If you were to see one film, and only one film, for the rest of the year, what would you want in it?
I'm trying to become a man in Hollywood (well I don't want to be in Hollywood, but I'd love to be in the film industry). Anyways, my main focus is movie making. I have made movies, their on a site which is down until my roommate stops playing gears of war with the sound on full blast while I'm trying to sleep. Anyways, I just want to get the lairs opinion on what they would want in their final film. I know a lot of it has to do with emotion or mood of the viewer at the time, but as we know a lot of people were excited for Iron Man, the Dark Night, and of course Lord of the Rings.
So, why did people get all hyped up about that?
Was it because...
It was action based? Comedy? Love? Horror?
Characters we already know
Actors we love
Sequels, or based on a book?
Massive explosions?
Hilarious lines?
Hilarious scenes?
Death-defying scenes?
Basically what made you want to see that movie?
Anyways, for our next film (now that I'm taking film classes, I need to make films), we are aiming at a somewhat parody of shoot 'em up. With comedy in the bad guy, awesome lines, hilarious scenes, and explosions, gun animations, and all the good stuff.
Basically shoot em up in a nutshell with a different storyline.
I'm trying to become a man in Hollywood (well I don't want to be in Hollywood, but I'd love to be in the film industry). Anyways, my main focus is movie making. I have made movies, their on a site which is down until my roommate stops playing gears of war with the sound on full blast while I'm trying to sleep. Anyways, I just want to get the lairs opinion on what they would want in their final film. I know a lot of it has to do with emotion or mood of the viewer at the time, but as we know a lot of people were excited for Iron Man, the Dark Night, and of course Lord of the Rings.
So, why did people get all hyped up about that?
Was it because...
It was action based? Comedy? Love? Horror?
Characters we already know
Actors we love
Sequels, or based on a book?
Massive explosions?
Hilarious lines?
Hilarious scenes?
Death-defying scenes?
Basically what made you want to see that movie?
Anyways, for our next film (now that I'm taking film classes, I need to make films), we are aiming at a somewhat parody of shoot 'em up. With comedy in the bad guy, awesome lines, hilarious scenes, and explosions, gun animations, and all the good stuff.
Basically shoot em up in a nutshell with a different storyline.