For those of u,who are into shooting,AR15,ak47,or sks,I have found a place here in Burlington N.C.,they have a web site,its,I know the owner,he really is good person,and a vast gun parts,he also sell ammo 7.62x39 FMJ 1,000 rds. case is only $189.00 a case 4 wolf 124 grain,also has wolf 4 $288.00 a 1,000 rd. case,I have shot both and got good groups at 300yards.I had him build me,a ak47 also sks,he use TAPCO parts,T6 butt stock,Phamtom flash hider,TAPCO hooked trigger it really preforms great,Im really happy with it.He also sell AR15 parts like lowers and uppers 4 ARs,his prices are lower than any place i found.
