spine and shoulders, his vision was once again limited to a small circle, but he could see!!! He could see the heat of the land as it rose around him. "You've changed even more..." The others of the Forgotten noted, while still blind, at Thurstan's drawn breaths and shifting heart beat as it sped and slowed with excitment. "So it would seem..." "You grow stronger and larger than us, you really must be a strong and great one, Great Stalker..." Another Forgotten with similar features, yet smaller that Thurstan, and gifted with the narrowed sight, observed him. "Do none of you have similar traits as me?" "Some, but most have not advanced as quickly as you, and even those who are as built and shapped as you cannot yet see..." "Let us be off after those creatures once of your pack?"
"How do you..." Thurstan trailed off as he suddenly smelled metal and head the roar of some strange machine, "You can now sense them as well... come the night is young and we must catch them before the cursed sun forces us to hide once more..." Thurstan howled and roared with triumph, "Come my brothers! We must go hunting!"
The second figure had an easier time remaining awakem but exhaustion sill picked away at his senses. He knew Thurstan was that thing... He just knew it. He couldn't explain it exactlly, but it was some inner dread and instinct that screamed at him, but he knew. He felt Thurstan's presense approaching, even that was hard for him to explain, but he knew he was coming... and he had friends this time... "Who ever kills the most wins..."
The first figure didn't ask why but he suddenly became more alert and switched off several safties from his turret as the second figure drove into the narrow ridge of the mountains they had long since been trying to reach...
The Forgotten reached the bottleneck. The first figure fired the turret into the crawling mass of bodies as they tried to push their way towards the two figures. The second figure had moved from the buggy and taken position behind a large boulder as he aimed both sniper rifles at the same time and took aim. His deadly rounds tearing clean through their limbs and heads and taking down some in pairs or groups with a few lucky shots. The shrill cries seemed to burn into his mind, he knew this night would never be forgotten...
A roar echoed through the narrow pass. All the Forgotten began to back away as another creature stalked forwards. It was larger than the others and spikes appeared to be growing down its shoulders and spine. Behind it was a massive tail, dragging through the ground and leaving a heave trail of gouged earth behind it.
Thurstan approached the two entrenched figures, his outcast friends and blood thirsty creatures that threatened his and the rest of humanity's chance of survival. The had not changed like he had... Yet his instincts screamed at him over his mental pain, telling him they were the enemy and he had to kill them now or die in the process... Thurstan haunched down low and leaned forwards and gave another mighty roar and howl... even those Forgotten behind him shivered with fear at his ferocity and leapt forwards at his prey.
The second figure took aim with both sniper rifles at the smae time and fired one after the other. The first round deflected off the charging beast's head and forced it to look downwards for a few moments. The second round passed over its head and slammed somewhere around its spine and chipped away one of the parts of the exposed bone.
The second figure methodically reloaded both rifles as the thing drew closer. The first figure began to warm up the barrels of the turret, "Wait! This one is mine!" The first figure glanced at the second and shrugged and let the turret wind down as the creature drew closer. The second figure took aim and fired another two shots, one broke off the tip of a forming spine as the other tore through its shoulder on the right side. He tossed the rifles aside, realising his chance to reload both before the creature reached him was too short. He fired two shots in rappid sucession before the recoil threw off his aim. The rounds themselves richocheted ofd the sxposed armor on its body. He grabbed an RPG he had placed near by, before the fight, and fired it in a rush. It spiraled down the rocky pass, just barely clearing the top of its head as it slammed into the cliff wall, throwing rocks and debris into the air before they cascaded down the pass, crushing those forgotten that stood waiting too close by...
The second figure fired slug after slug into Thurstan but he never fell. Thurstan gained a footing and rocketed himself into the air, He flew over the buggy and the first figure and headed strait for the second figure, for Shadow. He took his leading claw and slashed for his head. The claws ripped through the faceplate on his left side, the harsh, shrill screeching freezing him up in defening pain.
