here I am, sitting in a pretty nice USO in Philidelphia's airport, on my way back to Kansas, now that my leave is nearing an end. Even though this is the third time I've done it, I still can't find the right way to say goodbye to my beloved before going through airport security
. I'm hardly a melodramatic person, but no matter how I part ways with my girlfriend, I always get that 'blah' feeling in my stomach when I lose sight of her. It's to be expected, I suppose, the byproduct of a relationship between an active duty soldier and a full time medical student.
Regardless, in happier news, I will be home around midnight tonight, and should be able to log a few COD hours before I crash. I hope to see everybody in a few hours
Take care!

Regardless, in happier news, I will be home around midnight tonight, and should be able to log a few COD hours before I crash. I hope to see everybody in a few hours
