so i have this website. Internet Archive: Wayback Machine and it basically archives every website ever which is awesome. so i did cains lair. came up with the webpages and everything! so cool! and then i was reading this.... make sure you go all the way and read the bottom. Man if that woulda happened i would of missed out on so much! thanks for not pulling the servers in 2001 Cain! 

February 3, 2001
Well the Tribes comeback story continues.
We were up to Number 2 in the World today on the CLQ Rankings page.
Feb 3, 2001 Tribes CLQ Ranking
I'm thinking of upping the Tribes player limit to 30, since it stays full at 28. You all may remember I used to run 36 players, which was fun, but 36 may be a mess with TD on. 30 may be fine, we'll see.
I put up the new balanced FACE-LE map today on the UT Server, let's see how it plays. Also after much thought I cut the UT Server back to 28 players. For some maps, particularly November, 30 players gets a tad bit jerky, even though the server is at about 30% CPU usage. Since 32 players is the absolute max for UT, perhaps 30 gets a bit too close, so let's see how 28 plays, I think it will be sweet. I think everyone's ping, when it is full, will be about 25% lower.
One more thing. I am seriously considering pulling all of the servers down within the next few months. The time, energy, and to a lesser extent, the money, to run the servers is wearing on me. I have run public servers for well over two years now, and have met some terrific folks. I'm still thinking it over. I'll keep everyone posted. I will not just pull them down without some warning.

February 3, 2001
Well the Tribes comeback story continues.
We were up to Number 2 in the World today on the CLQ Rankings page.
Feb 3, 2001 Tribes CLQ Ranking
I'm thinking of upping the Tribes player limit to 30, since it stays full at 28. You all may remember I used to run 36 players, which was fun, but 36 may be a mess with TD on. 30 may be fine, we'll see.
I put up the new balanced FACE-LE map today on the UT Server, let's see how it plays. Also after much thought I cut the UT Server back to 28 players. For some maps, particularly November, 30 players gets a tad bit jerky, even though the server is at about 30% CPU usage. Since 32 players is the absolute max for UT, perhaps 30 gets a bit too close, so let's see how 28 plays, I think it will be sweet. I think everyone's ping, when it is full, will be about 25% lower.
One more thing. I am seriously considering pulling all of the servers down within the next few months. The time, energy, and to a lesser extent, the money, to run the servers is wearing on me. I have run public servers for well over two years now, and have met some terrific folks. I'm still thinking it over. I'll keep everyone posted. I will not just pull them down without some warning.