Thurstan landed behind him, also slightly dazed from the sound. As Shadow turned, pistols in hand, Thurstan whipped out his tail and caught his opponent's feet out from under him, sliding him into some rocks and ragged outcroppings.
The second figure twisted to get a better angle and fired the pistol into the exposed back of the creature. Thurstan howled in pain and whipped his tail and dragged Shadow. He turned to face him but he halted, the second figure grabbed his RPG and reloaded it while he was being dragged. As he took aim, Thurstan could almost sense the smile on the other's face, despite it being hidden behind that metal face plate. He bouded to his feet and ran, in defeat, ashamed of himself and his realisation that he would have died... He ran, never looking back and his instincts took over.
The remaining Forgotten scattered. The two figures remained in the valley until the sun rose.
While the sun climbed higher into the sky, their buggy ripped across the ground. Looking for those that spoke of shelter and a new beginning...
(There it is... the end of the "final part")
I would love to but that is finally the end of that short story set... I decided it would be a Trilogy again...
I have other works, I'll probly post them here again... Though (thankfully) They are already written online...
Warrior's Heart
Selene was in complete balance. Her long, steady breathing keeping her inner thoughtscalm and ready. Her long, narrow fingers wrapped gracefully around the hilts of her two swords. They were lethal extensions of her being, as she slowly stepped into her old rhythm. Her feet shifted in their familiar dance as metal slashed and weaved through the air.
Hey eyes were closed, yet the ring of metal against metal and sword against sheild sang out with its own perfect melody. Her attackers were only three, petty bandits guarding a feeble road on a desolate high way. Selene stepped forwards, sword slashing over sword, one crashing against the sheild as the other knocked away the over balanced schimitar as the first blade slid away and found an unprotected section of flesh.
The loud curse was all she needed, a smile crossed her lips as she, eyes still closed, pushed harder and killed the wounded bandit. spinning just as quickly and smoothly to block another blow from the second bandit before it could even get within a threatening distance. The man's second hand reached forewards and touched her shoulder.
Her eyes snapped open and the clumsy fool staggered back screaming at the bloody stump, now missing a hand. Selene's dance turned to bear down on the man as the final theif's face went pallid and he turned to flee. Before he could make it into the tree line of the forest, a sword flew, strait as an arrow, through the back of his skull and pinning him to a tree. Dead.
Selene sighed and walked over to collect her sword, wipping her swords off on the clothe of the dead bandit at her feet. After she inspected the blades to make sure no blood still stained their perfect edge and steel.
With a flick of her right hand, the blade spun into the air as her left hand crossed the front of her body and placed the sword in its sheath behind the right shoulder. Without loosing a moment he snatched her descending blade with her right hand as it fell behind her back and fluidly put it in its sheath beside her left hip.
Her hands reached up slowly and untied her silver hair as she moved back down the road to her coal-colored colt and climbed onto it bare back. As swiftly as the falling sun on a winter day, she was gone. Leaving the grusome and mutilated remains of the bodies behind her, on the road that few even travel.
She rode into the sunset, traveling back to her guardens before her father noticed her absence... For a princess wasn't allowed out, or allowed to travel alone... or even practice with the blade...
Yet she was a warrior at heart, but was fighting bandits really all her skill would be wasted on?
That was before the human swordsman wandered into the realm of the Moon Elves...
The Lifters (Working Title)
?ATTENTION CITIZENS! THIS IS NOT A DRILL? ALL FAMILIES ARE TO ASSEMBLE DOWN BY THE LIFTER DOCKS? ALL FAMILIES ARE TO ASSEMBLE DOWN BY THE LIFTER DOCKS? THIS IS NOT A DRILL!? Sirens wailed as the monotone and computer voice of the warning system drilled off its pre-programmed message. Husbands and wives gathered their children and left their rooms, hurrying down the stairs of the large complex and flooded the streets. The wailing sirens were louder outside and scanning spotlights swept across the crowded streets as dazed people struggled to collect their thoughts and move together. Parents and children called out to each other, shouting names as the flood of bodies bumped and brushed past each other, following the solitary flow of movement that left them half stumbling down the street.
The sky was dark and cloudy, illuminated by large heavy beams that passed across it before moving to look at the complexes and the people choked streets. Ahead of them was a tall fence, rusted away signs giving a blurred warning that the fence was electric. Barbed wire coiled around the top added to the threatening image. Children, those still half-asleep and confused, muttered about their fears of the dark and the Bullfrogs? the monsters. The crowd reached the only safe passage through the fence, a concrete toll booth, both gates open as the soldiers stood outside. The black armor was faintly illuminated by the glow of their visors and small, external flash lights. They held their weapons ready, in case any disturbance broke the ?Organized Mob? into a riot? Fearful families passed under the unnatural structure and entered the Lifter Docks beyond. Children clung closer to their parents, hugging legs and burying their faces away from those horrid machines? The Lifters, the Bullfrogs? the monsters.
Giant mechanical orbs, more monstrosity than machine, designed to safely transport whole cities within their massive hulls. Oversized helicopters that were bloated and mutilated beyond their predecessor. The sirens were softer now, only from adjustment to their harsh sound while even the Lifters? massive forms dampened and blocked out some of the sound. The massive doors to the cavernous inside were open and the soldiers began to split the families. Children to this side, Adults to the other? There were no young adults to be found, as is everyone was set at ages 20+ or 13 and below. Children cried for their parents as parents pleaded for their children. The soldiers didn?t respond, keeping the groups away from each other as the separation continued.
The soldiers around the kids moved them towards the Lifters, ignoring their cries and fear filled faces as they moved them into the giant metallic belly of the first Lifter, each child getting a seat in the circular formation that, like a lecture hall, descended down to face the circular center. Every seat was filled as the sniveling and crying was continued? there were no windows or other doors? And when the main entrance sealed shut, they were consumed by darkness? Until a blood red light flickered to life as the children hugged one another. The soldiers were silent, unmoving sentries above the children in their seats, watching for any leaving their seats and waiting for the Lifter to begin its flight. It wasn?t long, as the whine of the heavy gears and motors turned to life and the behemoth of metal and children slowly rose into the air. As it did, several of the thick spotlights focused onto its outer hull as it ascended up into the skies and through the clouds.
By now the second Lifter was finished loading and beginning its rise from the surface, as the third, and final, Lifter was being filled with its small and fearful cargo. The parents only watched, voices raw from calling as eyes itched with salty tears, pleading bodies pressed against the unmoved figures of the soldiers? Soon the parents fell silent as the final Lifter slowly surged its motors to lazily lift out of its dock and rise through the clouds and to wherever they went? Almost at once the sirens shut off, the spotlights fading away as the artificial lights illuminated the city once more. The soldiers put their weapons away and moved to their various barracks as the dazed and startled parents rubbed their eyes and questioned what had happened and where they were? Slowly the crowd split up, neighbors and friends greeting each other casually as they moved back to their complex.
The memory and thoughts of recent events just seemed to fall away as if it had been a horrible dream? In fact, the past 12-13 years were just a blurred side thought as all recollection and memory of their families and children seemed to fade away. The soldiers closed the gates after the last of the once-parents left docks, and moved purposefully back to their complex, and sat back in their guard seats, switching the safety back onto their weapons. In a few minutes, one of the morning patrols would leave the Lifter Docks to keep the city in working order as they waited for the Lifters to return, which would be exactly 13 hours from no, no sooner no later? The clouds also seemed to shift from their dark black to a lighter and monotonous gray.
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Reply to hey yall!by Pidgeot_GirlGlad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
Reply to hey yall!Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
I am not playing anything right...2 Mar 2025, 10:04 AM -
Reply to Hi guys!by Pidgeot_GirlMostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...1 Mar 2025, 08:24 PM
Reply to hey yall!by Pidgeot_GirlSirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...1 Mar 2025, 06:19 PM